Blood on the mattress is an unpleasant discovery faced by many housewives. Stains are striking when preparing the bed for bed, they look ugly. How to remove a blood stain from a mattress? The article discusses the most effective ways to solve this problem.
Preparing to clean the mattress from blood
Where to start? Proper preparation of the mattress for cleaning from blood is necessary. The step-by-step instructions below will help you with this.

- The affected area should be blotted with a thick cloth. You can soak a terry towel in cold water, and then press it against the stain. Hot water is not used in this case, as this can lead to deep penetration of blood into the structure of the fibers.
- Next, wipe the surface of the mattress with a dry cloth. The fabric will absorb not only liquid, but also soaked blood. It is not worth rubbing the place of contamination strongly, this will lead to the growth of a blood trail. It is better to give preference to driving movements.
- Then the terry towel is wetted again with cold water, as described abovemanipulations are repeated.
Easy solution
Mattress dry cleaning is a service that many companies offer these days. The customer does not have to worry about transporting the affected product. At the appointed time, the master comes to the house, inspects the mattress and selects the optimal set of chemicals for processing. He makes the decision, focusing on the type of product and the nature of the pollution.
How is a mattress professionally cleaned?

- The cleanser is applied to the affected area using a professional machine. It pushes dirt out of deep layers of padding and fabric.
- If the stains do not disappear, they are treated with detergent. The fight against stubborn dirt is carried out using a specialized stain remover that does not destroy the structure of the fabric.
- The mattress is washed with clean water, excess moisture is removed. Drying takes 4-10 hours.
Professional dry cleaning is the best solution. The only drawback of this option is the high cost.
How to remove old blood stains from a mattress with your own hands? To do this, you need to purchase ammonia (3%). The sequence of actions is as follows.
- The affected area is treated with a cloth pre-soaked in cold water.
- Next, you need to apply a small amount of ammonia to the dry part of the terry towel, treat the edges of the stain.
- It is necessary to repeat the abovemanipulation, moving towards the middle of the spot. This will prevent the trail from spreading.
- The procedure is best finished with a vacuum cleaner. The product should dry naturally.
Saline solution
How to remove a blood stain from a white mattress? S alt solution will help to cope with this task. Approximately 50-60 grams of edible s alt must be dissolved in 250 ml of warm water. You should wait for the complete dissolution of the granules, and then pour the solution into a container with a spray dispenser. The liquid can only be used when cold, so you should first hold it in the refrigerator compartment.

The product must be sprayed along the edge of the bloody trail. Ten minutes later, the affected area should be blotted with a towel, moving towards the center. Residual blood is removed with a dry, clean cloth. Manipulations are repeated until the blood trail is completely eliminated.
Laundry soap
How to wipe a blood stain from a mattress? Laundry soap is another product that can be used to clean the place of contamination. Its alkaline composition makes it easy to dissolve blood proteins.
First, rub the bloody trail with ice cubes. Then the affected area is rubbed with a bar of soap. Next, the place of contamination is covered with cling film. About an hour later, the area is treated with a toothbrush, then it needs to be blotted with a wet cloth. Residual moisture is removed with a dry cloth. Vacuuming will help prevent mold.

Hydrogen peroxide solution
A small amount of peroxide should be applied to the damaged area of the mattress. Immediately after this, the bloody trail must be blotted with a dry terry towel. It is easy to avoid spreading the stain, you just need to start processing from the edges. Work quickly as the peroxide can penetrate deep into the product cavity.
You can also apply hydrogen peroxide to a cotton pad and then carefully wipe the blood stain. At the end, be sure to use a vacuum cleaner to remove excess liquid.
Baking soda
How to remove a blood stain from a mattress quickly? Baking soda will help with this task. It is necessary to mix the product with crushed s alt in a ratio of 2 to 1. The result should be a homogeneous mass. The loose mixture is poured with water until a paste-like consistency is reached.

The damaged area of the mattress should be moistened with cold water. Then a mass of s alt and soda is applied to it. The product must be evenly distributed over the surface of the contamination, then you can begin to gently rub it with your fingers. It is important not to touch the clean area of the product. Then you need to leave the mixture for 30-60 minutes (depending on the freshness of the stain). Remains of it can be easily removed with a paper towel. Next, you need to rub the affected area with a toothbrush and rinse it with cold water. The procedure is completed by vacuuming the mattress.
Dishwashing liquid
How to remove a blood stain from a mattress withimprovised means? This can be done using dishwashing liquid. Blood contains a protein that coagulates under the influence of hot water, so the liquid must be cold.
First, wipe the affected area with ice cubes. To prepare them, pour 50 grams of sage or chamomile with boiling water, cover the composition with a lid, and soak for about 15 minutes. Next, the solution must be passed through a filter made of gauze and cotton wool, poured into molds and kept for some time in the refrigerator.
After treating the stain with ice, you need to drop dishwashing gel on it. It is desirable that the product has a thick consistency. Next, the affected area is treated with a medium-hard toothbrush. Then the area should be blotted with a terry towel soaked in cold water.
Manipulations must be repeated until the stain disappears completely. The area should then be wiped with a damp cloth. The moisture is then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
Citric acid
Citric acid is another effective helper in the fight against blood stains. This tool is useful even in the fight against chronic pollution. To prepare the gruel, you need to take two bags of citric acid. The product is dissolved in 20 ml of ice water. The resulting mass is applied to the stain.
Approximately 15 minutes later, the affected area should be treated with a toothbrush. Residues can be easily removed with a paper towel. The treated area is then cleansed with cold water. Next, vacuum the mattress.

Store funds
If homemade recipes do not provide the desired result, you can use store-bought products. Fortunately, the modern market offers a variety of chemicals that can be used to quickly and easily clean a mattress from blood. Stain remover must contain ammonia.
The following remedies have proven themselves well:
- Ecover;
- "Vanish";
- Sharma Active;
- Frau Schmidt.
Potato starch
How to remove a blood stain from a mattress, what other means exist? Potato starch is a product that will also help in solving this problem. Three sachets of the product must be mixed with purified water. Then the affected area is treated with ice cubes. Next, you need to apply the resulting slurry on it. The mass is carefully rubbed into the bloody trail, after which you should wait for partial drying. This will take about 30 minutes.
Then you need to get rid of excess product, rub the damaged area with a toothbrush. If necessary, manipulations are repeated. If you are fighting an old stain, it is better to dilute the starch with cold lemon juice, and not with water. After cleaning, the product is treated with a wet towel, after which it should be blotted with a dry cloth.
Sea s alt

Sea s alt can be bought at the pharmacy. It is important that the product does not contain dyes. A handful of s alt should be poured with filtered water. Then you should adda small amount of table s alt (about 30 grams). The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, then it should be distributed over the bloody area. Next, the processing site is covered with cling film for 30 minutes.
After half an hour the s alt can be removed with a cloth. If necessary, manipulations are repeated. The procedure ends with vacuuming.