Tubing pipes (or tubing pipes for short) are widely used in the gas and oil industry: in the construction of oil and gas wells, tripping and repair work, transportation of various liquids and gaseous substances. Such products operate in difficult and harsh operating conditions: this is constant pressure, high mechanical loads, and the impact on the walls of aggressive media. In addition, tubing is constantly exposed to corrosion and erosion.

All this requires high strength from products, they must ensure the tightness and reliability of the entire system. A threaded connection is intended for fastening pipes. It provides high tightness, strength under conditions of increased loads, wear resistance and maintainability of products, as well as good string passability in wells with a complex profile.
Tube-pipe disables the following types of pipes:
- smooth;
- smooth according to GOST 633-80;
- smooth highly airtight;
- smooth highly airtight according to GOST 633-80;
- smooth with sealing knot;
- smooth highly airtight;
- tubing with upset ends ARI 5ST;
- with increased plasticity;
- withincreased cold resistance.
Requirements for tubing pipes

Tubing pipes and couplings used to connect them are subject to strict quality requirements, which ensure the reliability and durability of products. So, on the inner and outer wall there should be no cracks, delamination, shells. It is possible to clean or punch out these defects, but the following condition must be observed: the depth of embedding should not exceed the maximum negative shutdown in wall thickness.
The number and size of defects on tubing pipes and their couplings are strictly regulated. Excess of admissible norms is excluded.
If the tubing is lowered into the well, then it is necessary to check its internal diameter and general curvature using a mandrel, the length of which is 1250 mm, and the diameter depends on the diameter of the product being tested. Especially this procedure must be carried out in the case of using rod pumps or in the presence of deposits of s alts, gypsum, paraffin.

Each tubing pipe must be marked. The marking is applied at a distance of about 0.4-0.6 meters from the end of the product by knurling or by impact and must contain the following information: nominal diameter of the pipe, its number, strength group, wall thickness, manufacturer's name and date of issue. All dimensions must be given in millimeters. The applied marking is distinguished by light paint, resistant to various influences.
Tubing pipe is produced according to technicaldocuments that may differ for each individual manufacturer, but the general requirements should not contradict the accepted conditions. The main differences are different trapezoid profile threads, sealing elements, etc.
In general, the tubing pipe must be of high quality and durable, only then it will ensure the reliability of all systems in which it is used.