Wind generator for home is an alternative device for generating electricity. Such equipment will be indispensable if you are not very close to the center line.
Advantages and disadvantages of hardware

Wind generator for home is a demanded unit. However, it has its pros and cons. Benefits include:
- you do not have to pay anything for the generated energy;
- you will not be harmed if the main power supply is turned off;
- windmills can supply energy to those houses that are far from centralized lines;
- it is possible to use a generator for space heating (together with other sources, such as solar panels);
- the device does not emit any harmful substances, and also you do not leave any waste, that is, you do not pollute the environment.
It should be noted that the wind generator for the home has certain disadvantages:
- initial purchase and installation is quite expensive;
- such a device can workonly when the wind is blowing, so you can't use that energy all the time;
- The machine is making quite a lot of noise.
Varieties of equipment

Wind generator for the home can be with a vertical or horizontal axis. The second type is more common. First of all, they were invented much earlier than vertical-axis devices. But they have their drawback: for the operation of such a unit, a certain direction and strength of the wind is required.
The first type of device has its advantages. It is also becoming more popular than horizontal axis generators. The fact is that it constantly expands the power range. And vertical devices do not depend on the direction of the wind.
Design and operation of the product
Do-it-yourself wind turbines for the home are not difficult to make. However, first you need to understand the design of the device. So, the presented device consists of only a few parts: a rotor, blades, a mast, as well as a “tail”, thanks to which the device turns in the direction of the wind. In addition, additional batteries may be included in the overall system.
In addition to the main components, in your own design you can use a variety of sensors, anemometers, blade rotation regulators. If the windmill is manufactured in production, then it can be equipped with a noise absorber, a wind orientation system.
As for the principle of operation of the presented equipment, it is very simple. Duringwind blows the blades of the windmill begin to rotate. As a result, the generator is turned on, which produces an electric current. Since it is constant, it is necessary to use an inverter. Thanks to him, you will get an alternating current at the output.
For the correct operation of the presented apparatus, it is necessary to use various measuring instruments that will help identify any inaccuracies in the operation of the windmill and eliminate them in time.
How to choose the right production model?

Choosing a wind turbine for a private house is quite simple. You just need to be guided by certain parameters. So, during the purchase, pay attention to such factors:
1. Direction of the wind. If the weather in your area is quite calm and quiet, or if the air flows are constantly moving in different directions, then perhaps such a device simply will not suit you. Although in this case you can use vertical wind turbines for home.
2. Power. Here, too, it all depends on the area in which you will use the presented device. If the area where you are going to install it is not very favorable conditions for its operation, then you should not buy too powerful, and therefore expensive model. All your expenses simply will not pay off. For example, you can buy a small machine with vertical blades in this case.
3. Manufacturer. Here you need to focus on well-known manufacturers with a good reputation and positive reviews.
What tools and materials are needed to make?

So, for work you will need the following items:
- drill and drill bits;
- wire cutters and screwdrivers;
- keys;
- clamps, washers, bolts, and stainless steel wire;
- a working car battery, as well as a non-working 12 V acid battery;
- an old bucket or pan made of stainless material, plastic can be used if necessary;
- voltmeter;
- wires, the cross section of which is 2, 5 and 4;
- battery charging relay, as well as car charge lamp control relay;
- 12 V button switch;
- large size outdoor communication box.
Production technology

It's easy to build a homemade wind generator for your home. First you need to make a rotor. For this, a bucket is used. First, using a marker, mark the element and cut it into 4 parts. For this, metal scissors or a grinder are used. Next, in the bottom of the bucket, you need to drill holes for fasteners (bolts). Here you need to be very careful so that the pulley and generator stand up correctly.
Further cut blades must be bent (at a certain angle depending on the direction of the wind). Now you can start attaching the bucket to the pulley. Bolts are used for this.
Now you should make an electrical circuit. Thatthere are wires to be connected to the generator. In order to facilitate further use and repair of the device, try to rewrite the markings and the position of the cords. Further, the entire circuit is assembled in a communication box. Now the generator can be fixed on the mast. Wires are also attached here.
After the generator is installed, you can connect all the other devices that you need. Next, you can bring the lighting system to your generator. In principle, the device is ready. You just need to check its work first.
Features of installing the machine
In order for the presented equipment to work effectively, you need to install it correctly. During installation, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. For example, you should not fix the windmill in the area of \u200b\u200btree growth. The most convenient place for installation is hills and elevations. A particularly advantageous position for the generator is the steppe or the coastline.
If you want to supply yourself with free electricity, then warn your neighbors, because this device makes a lot of noise. If you do not want additional problems, then try to install the unit at a distance that will not be less than 250 m.
Features of home heating with a wind turbine

Don't rely on your windmill to be your main source of energy. It can only supplement the main system in case of failures in its operation. Heating a house with a wind turbine will be effective if you simultaneously use andother energy sources such as solar panels.
A wind generator is suitable as the main source of heat only if there is a constant wind of sufficient strength in the area where it is located. In addition, in winter, the rotor may freeze, so the blades will not spin. In this case, equipment failure may occur. Therefore, try to protect the unit from moisture and ice.