Scheme of reinforcement of the tape foundation. Calculation of the tape foundation, technology

Scheme of reinforcement of the tape foundation. Calculation of the tape foundation, technology
Scheme of reinforcement of the tape foundation. Calculation of the tape foundation, technology

The foundation is the foundation of any building, it is the most important part of any building. A load is applied to it, which is transferred to the ground. There are certain types of foundations, they need to be reinforced in their own way. However, the discussion below will focus on the tape base.

Need for reinforcement

strip foundation reinforcement scheme
strip foundation reinforcement scheme

The foundation will only be strong when iron is built into the concrete structure. Thanks to technology, strip bases are durable and allow the construction of even monolithic houses on their surface. If you have a building vibrator available, then you can create a strong foundation that will not depend on the thickness of the walls of the house.

Selection of fittings

strip foundation calculation
strip foundation calculation

The rules for reinforcing a strip foundation provide for a special approach to the choice of material in the base. Important to payattention to designation. Thus, the index "C" indicates that you have a welded reinforcing cage in front of you. If the material is indicated by the letter "K", then the reinforcement has the qualities of resistance to cracking and corrosion. Such phenomena may well arise under stress. If the reinforcement is not marked with any of the listed indexes, then it is not suitable for use in the construction of the foundation.

Due to the fact that the process of welding 12 mm rods is very laborious, the electric arc method is not used, in addition, the rods may be burned out during the process. Do not use arc welding for fittings A-III, 35GS. The overlap should be about 30 diameters, while the elements should be installed in such a way that they do not touch the formwork. This space is called a protective layer and protects the material from atmospheric and temperature influences, as well as corrosion.

Features of reinforcement

reinforcing the corners of the strip foundation
reinforcing the corners of the strip foundation

Reinforcement of a monolithic strip foundation provides for the need to comply with certain rules. The basis is a concrete solution, which is prepared from water, sand and cement. The physical characteristics of the building material do not ensure that the building does not deform. In order to withstand shifts and negative factors such as temperature fluctuations, the presence of a metal in the structure is necessary. It is quite plastic, but guarantees a strong fixation, so the process of laying reinforcement is considered an important step.

It is necessary to install reinforcing elements in those places where tensions can be observed. The greatest probability of stretching is on the surface of the base, this is where the reinforcement should be placed. In order to avoid corrosion of the frame, it should be protected with a layer of concrete. The reinforcement scheme of the tape foundation provides for the location of the rods 5 cm from the surface. For the reason that it is impossible to prevent deformation, stretch zones can occur in the lower and upper parts. In the first case, the central part will bend down, while in the second case, the frame will bend up. That is why, when drawing up a reinforcement scheme, one should take into account the need for the location of the rods from above and below, the diameter of the elements should be in the range of 10 to 12 mm. The rods should have a ribbed surface, this will allow contact with concrete.

Additional recommendations for reinforcement

reinforcement of a monolithic strip foundation
reinforcement of a monolithic strip foundation

The technology of reinforcing the strip foundation provides for the need to locate the skeleton of rods in other parts, while the components may have a smaller diameter and a smooth surface. In this case, the rods should be located vertically and horizontally, as well as across. When reinforcing a monolithic foundation with a width of not more than 40 cm, it is permissible to use elements in the amount of four pieces, their diameter should be in the range from 10 to 16 mm. They should be connected in an 8 mm frame. In order to calculate the strip foundation, it is important to remember that the distancebetween horizontally located rods in width should be 40 cm. With an impressive length, the strip foundation has a small width, for this reason longitudinal tensions appear in it. In this case, there will be no transverse at all. Transverse vertical and horizontal reinforcements, which are thin and smooth, are also needed to create the framework.

Corner reinforcement

strip foundation reinforcement rules
strip foundation reinforcement rules

Reinforcing the corners of the strip foundation is carried out according to a certain technique. Quite frequent are such cases when the deformation falls precisely on the corner parts and bypasses the middle. When working on the creation of a reinforcing cage that will be installed in a corner, it is necessary to bend one end of the element and take it into one wall, but the second end should go into another wall. Reinforcing the corners of the strip foundation involves connecting the elements with a knitting wire. Not every grade of rebar is made from steel that can be welded. But even with the admissibility of such actions, problems can arise that can be avoided with the help of wire. Problems can be expressed in overheating of the steel, as well as in a change in properties. The rods may be exhausted, but if this can be avoided, a high strength weld will not be achieved.

Reinforcement scheme

reinforcement of a shallow strip foundation
reinforcement of a shallow strip foundation

You can independently draw up a scheme for reinforcing the foundation of the tape. You need to start working withinstallation of formwork boards, its inner base should be lined with parchment, with its help you will simplify the dismantling of the boards. Drawing up a diagram of the reinforcement frame should be carried out according to the following technology. Rods are driven into the ground, the length of which is equal to the depth of the future foundation. In this case, the distances from the formwork must be observed. Supports up to 100 mm high should be installed on the bottom, several threads of the lower row of reinforcement are laid on them. Bricks, which are located on the edge, can be used as supports. In those places where the elements intersect, they should be strengthened with wire or welding.

Important to remember when drawing up a diagram

how much reinforcement is needed to reinforce the strip foundation
how much reinforcement is needed to reinforce the strip foundation

When a strip foundation reinforcement scheme is drawn up, it is important to observe the distance to the outer surfaces of the base. This must be done with bricks. This condition is very important, because the metal structure should not be at the bottom. The indentation from the ground should be about 8 cm. Once the reinforcement is installed, you can make ventilation holes and start pouring the solution. The presence of ventilation holes will help improve the cushioning qualities of the base and prevent the appearance of putrefactive processes.

Determination of material consumption

After the reinforcement scheme of the tape foundation has been drawn up, it is possible to calculate the material consumption. If the foundation has a rectangular shape, and its width, length and height are 3.5; ten; 0.2 maccordingly, the width of the belt will be 0.18 m. Initially, it is necessary to determine the volume of the casting, for this you need to find out the dimensions of the basis. If it has the shape of a parallelepiped, then a few simple manipulations should be performed: first, determine the perimeter of the base, and then multiply it by the height and width of the casting. However, the calculation of the monolithic foundation has not yet been completed. It was only possible to find out the base, or rather the casting, which will take up a volume of 0.97 m3. Now you need to determine the volume of the inside of the base, where the tape is.

In order to find out the volume of the "stuffing", you should multiply the length and width by the height, which will allow you to find out the total volume: 10x3, 5x0, 2=7 m3. The casting volume is calculated as follows: 7 - 0.97=6.03 m3, this figure will become the internal volume of the filler. The calculation of the strip foundation has not yet been completed, it is possible to determine the amount of reinforcement required. If its diameter is 12 mm, and there are 2 horizontal lines in the casting. It is also important to consider how the elements are arranged vertically. If the distance between them is 0.5 m, and the perimeter is 27 m, then this value should be multiplied by 2, which will give 54 m. half a meter and 2 more at the edges. You should add one rod per corner and you will be able to get 114 rods. If we assume that the height of the rod is 70 cm, then by multiplying this parameter by the number of rods, it will be possible to get the footage, which is 79.8 m.

Following thiscalculations, it will be possible to obtain how much reinforcement is needed to reinforce the strip foundation.


When drawing up a diagram, it is important to remember that the metal frame must consist of two rows or more, while they must be located vertically. If we are talking about horizontal elements or transverse stripes, then their number should be determined by the depth of the base. For example, reinforcement of a shallow strip foundation involves one such layer.
