The distance from the septic tank to the well: sanitary standards and requirements, device, tips from the masters

The distance from the septic tank to the well: sanitary standards and requirements, device, tips from the masters
The distance from the septic tank to the well: sanitary standards and requirements, device, tips from the masters

On the territory of holiday villages there is usually no central sewerage system. A safe and sometimes the only possible solution for residents of country houses is a septic tank. Installing the equipment is quite simple, but it is important to follow all installation rules.

The cesspool today is a sealed reservoir where household and household waste is temporarily stored. After reviewing the regulatory documentation, you can find out what is the distance from the septic tank to the well. In general, a certain step must be maintained from the cesspool to other objects. Work on the arrangement of the well and the cesspool should be carried out with a reference to each other.

The need to hold the step between the sewer and the well

distance between septic tank and well
distance between septic tank and well

When installedcleaning system, one of the main factors in this case is its correct location in conjunction with a well or well. With the wrong location of the septic tank, untreated sewage can enter the drinking water. If the well is contaminated, it can cause the development of serious diseases for a person.

Many are wondering what is the probability of sewage coming out of the purification system. If a factory septic tank has been installed, it has a sealed housing and provides good protection against the penetration of waste into the soil. However, emergencies cannot be ruled out. These may involve leaking seams, ruptured pipes, or damage to system connections.

Causes of pollution of water sources

Untreated effluent can leave the tank if a poor connection of structural parts has been made, improperly installed or the body is leaking. In this regard, it is extremely important to observe the distance from the septic tank to the well. This parameter is determined taking into account the presence of filter soil between the ground and aquifers. The layer is used to filter the purified water that comes from the drains.

Distance between cleaning system and well

distance from septic tank to well
distance from septic tank to well

Referring to the documentation where the established norms are mentioned, you can find out that a distance of 20 m must be maintained from the septic tank to the well. This is true if there is no interaction between the systems. In order to find out if there isfilter sites, it is necessary to carry out hydrogeological studies. They will allow you to get an assessment of the composition of the soil and its quality. This is true for the area around the house.

The distance from the septic tank to the well should be increased to 50-80 m if the property is built on soil with good filtering capacity. This should include sandy loam and sand. When equipping a septic tank, you must consider the location of the plumbing systems. The minimum gap between the pipes and the tank should be 10 m.

Why keep the distance

This norm must be observed to protect the source of drinking water from the ingress of sewage if there is a rupture of water pipes. The purification system should be located lower on the natural slope compared to the well or borehole.

Distance according to SNiP

distance from septic tank to well snip
distance from septic tank to well snip

The distance from the septic tank to the well is prescribed in sanitary norms and rules. When determining the optimal step, one should be guided by SNiP 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.01-85. According to these documents, it is necessary to maintain certain distances. For example, if the capacity of the equipment reaches 15,000 liters per day, then the distance should be 15 m in the conditions of underground filtration fields. If we are talking about a trench and a sand and gravel filter, then the numbers will be different. They depend on the capacity of the septic tank, which is expressed in the amount of waste per day. If this value is 1000 l, then the distance should be 8 m. The step increases to 10 m if the capacity is2000 liters per day. The distance will be 15 m and 20 m if the capacity is 4000 and 8000 l respectively. The maximum distance is 25 m, it is relevant for a septic tank capacity of 15,000 liters per day. For filter wells, the step will be 8 m, while for a septic product - 5 m.

Additional information on how distance depends on other conditions

septic tank
septic tank

When biological filtration equipment is installed with a capacity of 50 m3 per day, the distance increases to 110 m. sludge drying on the silt pad. It is also important to consider performance. If it is equal to 200,000 liters per day, the distance will be 150 m. For aeration plants with full oxidation, the step will be 50 m, which is true when the volume of processed waste is 700,000 liters per day.

Features of the septic tank device

How far is a septic tank from a well?
How far is a septic tank from a well?

When the distance between the septic tank and the well is selected, you can start work. It is important to remove the treatment system from the house at least 7 m. It is important to observe this rule in order to exclude erosion of the basements and the foundation of the building. A septic tank should be located on the site, taking care of the possibility of access to sewage equipment that will clean the equipment. Transport has impressive dimensions, but it can carry out work at a distance of 50 m. For this, a hose is used,down the drain.

For a successful result, it is important to know not only at what distance the septic tank from the well should be located, but also in what sequence to carry out the work. One of the first steps is soil selection. Modern containers are located in any soil, but it is better to choose soft, dry soil for this, which will greatly facilitate work with digging trenches and pits. A distance of 7 m is usually maintained between the dwelling and the tank. If this step is increased, it can cause blockages. When the gap between the sewage treatment system and the house is more than 15 m, an intermediate well must be installed.

Now you know the norms for the distance from the septic tank to the well. But this rule is not the only one that should be observed. Among others, it is necessary to highlight the correct laying of the route. For example, the pipeline from a residential building to a tank should be straight. If this is not possible, swivel wells should be installed at the turning points. This reduces the reliability of the system and further complicates it.

distance from the septic tank to the well
distance from the septic tank to the well

In order for the roots of trees not to rot, a distance of 4 m recedes from them. This is especially true for crops with a developed root system. But flower beds can be located on the territory of filtration sites and at any distance from the septic tank. Quite often, novice craftsmen wonder at what distance to make a septic tank from a well. Now you know it too. But it is also important to observe the step between the treatment system andreservoirs. So, between the lake, stream and septic tank, a minimum distance of 10 m should be maintained. Before you install a treatment plant, you must coordinate its location with your neighbors so as not to encounter the close location of the system to a well or fence.

It is very important to observe the distance from the septic tank to the well, as well as the fence and the public road, according to SNiP. The system should be removed from the fences by 2 m, and from the roadway - by 5 m. If these rules are not followed, this can lead to problems with the SES. An incorrectly located unit can be dismantled by the decision of the inspection authorities. Such work will necessarily entail financial costs, so it is recommended to do everything right the first time.

In closing

minimum distance from well to septic tank
minimum distance from well to septic tank

The minimum distance from the well to the septic tank must be observed, as well as the step between the waterworks and the filter well. This parameter is 30 m. It will be relevant if aquifers with a continuous water-resistant surface are used to obtain drinking water. Extraction of water from unprotected underground or surface sources should be excluded. When two aquifers are used, the distance increases to 50m.

There is also a rule regarding the observance of the distance to the drainage well. A minimum of 10 m is maintained between it and the cleaning structure. The well is 25 m away from the well. But the distance between the trenches of the drainage system is 1.5 m.
