Classes of locks: types, degrees of protection, basic criteria, purpose and use of locks

Classes of locks: types, degrees of protection, basic criteria, purpose and use of locks
Classes of locks: types, degrees of protection, basic criteria, purpose and use of locks

Each owner tries to secure his home as much as possible. For this, he installs a metal front door. But which lock will be the most secure? What to look for when choosing? In this article you will find information about security classes of front door locks and much more.

Principles of selection

combination locks
combination locks

When buying a constipation for the front door, you must always adhere to certain principles. This will help you make the right choice among the different classes of castles. These principles include:

  1. The miser pays twice. Saving is not always justified. It is better to buy one good lock than to spend money on two, but worse and cheaper. In addition, cheap models are not always reliable and will not provide you with security.
  2. It's even better to get some good locks. In the event of a breakdown, you can immediately change one of them, without leaving your living space unprotected from encroachments by dishonest people.
  3. Bought a bad lock can bring a lot of trouble to the owner himself. Often suchunits seize and jam. It turns out that not only the intruders will not get into your apartment, but you yourself.
  4. Double protection. It is recommended to install several locks on the front door at once. In addition, it is desirable to use different classes of locks. For example, lever and cylinder at the same time. Firstly, it will increase the penetration time into the apartment. And secondly, it will force the robbers to innovate and select various ways to open locks.

If you follow these simple tips, then the nerves of all family members will be saved, as well as your property.

Types of locks by type of mechanisms

It is logical that there are different classes of lock protection. They are distinguished according to different criteria. Let's give a classification according to the type of locking mechanisms.

  1. Level (mortise and external).
  2. Cylinder (overhead and mortise).
  3. Smartlocks ("smart" locks).

Each type has its positive and negative sides. In addition, they belong to different price ranges. This allows you to choose a lock based not only on security considerations, but also taking into account financial possibilities.

Types of locks by installation method

lock installation
lock installation

The reliability of the castle and the security of the home is also affected by the way it is installed. There are mortise and overhead models. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Mortise lock. This is the most common option. From the name it is clear that the mechanisms in this case crash into the front door. Therefore, when choosing them, you need to take into accountthe width of the entrance and the dimensions of the lock block. Locks of this kind are quite reliable and, if properly installed and used, they can be extremely durable.
  2. The rim locks are on the outside of the door. They seem to be attached to the top. In rare cases, a separate groove is created specifically for such a lock. Due to their geometric shape, they are often called boxed. They are not as reliable as mortise ones, so they are often installed as an additional means of protection. Often, a chain and a "dog" come with a patch lock. This is another way to make your home more secure.

Devices of various types of locks

Different classes of locks are arranged differently, and each has its own principle of operation.

The composition of the cylindrical includes a power locking mechanism and a cylinder into which the key is inserted. When it enters the mechanism, the pins take a certain position. Thanks to this, the castle turns. In modern technology, probes and discs may also be used as an add-on. The number of pins in the cylinder is responsible for reliability.

The lever lock mechanism is one and consists of plates that are built into the power unit. They cannot be replaced, which cannot be said about the pins in a cylindrical unit. The principle of operation is as follows: during the turn, the center distance between the levers (plates) changes. They are arranged in the form of a key and the lock opens.

Electronic models have a completely different level of device. Since this technology has appeared recently, it is far from being observed on all doors - mosta common use case is driveways rather than entryways. For the latter, combined solutions are often installed. The main ones are the old proven mechanisms, and the electronics are used only for safety net. Such locks function on electromagnets.

Cylinder lock: advantages and disadvantages

cylinder lock
cylinder lock

The protection class of cylinder locks has its advantages, namely:

  • affordable price range;
  • decent appearance;
  • easy installation;
  • Easy removal of the key hole, which allows repair of this type of lock.

However, some positions are more of a disadvantage:

  • the lock can be unscrewed with a conventional screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • low reliability;
  • too light construction, which can be knocked out with a metal rod and a hammer.

Pros and cons of the lever mechanism

lever lock
lever lock

One of the classes of locks - lever, also has its own advantages. Among them:

  • is knocked out only together with the door;
  • it cannot be drilled out;
  • Quite easy to install;
  • the more levers used, the less the lock is susceptible to picking.

