Electric saws are indispensable in many work situations. For example, if work is carried out in a confined space (house, factory, etc.). Even on a garden plot, it will be very useful, but provided that there is access to electricity. The use of electric type saws will facilitate the process of chores and relieve you of the need to prepare fuel mixtures. This factor also affects the economic feasibility of using this device. Petrol-powered versions of saws have sunk into oblivion due to their laboriousness and environmental friendliness. The last criterion is very relevant in our time, because the issue of preserving the environment is very acute.

What types of power saws are there?
Electric saws can be divided into several groups. However, the most popular and popular types are chain and circular saws.

Circular electric saws
This type of saw is used for sawing boards, beams along and across. The main element of the circular electric saw is a metal round blade, which in thicknesscan reach a maximum of 2 mm, and in diameter it reaches 20 mm. The disc is attached to the saw's electric motor. It must be protected by a fixed casing (only half of the saw blade is closed with it, its lower part remains open). Since such saws are quite heavy, they are equipped with two comfortable handles that will make the work process more comfortable.
Some workers are fixing circular saws on a workbench. Thanks to this, a mini machine is obtained, designed for sawing wood. Such designs are very often used in production.
Power chain saws
This type of electric saw can be used for various purposes: firewood harvesting, deforestation, in the process of construction work and in summer cottages. Makita chain saws are ideal not only for sawing wood, but also other materials such as foam concrete, plastic, etc.

The domestic market of power tools represents a huge range of chain saws of various manufactures. The range of prices and specifications can be confusing.
Electric chain saws are universal helpers that will make your household and construction work easier. In this regard, it is very important that the tool is reliable and durable. Do not forget that a good tool cannot be very cheap, you have to pay for quality. If chain prices for electric saws seem high to you, but in all respects they are suitable, then take it without hesitation. They justify theircost.
Chain saws are tools equipped with an electric motor, which is connected to the saw part through a gear system. The electric motor can only work in the presence of a permanent power source in the form of an electrical outlet. The recharge process is carried out using an electric cable.
Makita chain saws have a brake chain in their design, designed to instantly stop the chain if there is a danger to the worker's life.

Electric chain saws are very environmentally friendly and quite quiet. However, in addition to the significant advantages of electric chain saws, they also have disadvantages. For example, they do not have much power (when compared with gasoline types of saws). In addition, the lack of mobility greatly limits their scope. We hope that the descriptions above will help you make the right choice.