One of the disadvantages of SIP-panel houses is that the so-called thermos effect is created inside them. That is, there is no natural air exchange between the premises and the street in such structures. In order to live in such a building in the future it was convenient, during its construction, it is imperative to equip a ventilation system. At the same time, when mounting such a network, you must strictly adhere to all the prescribed standards.
What types of ventilation can be installed
The design of an engineering system of this type when designing houses from SIP panels is usually chosen depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe latter. At the same time, in small residential buildings, a natural ventilation system is most often equipped. In houses made of SIP panels of a large area, forced communications of this type are mounted.
Most often, ventilation systems are equipped in such buildings at the stage of their construction. In some cases, the construction organization even gives the owners a guarantee of the effective operation of such a network for severalyears. But, of course, ventilation in such frames can be mounted even after their erection. Thus, for example, often done in the construction of small-area SIP buildings.

Natural ventilation system in SIP houses
Equip such engineering communications in residential buildings of this type by approximately the same methods as in any other. But since the houses of this variety are absolutely hermetic, all the required technologies and standards in this case are observed with maximum accuracy.
In houses built in the traditional way, using conventional materials, the exhaust air is removed from the premises through an exhaust stack or grilles. At the same time, its inflow is carried out through the cracks in the structures of the building itself.
For a house made of SIP panels, approximately the same method of arranging ventilation is used. But the installation of communications in this case has some of its own characteristics. The very technology of construction of such buildings completely eliminates the presence of any gaps in their structures. Therefore, networks with natural air circulation in SIP houses are equipped with additional devices.
Equipment for natural ventilation: valves
In order for air to freely enter and leave the premises, special supply valves are mounted in the walls in SIP buildings. Such elements can be installed:
- under windowsills;
- directly in the window frames;
next to windows inwall.
In this case, most often, supply ventilation valves in SIP houses are installed according to the first technology. In the event that such an element is mounted under the window sill, the street air entering the premises through it in winter will be heated from the heating radiator. In addition, this installation usually provides better traction through the valve.

A feature of devices of this type is, among other things, the fact that their design provides for an element that allows you to control the amount of air coming from the street.
Exhaust hood
When arranging natural ventilation in houses made of SIP panels, of course, it is necessary to provide for the removal of exhaust air. For this purpose, exhaust grilles can be installed in the bathrooms and kitchens of small SIP buildings. Install such elements under the ceiling of these rooms. At the same time, they must be supplemented with non-return valves so that air from the street does not penetrate through them into the bathroom and into the kitchen.
Equipment Mounting Technology
Under the exhaust grilles and supply valves in the walls of the house from SIP panels, holes are pre-drilled. Next, pipes are inserted into them. In turn, the "stuffing" of valves and hoods is mounted in these elements.
Very often in houses made of SIP panels, as in any other, the basement is also equipped. Of course, the owners of such a building should definitely ensure high-quality ventilation of this room. Basement ventilation in SIP housespanels are mounted in the same way as in residential premises. That is, when pouring the foundation, air is left in the tape, and then supply valves and exhaust grilles are inserted into them.
Types of artificial ventilation
Such systems in SIP-panel houses are also assembled quite often. At the same time, an artificial ventilation network can be installed in buildings of this type:
- exhaust;
- supply and exhaust.
The first kind of networks is assembled using the same equipment as natural ventilation. That is, in this case, supply valves and grilles are also installed. However, when assembling such systems, fans are additionally inserted into the exhaust vents in the bathrooms and kitchens. The use of such equipment allows you to speed up the air exchange in the house of SIP panels and make its microclimate more pleasant.

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems in houses made of SIP panels are usually equipped only if they have a very large area. When installing such networks, among other things, air ducts are also pulled in the building. Also, a supply and exhaust unit is installed in the house.
Installation of artificial ventilation with air ducts: project
Establishing such a network is technologically rather complicated. In principle, it is possible to mount a supply and exhaust ventilation system in a house from SIP panels, including with your own hands. However, the development of a project for such a network, the owners of country houses are usually allthey entrust specialists.
The matter is actually very complex and responsible. If the air ducts are laid incorrectly, the ventilation of a private house from SIP panels will subsequently turn out to be inefficient. In addition, the owners of such a residential building can significantly increase the cost of heating it in winter.

Requirements of SNiP
When drafting the supply and exhaust ventilation of a house from SIP panels, specialists, among other things, must take into account the norms of SNiP. Ultimately, engineering communications of this type in such a building must be laid so that they provide air exchange:
- for residential premises - 3 m3/h per 1 m2 area;
- for kitchens - 90 m3/h when using a gas stove and 60 m3/h when using an electric stove;
- for separate bath and toilet - 25 m3/h;
- for shared bathroom - 50 m3/h
In cold regions, if the outdoor temperature drops below -40 °C in winter, the ventilation network in houses should be supplemented with heating equipment.

Technology for assembling the supply and exhaust network
It will be relatively easy to install such a ventilation system in the house with your own hands if you have a finished project. When assembling networks of this type, at the first stage, holes are also usually drilled in the walls, through which the building is subsequentlyfresh air will come in. Next:
- pipes are inserted into the drilled holes and closed from the side of the street with bars;
- from the side of the room, supply air ducts are connected to the nozzles, after which they are laid to the place of installation of the air handling unit;
- from the inlet air ducts, sleeves are diverted to the premises;
- through the ceilings and slopes of the house with a conclusion to the roof, an exhaust duct is laid;
- hoses from the premises are laid to the outlet duct;
- installation in place of the supply and exhaust unit;
- the main supply and exhaust lines are connected to the installation.
The main equipment responsible for air circulation in the premises of the house from SIP panels is usually mounted in the attic. Supply sleeves are introduced into the rooms in branch pipes through the walls. At the same time, the ventilation of the house from SIP panels should be equipped so that the latter go into the premises along the bottom of the building envelope.

Exactly the same way, discharge sleeves are introduced into the premises. But in this case, holes in the walls are drilled at the top. At the final stage, the outlets of the air ducts in the premises are covered with decorative grilles.
Expert Tips
With strict observance of all the required technologies, the ventilation system in the house from SIP panels can be equipped with a really effective one. When installing such communications, specialists, in addition to everythingother things, it is advised to adhere to the following recommendations:
- it is better to choose an air handling unit for such a house supplemented with a recuperator;
- pipes for supply valves and grilles should be bought plastic.

When using a recuperator, the air coming from the street will be heated at the expense of the exhaust air. And this, in turn, will save on heating SIP-houses.
Metal pipes are not used when installing supply valves and exhaust hoods in residential buildings due to the fact that air passing through them can make strong noises. Such devices can be used, for example, only in utility rooms or on basement floors.