Mold on the window: causes, methods and remedies

Mold on the window: causes, methods and remedies
Mold on the window: causes, methods and remedies

One of the most common problems faced by the owners of plastic windows is the accumulation of condensate and mold. Even if you do not think about the aesthetic component of the problem, all the same, the possibility of negative consequences for human he alth cannot be ignored. In the article, we will look at how mold forms on a window and how to remove it.

Why is she dangerous

Mold and fungus produce powerful plant poisons. Reproducing, they can cause various diseases. The most common ones are:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergic diseases;
  • headaches;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritation of the skin and eyes;
  • reduced concentration;
  • pathology of liver and kidney function;
  • diseases of bone tissue.

As a rule, symptoms do not appear immediately, so the diagnosis of pathologiesdifficult. The fungus on the windows tends to multiply, at the time of the weakening of the immune system, it aggravates the human condition. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the disease can become chronic. The treatment will require more money and time than the timely elimination of the fungus.

Causes of mold

In fact, mold always surrounds a person. These are groups of microorganisms that live unnoticed next to living things. However, if you do not create a favorable environment for them, then in the vast majority of cases they do not pose a danger.

how to get rid of mold on windows
how to get rid of mold on windows

There is an opinion that it is impossible to completely get rid of mold. In this case, you can create conditions in which the fungus is not able to multiply and live. One of the main factors affecting its formation is excessive humidity in the room, insufficient ventilation. Why does mold appear on windows? Most likely, the humidity in the room exceeds 60%.

Another equally important condition for the development of the fungus is the temperature. As a rule, it varies between 15-38 degrees Celsius. The most favorable range for reproduction is considered to be + 22 … + 27 ° С. Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the fungus is a permanent cohabitant of a person, since these conditions are optimal for people as well.

Why does mold appear in winter

Most often it is formed on plastic window structures. The thing is that it is here that the conditions for its growth are almost ideal. In the summer time of the yearits localization is significantly reduced, as the air becomes dry, and the room is ventilated. The weather conditions improve and the mold on the window disappears. With the onset of cold weather, the situation repeats itself again, while sometimes the fungus conquers more and more territories.

mold on plastic windows
mold on plastic windows

Surely many have heard the term "dew point". This is what causes the fungus. Due to the difference in air temperatures outside and inside the room, condensate collects on the window and opening structure, the surface of the double-glazed window, slopes and under the window sill. It converts to water, and moisture is the optimal environment for mold to grow.

Another common cause of mold on windows is leaking panel seams. The problem does not appear immediately after the installation of the structure, but after a while, when the insulation in the panel draws water. This happens due to poor-quality sealing of joints and seams. Some types of insulation can absorb up to 200 liters of water. It, in turn, begins to evaporate and is deposited on the glass, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of mold.

If the design is incorrectly installed

Often, mold on plastic windows is formed as a result of poor-quality installation of products. Despite all the preventive measures and ways to get rid of the fungus, the problem will return again, be of a regular nature. Reasons may include:

mold on window sills
mold on window sills
  1. After dismantling the oldconstruction, the entire window opening was not sufficiently well cleaned of dirt. In addition, no fungicide treatment has been carried out.
  2. Windows were changed during the cold season, icing and further thawing or moisture ingress became the impetus for the development of the fungus.
  3. The cracks were not filled with foam thoroughly enough, the joints were poorly treated with sealant.
  4. When choosing a window structure, the temperature regime inherent in the region was not taken into account.

Even the slightest mistake when choosing and installing a window structure can turn into big problems. It is for this reason that it is important to contact trusted specialists and install double-glazed windows from well-known manufacturers.

How to clean mold around a plastic window

why does mold appear on windows
why does mold appear on windows

Most often, people neglect the issues of prevention and think about solving the problem only when faced with it. When mold is found on the window slopes, proceed to the following actions:

  1. The window sill and window trim are being removed.
  2. Everything is carefully cleaned and dried.
  3. Processing is carried out with chlorine-containing products.
  4. All holes and crevices are filled with foam or sealing compounds.
  5. The surface is primed with a special tool, for example, "Ceresit ST 99".
  6. The window sill and trim are put back in place.
ceresite st 99
ceresite st 99

If the above measures did not correct the situation, you need to make ventilation holes in the upper part of the plastic structure. You can also use these availableat home means:

  • blue vitriol;
  • chlorine;
  • acetic essence;
  • fungicides;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • disinfectants or antifungals.

