Wood stains. Stain for wood - colors. Water stain for wood

Wood stains. Stain for wood - colors. Water stain for wood
Wood stains. Stain for wood - colors. Water stain for wood

Stained wood is an effective finishing method that allows you to emphasize its beauty and give the material the desired shade. Wood stains (stains), unlike paints, do not form an opaque layer on the surface of the wood, but penetrate into it (as if melted). In this way, nondescript furniture made of cheap wood can be given a noble look.

wood stain, price
wood stain, price

What should I look for when choosing a bait?

The selected wood stain (colors - oak, ash, walnut, etc.) may not look the same for different companies. Therefore, you should trust the visual impression, and not the inscription on the package. It should be borne in mind that manufacturers usually provide color samples on boards of inexpensive wood (for example, pine), and in a finished product made of another material, the treated surface will look completely different. This is due to the fact that different types of wood have different density and structure. They also differ in the chemical composition of the elements. When applying the same stain, mahogany will look morered, maple will hardly change its color (this is a very dense material), and poplar and oak will darken. At the same time, porous poplar will change color very quickly (it absorbs a lot of stain), and a distinct pattern of wood will appear on oak, because it has a pronounced structure.

stain for wood color
stain for wood color

Besides the type of wood, the result will depend on the quality of the item. Therefore, be sure to test the stain on invisible areas of all materials used before processing. Stained solid pieces of wood will look darker than plywood from the same type of wood. This must be taken into account in the production of combined furniture. Often, this problem can be de alt with by applying additional layers of dye in certain places.

What are the types of Beyets?

Wood stains, like paints, are divided into two types depending on the purpose: for indoor and outdoor use. The latter include a pigment that does not fade under the influence of UV radiation.

Pasty (gels), powder stains and stains in the form of ready-made solutions are on sale., acrylic, alcohol, oil, chemical, wax.

Water stain for wood: advantages and disadvantages

In rooms, it is most often necessary to use a dye without a strong odor. In such cases, water-based stains are used. In addition, it is advisable to use these compositions when painting products with which contact is possible.

Advantages of water stains:

- no smell;

- harmlessness to human he alth when working with them;

- savings (no need to purchase solvent). Flaws:

- relatively low staining intensity;

- long drying time (about 12-14 hours);- rise of pile on wood after application of stain. After the dye has dried, the surface must be sanded.

Acrylic stains: price differences

water stain for wood
water stain for wood

Acrylic stains are a modern variety of water stains. They are emulsions based on acrylic resin. These compounds have a wider color palette (compared to conventional water stains) and are more resistant to fading. The only drawback that acrylic wood stain has is the price. If a water-based stain in a 500 ml plastic bottle can be bought at a price of 12 rubles (about 50 rubles on average), then the minimum cost of an acrylic analogue is 310 rubles. A water stain in a barrel of 200 liters costs 4,800 rubles, and a non-aqueous stain ("Euro-bucket" with a volume of 20 liters) costs 1,710 rubles.

The nuances of applying stain

1. Softwood material, such as spruce or pine, must be deresined beforehand, because the resinous layers absorb the dye poorly and hardly change their color.

2. Before applying the water stain, it is recommended to moisten the surface, as wet wood absorbs the dye better.

3. Wood stains on-penetrate deep into the material along and across the fibers in different ways. Longitudinal application of the dye is more commonly used.4. For tinting wood, spray guns, brushes, rollers, swabs made of fabric or foam rubber are used.

wood stains
wood stains

5. The dye tends to settle quickly. Therefore, when painting large areas, it is necessary to have as much solution in a separate container as is enough for the entire surface, while stirring the composition often during operation.6. If a powdered stain is used, it must be dissolved in soft water, preferably distilled (according to the instructions on the package). Hard water can be softened by boiling or adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1-2 liters of liquid.

7. To obtain a darker color, use a solution with a higher concentration.

8. If the coloring composition turned out to be cloudy, it should be filtered with filter paper, cotton wool or thick cloth.9. Before staining, the surface to be painted should be carefully sanded and cleaned: remove oil stains with gasoline or other solvent, traces of wood glue with hot water, dust with a brush or rag.

10. Leaks should be avoided because they are not easy to get rid of afterwards. The dried layer of stain on wood is very stable, and it can be completely removed from the wood only by sanding the surface.11. When processing vertical planes, the coloring composition should be applied from the bottom up.

12. If the stain is heated before use, it will penetrate deeper into the wood.

13. To achieve the desired result, stain can not only be applied directly to the surface, but also added to varnishes, primers and the like.

Staining when staining and how to avoid it

This problem is due to uneven density of the tree. For certain types of wood (eg walnut and mahogany), mottling can be attractive. But in most cases, spontaneously formed stains spoil the product. This defect can be avoided by using a special conditioner, the layer of which will close the pores and prevent the stain from penetrating deep into the material. After processing the conditioner, you should use a coloring gel that has the ability not to spread, but to lay down in an even layer.

wood stain - price
wood stain - price

To obtain the desired shade, stains of different colors from the same manufacturer can be mixed with each other. In addition, you can change the tone of the stained wood if another wood stain is applied to the painted wood, the price of which may differ from the cost of the stain used in the processing of the first layer. Thus, you can save on the purchase of a second expensive package of dye and expand the range of shades for tinting wood.
