Among the numerous advantages of a country house, the terrace area adjacent to the building stands out. It can be said that this is the soul of a private household, since this space combines the naturalness of an open street area and the comfort of a room. Actually, the task of harmoniously combining these qualities is the meaning of veranda glazing, which should open a view of nature, but at the same time provide insulating and protective qualities.
Development of design solution

Regardless of the scale of work, area and complexity of the planned construction, it is recommended to first draw up a list with general requirements for glazing characteristics. The design must take into account dimensional parameters, the properties of insulating materials and the ergonomics of the control of functional elements. The main attention is paid to the materials, but no less significant andimplementation of the design - this, in particular, will depend on the convenience of the system and its reliability. In answering the question of what the glazing of the veranda and terrace should be in a particular case, clear tasks should be set. As noted, this zone acts as a transitional platform from the house to the site, but there may be other options. For example, the conditions on the veranda with moderate microclimatic indicators make it possible to set up a small garden. Or organize a lounge area for relaxation. In each case, the choice of one or another design concept for a veranda with a terrace will provide its own information for the subsequent determination of glazing tactics. At the first stage, you should deal with the materials through which the project will be implemented.
Glass or polycarbonate - which is better
In any configuration, the main area of the glazing will be occupied by a translucent material. The standard solution is tempered single glass. It is able to provide decent physical protection, heat and sound insulation. Also, in terms of light transmission function, this is the best option. But, again, if it is planned to arrange a green corner on the veranda, then the classic glazing of the veranda will not work due to excessive heating. Also, dense sealed glass does not have the best effect on materials that are sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, as an alternative, it is worth considering polycarbonate. Why is he good? In winter, it acts as a more effective heat insulator, and in summer it limits the passage of light. That is, on a veranda with plastic panels in natural light conditions there will bedarker. However, light distortion and a low level of transparency are not mandatory properties of polycarbonate. Today, models with different light transmission coefficients are also produced. The significant advantages of this material include plasticity, as well as resistance to mechanical stress and stress. But polycarbonate also has disadvantages - it is quickly overwritten, and after a while it can change its shade.
Frame material

Most users naturally prefer aluminum and plastic in this part. In general, their performance is similar, although there are some differences. So, aluminum frames will differ in durability, wear resistance and solid appearance. With such load-bearing elements, it is advisable to perform full-height glazing of the veranda. Frames will provide not only reliability in a stationary state, but also open up opportunities for the use of mechanized parts of the structure, in which the load increases. Plastic in this regard is not so attractive precisely because of its lower physical strength. On the other hand, frames made of thick composite panels provide the most effective heat and noise insulation.
Should I use wooden elements
The least practical and functional material when it comes to using it as the same load-bearing frame. In almost all technical and physical properties, wood loses to both plastic and aluminum. Unless the use of a three-layer glued beam can bring the strength of the structure toacceptable level. Moreover, veranda glazing with wooden frames is recommended only for heated areas, since the structure of the material has poor insulating properties. In part, the problem is solved by modern impregnations and protective paint and varnish coatings for wood, but this is not enough for full insulation. And yet, is it possible to somehow justify the use of such frames? Wooden fittings, regardless of the purpose, always have two very significant advantages. This is environmental friendliness and natural texture, which will be organically combined with landscape design adjacent to the veranda.
Features of frameless glazing

Also, this design method is called frameless. Its essence lies in the complete exclusion of load-bearing frame profiles, which in the traditional system perform the functions of mechanical support. It turns out a solid transparent wall without foreign inclusions. But, a frameless design can only be realized with thick (at least 1 cm) tempered glass sheets. It should be borne in mind that the entire load will fall on the main light-transmitting material, therefore, frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace does not allow the use of lightweight thin panels - including polycarbonate. The edges and joints of the hardened blades undergo a special treatment that rounds off sharp corners. Fastening is carried out with metal brackets with rubber pads.
Warm or cold glazing?
There are no hard and fast rulesdefining the differences between these two approaches to the design of the veranda. The boundaries are very conditional and can manifest themselves in different technical and structural nuances. For example, warm glazing is characterized by such features as tightness, the presence of frames to increase thermal insulation, the use of frost-resistant double-glazed windows and the minimum number of openings. That is, the emphasis is on heat saving, which is important for the northern regions or terraces in which heat-loving plants are grown. Conversely, the cold glazing of the veranda does not aim to provide sealing with insulation. For such systems, it is allowed to use lightweight frameless canvases, install large windows, and sometimes entire spans are left without double-glazed windows.

