Saving money is an important task when painting. It is in second place after achieving a high-quality result of work. Paint consumption - that's what they first pay attention to in this case. At the same time, the applied layer must be sufficient for a high-quality coating. Avoiding negative consequences, you need to distribute the paint as rationally as possible.

Paint consumption cannot be calculated perfectly, because such a task is sometimes difficult to solve even for a professional. But you can try to keep costs to a minimum, while achieving high-quality coverage.
First you need to pay attention to the quality of the product itself. Price is often an indicator of quality, although this is not always the case with paint. The main advantages of good paint are its excellent color, long fading and falling off, and, of course, the ability to completely cover the surface. The last property just determines the paint consumption. The required quality of the product largely depends on the nature of the surface to be painted, that is, the material of which the part is composed, on the presence of irregularities (roughness, burrs,bumps, etc.). One example of a standard paint consumption (per 1 layer) is the following data:
- For painting concrete and plaster - 150-250 g/m. sq.
- For painting wooden surfaces - 75-150 g/m. sq.
- For painting metal surfaces - 100-150 g/m. sq.

However, it is worth noting that these are very approximate data, neither the type nor the composition of the paint is taken into account when calculating them. But you can still be guided by them, however, only during a small repair.
Let's dwell a little on determining the consumption of specific types of products. In particular, the consumption of acrylic paint, according to observant consumers, is about 170-200 g/m. sq. when doing interior work. However, if wallpaper for painting or a facade is covered, then the intensity of its use can reach up to 250 g/m. sq. In addition, it should be borne in mind that acrylic paint is usually applied in several layers and at regular intervals. In addition, its consumption directly depends on the absorption of moisture by the painted surface. Manufacturers of acrylic paints often indicate the consumption of this material on the can. In most cases, the data provided is approximate, since the factory does not know in advance the characteristics of the material on which the paint will be applied. Thus, it is better to conduct an experiment once, so as not to waste money later.

Consumption of oil paint has some features, different fromusing acrylic. It should be noted that oil paint has a large range of costs, depending on the nature of the surface on which it is applied. For example, according to one of the construction sites, the consumption of oil paint is 55-240 grams per square meter. This is when applying one coat.
But more useful information is that significant savings in paint material occur when using special brushes and rollers. So the choice of these attributes must be approached with special attention. Their use helps to achieve high coloring results after only one thin layer.
As it turned out, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the consumption of paint. By consulting with experienced painters and salespeople, you can achieve the desired results and at the same time save a lot.