Wood is perhaps the most common building material today. Long gone are the days when the process of building a house was carried out using the most primitive tools. Now, to perform this kind of work, new technologies and the most modern equipment are used, including a sawmill, with the help of which wood is processed to the desired size. Unfortunately, this tool is not available to ordinary Russians, because it costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. However, there is a way out of this situation - the construction of a home-made sawmill. Find out how this happens in our today's article.

Why is it more profitable to make a sawmill from a chainsaw?
In general, a chainsaw is a unique device, because on its basis you can make almost any tool, from homemade lawn mowers to snowmobiles. In our case, usingThis device allows you to design the desired element almost without involving any additional parts and assemblies. Judge for yourself - we already have the engine, and together with the gas tank, the frame is also present, and even the chain remains in working condition. We will not change or re-equip any of the above. The only thing we need to do is a metal canopy that will be attached to the saw body. You can see the approximate design of such a device in the following photo.

As you can see, homemade sawmills from a chainsaw are practically no different from a true saw. That is, the effort and cash costs required to perform this operation are minimal. This is the whole advantage of using this tool as a sawmill.
How to make a chainsaw sawmill?
To create such a device, you need to have two channels measuring 150 … 180 x 8000 millimeters (height and length, respectively). In addition, in the work you will need several corners of 50 x 100 mm and two rails. The latter must be turned upside down. When creating the base for the sawmill, you should drill several holes in it, 14-18 millimeters each. The interval between them should be approximately 1-1.2 meters.
Also in the work you will need screeds. They can be made from an ordinary water pipe 250 millimeters long. Bolts should be used as connecting elements, not welding. From rectanglesracks are made, on which the base of the sawmill is then fixed. By the way, in the manufacture of the base it is unacceptable to use deformed elements. All parts must have a strictly even shape. As for the distance between the uprights, they should be placed to the end of the base with an interval of 80-100 centimeters. Additionally, you can weld the braces between them to make the structure seem more durable.

What to do next?
At the next stage, the chainsaw sawmill is equipped with a movable trolley. It will be based on a steel plate measuring 600 x 50 millimeters. A metal corner of 40 x 40 millimeters should be welded to it from below. Then the trolley must be placed on bearings or rollers. Also weld 2 corners to its upper part. The chainsaw itself is attached to the latter.
At the final stage, a structure is made to fix the log. What do I need to do? Here you will need a metal tube with a diameter of 35-40 millimeters. Also, in the course of work, it is necessary to use a movable hose, which will be located with subsequent fixing at the desired height. In this case, the height value should not exceed the length of the pipe itself. So, our homemade sawmill with our own hands was successfully made. You can safely start using it and process wood of almost any diameter.

How to make a sawmill out of a chainsaw? Method 2
Let's give another method of making a sawmill at home. ATIn principle, this option for creating a cutting device does not differ much from the previous one - the drawing and tools for work will be the same as in the first case. However, this sawmill manufacturing technology will be more refined. How to make a sawmill from a chainsaw with your own hands in this case? On the drawing, you will need to indicate 4 main elements. This is a saw, its drive, a mechanism by which the thickness of the resulting board is regulated, as well as an element that allows you to move the saw part of the structure. You should also indicate the layout of the device for fixing the log.

How is a saw and its drive made?
There is nothing difficult here. Since a sawmill is being made from a chainsaw, all these elements, including the motor, will already be ready with us. Therefore, all that is required of you is a working saw with cutting teeth and a working engine, which, in principle, is present in the design of this tool.
Now about how to make a mechanism for adjusting the thickness of the board. The sawing of the log at the sawmill itself occurs by lowering or raising the base of the device, which is held on 4 screws or welded to the plate with nuts whose edges are bent. There is a lock nut at the top of the base. It is tightened after the chainsaw sawmill is set up. We adjust to the appropriate thickness of the processed log.

How do you do a sawmill from a chainsaw with your own hands?The saw part of the tool must move along the guide corners along the frame. In this case, a distance of 50-55 centimeters must be observed between these elements. 2 rollers are welded to each rack, the upper one rests on the guide corner, and the lower one keeps the sawmill from lifting. If it is not possible to use rollers, 20 mm bearings can be used.
A device that fixes a log on a sawmill
The wood on this tool is fixed with two combs, one of which moves with a screw, and the second remains stationary. After installing the log, the first movable element is fixed in a stationary state with several screws. After installing the fixing device, you can safely start operating the sawmill and process the first wooden blanks.

And finally…
Let's note a few rules for operating a homemade sawmill:
- From time to time, lubricate and sharpen the tool chain, as the quality and speed of your work depends on these factors.
- Before fixing the log or board, make sure that there are no foreign metal objects (nails, screws, etc.) in it, except for those that are nailed when fixing the device to wood. The teeth that have fallen on the surface of such parts become dull in an instant, and it is possible that such a chain will only be subject to replacement.
- In no case do not remove the product from the sawmill before it is muffledengine. Otherwise, injury to the operator and damage to the device is simply inevitable.