Partial or panoramic design?
The features of the use of panoramic glazing, which is considered the most technologically advanced and attractive in appearance, have already been mentioned more than once. In this case, glass is used to its full height. That is, the entire area of the partition separating the veranda and the territory adjacent to the house will be covered with glass sheets. In this configuration, the frameless system looks most advantageous, and polycarbonate is not allowed in it. As for the partial glazing of the veranda, in essence it is implemented like ordinary windows, but in a large format. As a rule, the lower area is either an unfinished main wall or a partition. The upper half along the entire perimeter is made out with light-transmitting canvases. This is the right optionif the bet is on thermal insulation.
Using sliding doors
It cannot be said that this is a fundamentally new solution, but it is in structures with exterior decoration of the house that such systems have recently begun to be used. The mechanism of operation of functional panels in this case resembles the action of doors from a sliding wardrobe with guides. That is, they do not open "on themselves", but move aside. The advantages of the system of sliding glazing of the veranda and terrace include the following properties:
- Exclusion of spontaneous plowing (for example, in strong winds).
- Space saving.
- Convenience of physical control.
- Ability to implement automatic movement.
Device of window openings

The placement of windows is also organized differently depending on the operational requirements for glazing. Experts advise making a choice in favor of functional rotary or tilt-and-turn structures, which provide more control options than conventional frame inserts. And again, it is worth abandoning systems that open "on themselves", since they hide usable space. In this case, it also makes sense to use sliding frames. Glazing of the veranda and terrace in this design will require the creation of a more reliable carrier base, since the emphasis of the movement mechanism will fall on the light-transmitting sheets.
Roof installation
Another interesting decision, which, however, should be considered at the stage of capitalconstruction. An empty terrace can receive a full frame based on double-glazed windows with a transparent roof, which will add both aesthetic appeal and functionality. But this option is not suitable if you plan to design with increased thermal insulation. The sliding glazing of the veranda will also have to be abandoned, since the roller mechanism weakens the structural strength of the entire system. In addition, in order to exclude the load on the roof from snow in winter, it is necessary to provide an angle of inclination from 7 to 45 °. And one more trick: if a high light transmission capacity is required, then it is desirable to maintain a right angle of glazing to the sun. In the summertime, the greatest amount of energy with this angle can be obtained by creating a slope of 10-15°.

Terrace Foundation Requirements
Despite all the advantages of modern frame profiles and double-glazed windows, natural ground movements can destroy the most reliable structure if a high-quality foundation has not been thought out. This applies to cases with a remote terrace, which is not connected to the house through its screed. For such sites, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete slabs with laying in soil compacted with concrete. If you plan to install a frameless glazing of the veranda, then for the future connection of the brackets with the foundation, you must first consider the outlet attachment points in the slab. The power bond should not be provided by decorative flooring, but by a connection with a reliable base. By the way, with regard to the floor design of the veranda, thenit is desirable to use tiles made of stone or porcelain stoneware.
What else to consider when installing
As an addition, care should be taken to seal the docking points and strengthen the supporting frame in the wall. As for the first, the weak points in terms of insulation include the joints of jumpers and profiles, with which external seals are mated. As a means of sealing, mounting foam with decorative grouts or primer mixtures should be used, providing an insulating effect. The load-bearing elements are reinforced by tin plates, which are mounted into the wall on one side and fixed with bolts to the frame base on the other. In the lower part of the glazing of the veranda and terrace, it may be necessary to line engineering channels - for example, outlets to the sewer. This is done with metal castings, which not only protect communications, but also give this part a more aesthetic appearance.

The rich possibilities of structural and functional design of the veranda with glazing allow solving almost any tasks of the homeowner in terms of arranging this zone. But in the pursuit of modern technical solutions, one can also lose the very significant positive properties of traditional terraces. For example, this concerns the abandonment of wood materials in favor of more practical plastic. On the contrary, sliding frames in the veranda glazing provide exceptional advantages in terms of ergonomic handling of openings. It will also not be superfluous to think over the possibilitiestransformation of the completed structure. This primarily applies to the transition from the summer season to the winter season with a logical change in the requirements for the microclimate. You should not exclude the possible re-arrangement of the veranda from the inside, which will also require changes in the design of the glazing. In this regard, we can recall the same winter garden, which will require both a special climate and higher ventilation requirements.