Foundation siding - installation features

Foundation siding - installation features
Foundation siding - installation features

The main reason why the external finishing of the foundation is carried out is to give aesthetic appeal to its basement. Decorative surface treatment according to the general style of the building significantly improves the impression of the object. Foundation siding allows you to turn the most creative ideas into reality.


foundation siding
foundation siding

Sheathing the basement of the foundation with decorative material is within the power of any craftsman who has repeatedly had to perform the simplest repair and construction work using a traditional set of tools.

Foundation siding is an excellent option for facing work, as it is absolutely not inferior to the same decorative brick and natural stone in terms of appearance, resistance to external influences, service life.

Decorative surfaces are extremely diverse here. Today, the consumer has access to foundation siding that imitates ceramics, stone, brick, natural wood, and other common bases for decoration.surfaces. Therefore, when developing projects using the material, craftsmen do not lack suitable solutions.

Installation of foundation siding

foundation siding installation
foundation siding installation

Facing work using this decorative base does not need a special approach, complex measurements and great accuracy. Therefore, even the most unprepared masters are able to cope with their implementation.

Installation of decorative cladding is carried out in stages:

  1. Cleaning and surface preparation in progress.
  2. With the help of a building level and a rope, the position of the initial bar is marked, which will determine the symmetry of the skin.
  3. A wooden or metal crate is mounted (the distance between the frame elements should be 44 cm, which corresponds to the standard width of decorative panels).
  4. Foundation siding is laid from left to right. The first panel is attached to the groove of the starter bar, etc.
  5. The facing material is additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.

What does a properly installed foundation siding look like? The photos presented in the material will help answer this question. The use of such a cladding eliminates rigid fastening. Therefore, the installed panels should move slightly to the left and right, but do not fall out of the joints.

In the end

foundation siding photo
foundation siding photo

Designing the basement of the foundation with decorative siding panels allows you to give the object a reallyfinished attractive appearance, keeping the surfaces in excellent condition for an impressive period. If the decorative material is damaged, it is enough to replace one or more strips.

The cost of siding is noticeably lower compared to most common exterior finishes. An exception can only be considered extremely unreliable plaster, which quickly crumbles under the influence of aggressive environmental factors.
