Yarrow ptarmica: planting, care, types, varieties and recommendations for growing

Yarrow ptarmica: planting, care, types, varieties and recommendations for growing
Yarrow ptarmica: planting, care, types, varieties and recommendations for growing

Ptarmica yarrow is considered one of the most common varieties of a well-known plant. This miracle of flora is widely used by the population both for landscape design and for medicinal purposes. Yarrow ptarmica, planting and caring for which we are interested in, belongs to the aster family and is distinguished by the beauty of its buds. In general, the plant has many different species and subspecies, but the principle of caring for all of them is the same.

General information

yarrow ptarmica
yarrow ptarmica

So, yarrow ptarmica, like other species of this plant, is most often found in the field, mountains, forest belt, steppe and meadow zones. Due to the fact that the flower is quite unpretentious, it can grow and multiply in a wide variety of conditions, which is probably why it can be seen in almost every garden plot. In addition to the fact that the plant grows wild in its natural environment and itsgrown on private plots, yarrow is also used by public organizations to decorate recreation areas, parks and squares.


planting yarrow ptarmik
planting yarrow ptarmik

In nature, there are many varieties of a plant such as yarrow:

  • ptarmika;
  • pearl oyster;
  • noble;
  • ordinary;
  • tavohead;
  • big head;
  • felt and many others.

They differ from each other in height, bud diameter and flower color. Why are we interested in Ptarmic yarrow? Yes, because this variety is the most common in Russia and Europe. It is worth noting that this plant variety has its own subspecies. Height can vary from seventy to eighty centimeters. The leaves are whole, unlike other varieties, and the flowers are collected in baskets. There are subspecies with terry baskets, and there are non-terry ones. The most popular terry variety of yarrow blooms in mid-summer and is called White Pearl yarrow. This name appeared due to the great similarity of colors with real pearls.

As for the root system of the flower, it has a creeping type, while the shoots are distinguished by a beautiful bright green color. Regardless of the variety, any yarrow can decorate your site and become a real garden treasure. Indeed, in addition to being beautiful, it is also considered one of the most useful plants in folk medicine.


yarrow ptarmika planting and care
yarrow ptarmika planting and care

Ptarmic yarrow can reproduce in several ways:

  • seed method;
  • cutting;
  • dividing the bush.

The most popular way is the first, with the help of seeds. Firstly, this is the cheapest option, and secondly, this method is available for use even by a novice gardener. When you already have an adult yarrow on your site, you can propagate it both by cuttings and by dividing the bush, but at the very beginning we advise you to use the seed option.


yarrow ptarmica pearl
yarrow ptarmica pearl

Planting yarrow ptarmica should begin at the end of the winter period. In this case, you can speed up the flowering period. Otherwise, you will not be able to see flowers on the site soon. For a positive outcome of the whole process, it is recommended to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Prepare the soil before planting. A mixture of fine-grained substrate and river sand is ideal.
  2. Take a small box or other container, pour soil inside. Note that this plant does not require the organization of a drainage layer.
  3. Place the seeds at a depth of about two centimeters, but no deeper. Otherwise, they will not be able to germinate, and the process will fail. You need to sow the seeds in rows, leaving a gap between them of about three to four centimeters.
  4. Moisten the ground with a sprayer. Do not use any other watering option as this may deepen the seed or wash it away.
  5. Place the seed container in the place whereit will be warm and bright, but avoid direct sunlight.
  6. Cover the crate with a film or oilcloth that allows light to pass through, thus creating a greenhouse effect.
  7. After two weeks of waiting, you will notice the first sprouts, after which they need more careful care. You will need to regularly moisten the soil.


yarrow ptarmica white pearl
yarrow ptarmica white pearl

So, enough time has passed after sowing the seeds, and you have a lot of new sprouts in the box, ready to pick. This must be done, because otherwise the plants will interfere with each other's development due to lack of space. It is necessary to transplant sprouts as soon as you notice the first leaf on the stem. To do this, use peat pots. In such pots, the yarrow should grow until it is about eleven centimeters high. All this time, the sprouts should be moderately watered and kept away from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

You can transplant a plant to a permanent place of growth in the middle of spring. At this time, the soil has already warmed up and can accept new plants. For disembarkation you need:

  • make a hole about ten centimeters deep;
  • if you used a peat pot, then you just need to put it in the center of the hole and dig it in, if another container was used, then the plant needs to be removed from it and placed in the ground;
  • water the landing site.


Due to the fact that the plant is not capriciouscharacter, caring for him will not cause any problems. The most important requirement for care is the destruction of the weed in the place where the yarrow grows. In addition, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • weekly water the flower, while monitoring the condition of the soil, in the dry period it will be enough once a week, and in places with a cold climate you need to water even less;
  • after the plant has faded, you need to remove the buds, as this contributes to the development of the decorative properties of the flower;
  • with the advent of winter, it is necessary to prune the branches so that their length becomes no more than fifteen centimeters; if your region has severe winters, then the plant needs to be covered with dry foliage for this period.

As you can see, there is no difficulty in planting and caring for this beautiful plant, but it can bring a lot of benefits. Especially if you study all its medicinal properties.
