Alkyd paint for protection of various surfaces

Alkyd paint for protection of various surfaces
Alkyd paint for protection of various surfaces

In the modern world, more and more often, alkyd paints, which got their name from the resins of the same name, come to the rescue during repair and construction. The latter, in turn, act as a basic connecting element. After the end of the cooking process, a base is obtained, consisting of vegetable oils and acids. The tensile strength is particularly affected by the base component, which can have a different fat content. If the alkyd paint suddenly dried up, then it is allowed to dilute it with kerosene or a solvent. Its drying speed on the surface can be increased by special additives.

Alkyd paint
Alkyd paint

Absolutely any alkyd paint is suitable for corrosion protection in interior and exterior applications. It can be applied to both metal and wood surfaces. It can be used in rooms with high humidity and for processing heated objects. For example, alkyd-based paint has proven itself in the treatment of heating radiators. After some time after painting, objects acquire a glossy surface. Small disadvantages include flammability and poor resistance to alkalis. However, this material actually has much more positive qualities.

Alkyd paints
Alkyd paints

Applied alkyd paint is quite simple. It is only necessary to remove dust from the surface to be painted and close all large gaps with putty. If you want to apply it to window frames or doors, then it is advisable to remove the fittings. You can paint with a roller or a regular brush. After a thorough application, as a rule, re-treatment is not required. In the course of work, certain precautions must be observed, which are expressed in simple rules. First, you need to make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes. Secondly, all furniture and other household items should be removed from the room, then it will be possible to avoid unforeseen material expenses. If paint gets on the skin, it can be washed off with a solvent.

Alkyd paint
Alkyd paint

Any alkyd paint should include primary driers to act as oxidation catalysts. In most cases, cob alt, manganese, cerium, iron, zirconium, lead, lithium and some other chemical elements are added. The first of these is the most popular primary desiccant, showing a good result in the formation of coatings at a fairly low dosage. Cerium is well suited for finishing coatings, which, unlike the same iron, does not cause color changes. For a long period of time, lead occupied a leading position, but due to its toxicity, it has become much less used.

When alkyd paint is produced other thanof the main desiccants, auxiliary elements such as calcium, zinc and barium are often added to it. All of them by themselves do not have a desiccant effect, but in combination with primary elements they can improve the final product. For example, barium acts as a wetting agent to improve gloss. Together with cob alt, it can ensure that the entire coat dries quickly.
