Forms of flower beds. Making flower beds in the country with their own hands

Forms of flower beds. Making flower beds in the country with their own hands
Forms of flower beds. Making flower beds in the country with their own hands

Flower beds in the courtyard of the house or in the summer cottage create a feeling of comfort and delight not only with their various colors, but also with aromas. When you look at them, the mood rises, and even if all the problems are forgotten for a moment. In order to organize such a flower garden, it is not necessary to call a landscape designer. With a little imagination and diligence, everyone can create original flower beds in the yard with their own hands.

Flower garden or flowerbed?

It should be noted right away that many people under these two names mean the same thing - a land plot planted with ornamental plants. But in reality there is a difference, although the essence remains the same. If we talk about flower beds, they always have the correct geometric shape, for example, round, square, triangular, etc. But the flower garden is not subject to these rules. It can have all sorts of bizarre shapes. In this case, a flight of fancy is important.

flower bed shapes
flower bed shapes


Before deciding what flowers to buy and in what style to plant these plants, it is advisable to think about what kind of flower beds in the yard you would like to see. Designers have created many varieties of flower beds, and each of them attracts with its beauty. So, now rabatki are very common. These are flowers planted in a rectangle. They can be the same height or have several tiers. Rabatka can be made unusual if you organize a small pond inside it. This idea is great for spacious places.


Also today some people make flower borders. For this, plants are planted in a narrow row that stretches along the path. To do this, it is better to select low flowers that will create neat bright bushes.


flower beds in the yard
flower beds in the yard

Many people like to make mixborders in front of the house. In this case, the shapes of the flower beds can be very diverse, it is rather a flower garden that does not have specific geometric outlines. Here you can combine different types of plants. Usually, plots of country houses are decorated with such flower beds. But it should be borne in mind that a mixborder is not just randomly planted plants. To create it, it is important to take into account certain requirements. Firstly, this is a flower bed that blooms all summer, and it should not be empty. You need to plant it with plants that will bloom in turn. Ideally, it should be composed of twenty types of flowers that differ in size, growth, time and duration of flowering.


If youyou are just starting to master this type of floriculture, it is better to try a “monoflower”, that is, only one type of flower will grow in your front garden. This type of flower bed captivates with its simplicity, and at the same time attracts with its originality. And if the selected plant smells good, in its "choir" it will exude a rich aroma. You can pick up both undersized flowers for a flower bed (petunia, purslane), and a little higher. If desired, you can plant perennials that grow in bushes and do not reach large sizes. It is also worth considering that for the "monoclumb" those plants are selected that differ in the duration of flowering. These may include marigolds, begonias or petunias.

small flowers for flower beds
small flowers for flower beds

Mini rose garden

Another option is to make your own small rose garden. But in such flower beds it is desirable to plant only one or two types of roses. Don't forget that these plants need pruning.

Vertical flower beds

Another option is to arrange a vertical flower bed. This is where flower pots of various sizes can come in handy. From them you can build a stable pyramid. Different flowers are planted in each pot. But at the same time, keep in mind that outwardly they are similar to each other. For example, you can choose begonia and petunia. Also choose a color to match them with each other. Another option is to sew fabric bags into which the earth is rammed. Plants are planted here, and such "pots" are hung on the wall.

flower bed blooming all summer
flower bed blooming all summer


Some people like alpine slides. Today, this type of flower beds has acquired versatility and is very diverse. For slides, you can use decorative stones of various sizes and shades. Also, the forms of flower beds made of stones are different. It can be just an embankment on a mound of earth, or it can be a whole structure in which a chain-link is used as a base. Flowers for such compositions are chosen low (viola, primrose, forget-me-not), and at the top you can pick up something sprawling and squat.

Classic flower bed

The usual round flower bed looks very attractive, which can be arranged in different ways. To limit, it is good to use a decorative border (fence) or frame with low flowers of the same color. Also a great option would be a groove dug along the border of the flower bed. It should be covered with sand, broken bricks, rubble or other available materials. In the beginning, near the fence, low flowers should grow. The next circle is planted from medium-sized plants. The tallest flowers should be in the center. In this case, the classic round flower bed will look like the original cone.

round flower bed
round flower bed

Carpet bed

This option also looks interesting. For this, plants are planted in a continuous carpet, that is, close to each other. Flowers of one or two species usually take part in the composition. But their colors may vary. It is very beautiful when a pattern or an inscription is created with the help of shades. It is also important to plant only low-growing flowers. For a flower bed, you can chooseslightly inclined surface so that the flower garden is clearly visible. In order for the idea to look chic, it is important for her not to spare space. It can be a square flower bed five meters each side or rectangular.

More ideas

Now many gardeners use all sorts of improvised materials to create and decorate their flower garden. To do this, they use:

  • hemp and tree cuts;
  • bricks and stones;
  • used car tires;
  • broken furniture;
  • all kinds of damaged household items.

Today, in many yards, you can see how flowers are planted in painted tires. But for this idea to be truly original, it is worth showing imagination. For example, you can cut out something like a water lily or a large flower pot from this material, in which lush ampelous plants are planted. Such a small round flower bed will look neat and will become relevant especially in those places where there is not enough land for ordinary flower beds.

blooming flowers for the flower bed
blooming flowers for the flower bed

Also flowerbeds made of simple brick will look culturally and beautifully. Inside, you can plant low flowers and overlay them with a triple of decorative stones. And if you have old clay pots, you can bury a few pieces to the middle and also plant plants in them.

Classic planting option

Having decided which forms of flower beds you like best, you can start choosing plants. Most often gardenerschoose biennials and annuals. The main part of the flower bed area is planted with a background plant. As a rule, these are unpretentious flowers, such as zinnia, petunia, begonia, sage, dahlia, snapdragon or others. The requirement for background plants is a height of 20 to 60 cm. They usually fill the space inside the flower garden. Further, flowers are planted around the base, which will add zest to this front garden. They must be low. These are marigolds, lobelia, verbena, violets, dwarf phlox or other flower bed flowers that bloom most of the summer.

Second classic version

In many parks, you can see how simple flower beds are decorated with flashy plants that differ from the background flowers in height, color or leaf size. Thanks to such accents, any form of flower beds will look even more original. As such plants, you can choose something exotic or perennial, such as hosta or yucca. You can also try planting eland, fuchsia or sunflower.

Tips for planning a flower bed

flower beds in the yard
flower beds in the yard

Deciding for the first time in their lives to make their own flower bed, some tend to plant plants as close to each other as possible. But experienced flower growers are advised to leave a sufficient distance from one group of flowers to another. Of course, at first it may seem that the plants are too far apart, but when they grow and bloom, they will look harmonious. Conversely, plants planted too close will interfere with each other, and stronger ones will drown out weaker ones. Besides,in order for the flower garden to be lush and blooming all summer, it is necessary to remove those inflorescences that have already faded. It will also allow some species to re-bud and re-bloom.