There are also disadvantages. Namely:

  • too cumbersome key;
  • there is a hole in the front door, the lining from which does not give reliability to the mechanism;
  • lock is beyond repair.

Electronic locks: advantages and disadvantages

electronic lock
electronic lock

Classes of locks according to the degree of protection are headed by electronic mechanisms. These are new modern technologies that have their own merits that attract people:

  • there are no keyholes;
  • transcoding function available;
  • remote control available on some models.

But there are also flaws:

  • expensive mechanism;
  • requires constant independent energy source;
  • electronic failures possible;
  • can be hacked using special unlocking tools.


the padlock
the padlock

In this case, it is of great importance what material the material is made of. The protection class of the padlock depends on this. However, they are still not used to protect the entrance doors. The main place to use this type of mechanism is garages or utility rooms.

So, the principle of the padlock is as follows. It is attached to the door by threading the shackle into special holes, which are called "eyes". This option is the easiest to use. It can be easily replaced if damaged.

But even such simple locks have their own criteria by which they differ. This is:

  • secrecy mechanism;
  • design;
  • body and temple material;
  • lock size;
  • arm diameter and length;
  • presence of waterproof protection;
  • quantityincluded keys.

Today, there are several varieties of padlocks. Highlight:

  • Open type with half-round shackle. This is the simplest and most well-known mechanism. One movement - the shackle snaps into place and is held (the lock is closed). The second is the turn of the key and it is released (open).
  • Mushroom - the shackle has a fixed position. Differs in a cylindrical shape with an increased diameter at the end, which locks.
  • Semi-closed - the arms are in the eyelets. The fixing part of the lock is hidden in the body.
  • Closed type. The most secure as the shackle is completely hidden in the case.

As for the material for the manufacture of padlocks, here preference is given to steel, especially stainless. But this pleasure is not cheap. A compromise option is cast iron, which is resistant to corrosion and deformation and is cheaper than stainless steel.

The main drawback of these designs is the ease of breaking the product. It is enough to have a simple iron bar to render a padlock unusable. Therefore, it is recommended to choose cast constructions with protected and hardened temples.

The world of technology does not stand still. Therefore, even such simple designs can be improved. Now used models with alarms. They are battery operated and react (siren sounds) to an attempt to break the handle or to a blow.

Padlocks are used everywhere: both indoors and outdoors. Main areas of use: suitcases, mailboxes,basements, garages, sheds, storage rooms, booths, containers, attics and more.

Classes of security locks

front door burglary
front door burglary

In GOST, the protection classes of locks are partially spelled out. This is explained by the fact that the time of cracking and "holding" of the mechanism is averaged and conditional. It is designed for the average attacker with a set of lockpicks, a crowbar and a hammer.

So, there are four classes of stability of lock mechanisms:

  • 1 class. The most unreliable. Opening time - 3-4 minutes. Their mechanism is the simplest. They are made from cheap and poor quality materials. Typically, these locks are installed on interior doors.
  • 2 class. More reliable. It opens in 5-7 minutes. Acceptable for installation on entrance doors.
  • 3 class. Mechanisms of average reliability. Capable of deterring thieves for about 15 minutes. The mechanism is necessarily equipped with additional secrets. The quality of the manufactured parts is quite high. Locks of this class are most often installed on the front doors of apartments and private houses.
  • 4 class. The strongest and most reliable units. Opening time - at least 30 minutes. They are used in places of increased protection and installed on armored heavy doors.

Guardian (Russia)

Domestic company "Guardian" offers to install mechanisms of its own production. The locks are manufactured at a factory in Russia in the city of Yoshkar-Ola in the Republic of Mari El. More than 40 models are produced at the factory, suitable for wooden, metal, plastic andaluminum doors. The units meet modern requirements for the degree of security, secrecy, operation and functionality.

Guardian locks are classified as very reliable. They are based on their own combined design. Six bolts and a latch in combination with a cylindrical core prevent the lock from being picked quickly.