Most popular remedies

To remove mold on a window, the following substances are usually used:

  1. Chlorine is one of the simplest and most affordable means. In addition to mold, it eliminates bacteria and has a disinfectant property. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of one to five. Wear rubber gloves and a respirator while working. Bleach instantly kills the fungus, so there is no need to apply it for a long time. It may not have the best effect on the decorative finish of the window, so its use is not recommended for processing slopes, window sills and front parts of the structure.
  2. Copper vitriol. This substance is an excellent tool for the destruction of all kinds of microorganisms. When working with it, it is important to protect the skin and respiratory system with protective gloves and a mask. Vitriol is used to process plastic frames, slopes and window sills. However, it should not be applied to metal parts as this may lead to corrosion.

Household fungicides are often formulations based on one of these products, but already in finished form. One of these is "White", Well Done 2 or more caustic composition from the domestic manufacturer "Tex".

Sparing chemistry

You can use less aggressive substances for cleaning:

  • Remove fungus from glass and plastic framesYou can use vinegar solution. To do this, add 200 ml of essence and boric acid to one liter of water.
  • A natural and effective fungus-fighting solution made with one tea tree oil and a glass of water.
  • You can remove mold with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Clean the mold from the surface using the usual detergents, for example, Cillit Bang.
  • In the fight against mold, disinfectants such as Biocin and Neomid 600 have proven themselves well.
neomid 600
neomid 600

In some pharmacies, there are broad-spectrum antifungal medications - Clotrimazole and Candide

How to remove mold from a plastic window

installation of micro-ventilation on plastic windows
installation of micro-ventilation on plastic windows

You can do this with affordable home remedies. Their production takes a minimum of time and financial costs, and in terms of efficiency they are superior to expensive means of directed action. The following compositions will help get rid of mold on windows:

  1. A glass of vinegar essence is mixed with the same amount of boric acid and a liter of warm water, the entire window structure is treated.
  2. 100 g of bleach and copper sulfate are added to a liter of water, the resulting product effectively fights the fungus.
  3. Dissolve 100 g of copper sulfate and sodium fluoride in a liter of water, treat problem areas.

Surface treatment is best done with a synthetic fabric. Vitriol and sodium fluoride canpurchase in the economic or horticultural departments. It is necessary to protect the skin of the hands and face with gloves and a mask. After cleaning surfaces affected by mold, the room is well ventilated.

Sorbent and ionizer

Household appliances can also help in the fight against fungus. An ionizer is a device that purifies the air of microbes, bacteria, pathogenic organisms, etc. Small models are very convenient to use. The device is placed on the windowsill and turned on at high power, and after a while the minimum mode is set. The appliance is left on for about half an hour.

Sorbent is an odor absorber. It is produced on an industrial scale to eliminate unpleasant odors in rooms. In the fight against mold, he will not be able to radically change the situation, but there will be a small effect from use.


In addition to home remedies, specially designed chemicals help in the fight against mold on the window:

  1. Atlas Mykos. It is a concentrate designed to remove mold, algae, fungus, moss and lichen. It is used for indoor and outdoor processing. The product is diluted with water according to the instructions, it all depends on the surface to be treated.
  2. Astonish. One of the best black mold treatments. Stains are easily cleaned without much effort. If you need to remove fungus from windows, showers, tiles, this product will be the best choice among analogues.
  3. SZAVO. A popular remedy for mold in residential, technical and basement areas. Fullydestroys mold, algae and yeast. It is easy to apply, does not require rinsing, does not leave stains or streaks on the surface.
  4. Antialga B25. This is a water-based composition containing fungicide and algicine. Effectively eliminates various types of mold and fungi. The product is odorless, non-toxic, often included in wood paints as an additional protection.
  5. Well Done 2 - new generation antifungal with antibacterial effect. The result is noticeable almost immediately. Typically used on damaged areas of painted walls, wood, windows, bathrooms and even ventilation systems.
well done
well done


To avoid mold growth around the window, it is important to take preventive measures. First of all, you need to prevent high humidity in the room and ensure good ventilation.

The following suggestions will help:

  1. Sources of moisture must be eliminated.
  2. You should take care of additional ventilation systems.
  3. The hoods need to be installed.
  4. It is required to abandon thick curtains.
  5. The glass needs to be heated.
  6. Need to install micro-ventilation on plastic windows.
  7. Must prevent condensation from accumulating.
  8. It will be necessary to solve the problem of leaking interpanel seams.

In addition, you need to monitor the condition of the window opening and the structure itself, and carry out scheduled maintenance in a timely manner.
