It's no secret that chocolate is a delicious treat loved by children and adults alike. A piece of this dessert improves mood, increases working capacity and drives away depression. But sweetness has a significant drawback - it is quickly absorbed into the fibers, and it is difficult to wash it off the fabric with ordinary washing powder. In this material, you will learn how to remove chocolate stains from clothes with folk and chemical means.

Helpful tips
Contaminants from treats quickly eat into fabric fibers. And for the best cleaning experience, follow these tips for removing chocolate stains:
- before washing or cleaning, be sure to brush over clothes: then dirty stains will not appear on the fabric;
- before applying detergents or folk remedies, test them on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe clothing;
- tostains do not spread during washing, never rub dirt;
- if chocolate has stuck to the surface of the material, then scrape off the remnants of the goodies with a knife or brush before cleaning;
- apply all cleaning solutions strictly on the inside of the product;
- soak and wash items that have been treated with treats at temperatures between +30…+40 °C;
- Rinse thoroughly after washing;
- if the first cleaning did not work, immediately repeat the procedure: the dried stain is more difficult to remove.
And finally: the sooner you start the fight against pollution, the easier it is to remove.

Getting rid of fresh traces
Don't rush for expensive bleach to the store, because ordinary soap will help to remove a fresh trace of chocolate. That is, you need to clean the pollution until it has eaten. To do this, soak a cloth in room temperature water and gently rub the stain with a bar of soap. Let the product lie down for 10 minutes so that the active substances eat away the dirt, and then wash the item in the usual way.
How to remove a chocolate stain on light-colored clothes? Surprisingly, a fairly effective and affordable remedy is warm milk. Soak the product in it and leave to sour for a quarter of an hour. After lightly rub the problematic part and wash the item with any powder or special gel.
For the next effective solution, mix 3 tbsp. l. vodka with 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Turn the soiled item inside out and place it on a piece of white cloth. Suitable unpaintedtowel. Spread the solution on top and leave it for about 10 minutes. After this time, most of the chocolate will be imprinted on the towel. All you have to do is lather the rest of the dessert with laundry soap, and then load the product into the machine and wash it with the addition of gel or powder.

Dealing with extensive pollution
Remove spread stains without a trace is quite difficult. But you should not throw away such a thing, because a solution prepared from the following ingredients will help to cope with extensive pollution:
- glass of water;
- bar of laundry soap;
- a spoonful of ammonia;
- spoon of dishwashing liquid.
Grate the soap and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the solution to a soft sponge and wipe the problem area with it. Wait 10 minutes and then wash off the solution. If the result is unsatisfactory, then repeat the procedure. When the sweetness stain is gone, don't forget to wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.

How to remove old footprints
If you can't get the chocolate stain out right away, or if you notice the stain after a while, don't panic. Of course, removing dried traces of sweetness is more difficult. But still, there are several effective ways to remove a stubborn stain from chocolate.
- Dilute a teaspoon of boric acid in 100 ml of warm water. Gently apply the liquid to the stain, but do not rub the fabric. Leave the material to soak for15-20 minutes, then rinse and launder normally.
- Mix 50 ml of liquid dish soap with a glass of water and 50 ml of ammonia. Add 3 tbsp to the solution. l. baking soda and mix all the ingredients well. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting liquid and rub it on the stain. If the contamination is large, then distribute the product evenly with a spray bottle.
- Mix 2 tbsp. l. glycerin with 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and the same amount of water. Moisten the problem area in the resulting solution and leave to sour for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse the item under running water. Do not forget to wash the product by hand or in the machine after this.
Remember that all solutions can damage colored fabrics. Therefore, before removing a chocolate stain using any of the methods described, test it on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe clothing, such as under the collar or behind the cuff.

Radical methods for complex pollution
Some stains can't be handled by conventional methods. If you are faced with such a situation, do not rush to throw away your favorite thing, because there are a few more effective methods to remove a chocolate stain.
- To prepare a cleaning solution, dilute a teaspoon of gasoline and the same amount of ammonia in a glass of alcohol. Saturate the stain with the resulting liquid and leave to sour for an hour. Then wash with laundry detergent, liquid gel or laundry soap.
- Quickly removes traces of chocolate turpentine mixed with ammonia inratio 1:1. Apply this solution to the dirt and rinse with running water after a quarter of an hour. Then machine wash.
- Refined gasoline will help remove sweet traces. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for 10 minutes. Gasoline will take out the stain, but after it there are stains. To remove them, treat the material with alcohol or vodka.
Boric acid will help remove traces of chocolate from denim. Dilute this substance with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then apply the resulting liquid to the fabric, but do not rub the surface of the material. Otherwise, the pollution will spread. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the jeans, and then wash them with your hands with the addition of powder.
How to get chocolate stains out of white clothes
It is difficult to remove dirt after dessert from such materials. After all, white materials often leave stains that are immediately evident. But for cleaning undyed fabrics, you can use quite caustic products. So how do you get chocolate stains out of whites?
- Hydrogen peroxide copes well with such pollution. Pour this liquid over the stain and let it soak for 20-25 minutes. After the set time, rinse the product, and then wash it in the usual way. Be sure to add rinse aid. Otherwise, the T-shirt or blouse will emit an unpleasant smell.
- Hyposulphite will help remove the stain. This medical powder is sold without a prescription in any pharmacy. Dissolve one tablespoon of the substance in a glass of water. Then soak the problem area in the resulting liquid for 20minutes. After this time, the stain will disappear without a trace. Now wash the item as usual.
Another effective substance that removes chocolate stains is oxalic acid. Dilute a spoonful of the drug until completely dissolved in a glass of warm water. Soak the material in the resulting liquid. And then load the product into the machine. Wash on the appropriate cycle for the fabric. It is advisable to add a little bleach to the powder.
How to get chocolate stains off delicate clothes
Removing dirt from these types of fabric is quite difficult, because aggressive agents irrevocably spoil the material. Therefore, be very careful when cleaning delicate items. Try regular glycerin first. Slightly heat this liquid and spread it evenly on the dirt. Wash off after half an hour and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
If the result is unsatisfactory, then add 2-3 drops of ammonia to glycerin and treat the product with this solution. Leave the liquid on for half an hour and then rinse under plenty of running water.

Effectively removes fresh stains from delicate fabrics mustard powder. Dilute it with water to a consistency resembling thick sour cream. Spread the mass evenly over the surface of the material, leave for an hour. Then shake off the remnants of the substance and wash the product with your hands. Be sure to add liquid gel or powder.

There are many chemicals that helpdeal with contamination from dessert. According to user reviews, the best way to remove chocolate stains is Tri-Zyme from Amway, Ace Oxi Magic and Vanish. These products remove even extensive dirt without a trace. However, they are not suitable for delicate fabrics such as silk or wool.
From folk methods, fresh milk, a solution of boric acid and a mixture of gasoline with ammonia are better at removing traces of dessert. After the use of such products, pollution disappears without a trace.