Sometimes small troubles happen that can bring a lot of trouble. For example, a child has stained a white T-shirt with juice or ketchup, or maybe you accidentally spilled fresh coffee on your favorite blouse. But the worst thing is iodine and brilliant green. Most dry cleaners refuse to take clothes with such contamination. Dont be upset! There is an exit. Now you will learn how to remove iodine at home using improvised means.

How to remove iodine from clothes
If the fabric does not require special care, you can wash it with vinegar and soda. These components will help get rid of even old stains, if you did not notice them right away. To remove dirt, rub it with soda powder slightly diluted with water. Then moisten the stain with table vinegar and leave it to soak for 3-4 hours. When the iodine is completely removed, all that remains is to wash the clothes from traces of the reaction and dry them in the sun.
Another effective method is acetone. True, it is not suitable for silk and cashmere products, these fabrics can spread and shed. Should not be used in place of acetonenail polish remover, if tinted. Otherwise, you risk putting a colored spot on the thing. Treat the contaminated area with acetone and gently rub with a cotton swab. When the stain is removed, rinse the clothing well with cold water and laundry soap. It will help to get rid of the bad smell.

How to remove iodine stain from delicate fabrics
While ordinary fabrics are simple, silk, cashmere, chiffon and other delicate materials require special attention. How can I remove iodine from wool and other delicate fabrics? Folk remedies!
Potato starch is a great help in removing dirt. Wet the stain with warm water and sprinkle liberally with starch powder. The place of contamination should turn blue, as the substances will react. After changing the color, wash the stain in cold water and treat with a gentle stain remover. If the contamination is old, leave the mixture overnight. Didn't find starch at home? Regular potatoes will work too. Cut it in half and rub the spot with the stain from the face and inside out with the vegetable. Then wash in cold water.
Milk is another popular way to get rid of iodine stains on delicate fabrics, but it only helps with fresh stains. Soak the soiled area of the item in milk for 20-30 minutes, and then wash well with laundry soap. If traces of iodine still remain, try using a stain remover.

How to remove iodine from upholstery fabric
Sometimes carelessopening a vial of antiseptic leads to the formation of stains on the upholstery. How to remove iodine from your favorite sofa without ruining it, because the constriction costs a lot of money? Furniture fabric, as a rule, is quite dense and wear-resistant. You can try to remove the stain using the methods above. But if that doesn't help, it's time to use the heavy artillery.
Ammonia helps fight any stains, including iodine and brilliant green. It is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. alcohol in 200 ml of boiled water and rub the contamination with a cloth soaked in this composition. Do not forget to change the napkin to a clean one from time to time so as not to rub the iodine on the upholstery.
You can buy sodium hyposulfite and pour it on the stain. After a while, the stain will go away by itself. It remains only to thoroughly rinse the fabric and dry it. And if the stain still remains, treat it with a thick solution of laundry soap.
How to clean carpet and linoleum
Iodine spilled on carpet or linoleum is not a tragedy. Modern carpet care products will help you quickly remove the stain. For example, the Vanish range for furniture and carpet care does an excellent job of this task. But before you treat the stain with a stain remover, wipe it with hydrogen peroxide. It will help remove the main layer of the stain and make the task easier.

Another non-standard way out is a means to eliminate blockages, for example, a mole. They include rather aggressive substances in their composition, thereforeonly suitable for hard surfaces. Apply a small amount of pipe cleaning powder or gel to the linoleum at the site of contamination and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with plenty of clean water.
Leather furniture and iodine
The hardest thing, perhaps, is the situation with leather furniture. How to remove iodine from your favorite chair if it is instantly absorbed into the material? First of all, you need to immediately blot the stain with a napkin dipped in hydrogen peroxide. This will help stop the penetration of iodine into the fabric and remove most of the contamination. After that, you can apply any of the methods suitable for delicate fabrics. If the stain has already been absorbed, then the only hope remains for special means.

Note to housewives
- It's best to handle any stains on the inside of the item so as not to spoil it further.
- A small piece of fabric is attached to any clothing. It is designed to check how the thing will behave in the washing machine. But you can check on this piece how the fabric will react to the cleaner.
- Don't overdo it with stain removers. They thin the fibers of the fabric, which can lead to holes.
- Yodine is afraid of sunlight. If there is a stain on a white T-shirt after cleaning, take it out to the balcony and leave it in direct sunlight.
- For ease of handling, you can put clothes on a large plate or salad bowl, pull it well and rub the stain.
- For synthetic and woolen fabrics, as well as jeans, do not use aggressivestain removers.
Now you know how to remove an iodine stain and save your favorite jacket from the wastebasket. And in order to avoid such misunderstandings in the future and save time, it is better to buy a medical antiseptic in the form of a pencil.