Chainsaw is the most useful tool for gardening and logging. The efficiency of its work directly depends on the degree of wear and sharpness of the cutting elements. Chainsaw chain sharpening can be entrusted to a specialist. However, after studying the necessary information on this issue and a little practice, even a beginner can do this work on his own.

How can I tell if a saw needs sharpening?
The working surface of a chainsaw chain consists of two types of links: cutting and limiting teeth. The former are taller than the latter. The difference in height is usually always at the same level - 0.5-0.8 mm. When it changes, the efficiency of the saw is sharply reduced, it begins to lead to the side. Cutting time is increased. The need for sharpening can also be seen from the shape of the remaining chips. Sharp teeth create a uniform chip. Its particles are square in shape. If the links are worn off, then the shape and size of the particleswill be different. From under the chain, fine dust will begin to pour, mixed with chips that look like needles. Working with such saws becomes not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Its continuation can lead to a breakdown of the mechanism and injury to a person. Therefore, in such cases, chainsaw chain sharpening should be organized immediately.

What tools will you need?
Professional lumberjacks often use machines. They are equipped with special circles for sharpening chainsaw chains. An ordinary gardener may well do without buying expensive equipment. Chainsaw chain sharpening kit includes the following tools:
- flat file,
- cylindrical file,
- combination pattern,
- vice (this tool will make the job easier, but you can do without it).
Sharpening process
A template is superimposed on the chain so that the direction of the arrows coincides with the chain's motion vector. The angle of the file should be selected for each chain individually, based on its pitch. Sharpening is done with light, precise movements towards the tire. Each tooth requires the same number of approaches. Cutting teeth are processed in two. The first is on one side, the second is on the other. Sharpening the chainsaw chain according to the template eliminates errors and helps to avoid vibration of the saw in the future. For limiter teeth, a flat file is used. The template assumes two positions for different tree species: "H" (hard) - forhard, "S" (soft) - for soft.

Operating the saw
If you follow the basic rules of use, then chainsaw chain sharpening will be required much less often, and the device will last much longer. Never forget to lubricate the mechanism. Oil must flow continuously to the surface of the sprocket, chain and guide bar. During operation, it is necessary to monitor how the chain is tensioned. Lack of tension can cause slipping and can be a serious he alth hazard. A dull chain must not be used. Its use will lead to excessive load on the saw mechanism and rapid wear of parts.