Village baths: projects, construction, interior decoration

Village baths: projects, construction, interior decoration
Village baths: projects, construction, interior decoration

Village baths can be built using different technologies, it is quite simple to build such a building on your own. It will be necessary to make insulation and vapor barrier, only in this way you can get a steam room that will in no way be inferior to brick architectural masterpieces.

Moreover, frame buildings can be compared with log baths. It will be quite simple to make such manipulations, especially if compared with a technique that involves the use of bars or bricks. At the same time, it will not be necessary to build a serious foundation, as well as to use expensive materials. Frame-based rustic baths have one valuable advantage, which is expressed in the fact that such buildings are lightweight and do not shrink, which cannot be avoided with chopped steam rooms. However, there are also disadvantages, which are expressed in humidity during rain and snow, water is able to penetrate into all cracks, and also accumulate inside the frame. In order to eliminate this problem, you should try to solve it onthe first stages of construction.

Building the foundation

village baths
village baths

If you are interested in rustic frame-based baths, then you should also know how the foundation is built. These works do not involve complex preliminary preparatory manipulations. This is due to the ease of construction. However, if the soil on the site is heaving or clayey, then it is best to start building a strip base.

Foundation Technology

bath photo
bath photo

Rustic baths are most often built on tape bases. To do this, at the first stage, you need to carry out a layout, according to which a trench is dug. The depth of the latter should be equal to 40 centimeters, while the depth will be 50 centimeters. The next step will be to fill the trench with sand to the surface of the earth. Each poured layer should be well compacted. In order to ensure better shrinkage, the layers should be watered. To fill the foundation, you will definitely need a formwork, its height should be 50 centimeters, while the width is 30 centimeters. The base should be reinforced with metal pipes and rods, which will give the structure strength. Now the master can start pouring concrete, sometimes these works are carried out in several approaches, while if you ordered concrete at the factory, then pouring can be done in one go. If you decide to use the first option, then you need to exclude the freezing of the previous one.layer before pouring the next. After the concrete has hardened, a roofing material is laid on top of the base, which will act as a waterproofing of the frame walls.

Walling recommendations

bath projects
bath projects

The bathhouse, the photo of which is presented in the article, should be bred using wood that is properly prepared. These works include drying lumber. Almost any breed can be used, except for birch, which rots quite quickly. Experts advise using aspen, larch or linden, the thermal conductivity of which is quite low, and the structure allows for a long time to maintain its original shape. For external cladding, it is best to use larch and pine, while any type of wood is suitable for interior work, but aspen is the most valuable. The bath, the photo of which will help you build, must be protected from the outside with an antiseptic, inside the lining is polished and covered in two layers with furniture varnish. An exception will be the steam room and sink, where it is more appropriate to use special impregnation. The lower harness is recommended to be formed from a strong beam, its cross section can be 10 x 10 centimeters. In the corners, the elements are connected in a quarter and additionally fastened with nails. In order to exclude the displacement of the lower trim and corner posts, they are installed on steel pins of 2 centimeters each, which are mounted in concrete. The same beam should be used to equip the upper harness. In order to ensure rigidityframe of the bath, braces are installed in the corners in the amount of 8 pieces.

Work methodology

bath inside
bath inside

If you will build a bathhouse, projects must first be considered. This will allow you to understand which building is best to choose. Intermediate racks made of beams are installed along the walls. The cross section of the latter should be the same as mentioned above. Next, logs for the floor are laid, paired boards with a cross section of 15 x 5 centimeters are perfect as them. They are laid on the waterproofing of the base. Outside, the walls can be upholstered with imitation decorative clapboard, which will be the most affordable and simple solution. If you use a similar technique when building a bath, then it will turn out to be solid and attractive in appearance, it will not be a shame to invite friends into it. If you decide to choose a lining, then it is best to place it on the surface of the outer wall horizontally, waterproofing made of glassine is placed under the upholstery. Whole sheets are used, which are overlapped. All edges should be glued with adhesive tape, which is especially important to do as carefully as possible, only in this way you will exclude unnecessary moisture from entering the bath.

Working on the arrangement of the floors

private bath
private bath

Before you build a bath, projects must be considered. This will allow you to determine the features of the building. In order to equip the floors in the bath, to the bottom of the lag, as for both the steam room and the rest room, it is necessary to nail a square beamwith a side of 5 centimeters. The boards of the subfloor are covered on top, then a layer of roofing material, and then mineral wool comes, it should be laid 10 centimeters thick. A vapor barrier is laid under the boards of the finishing floor, which can be parchment.

Arrangement of the floor in the washroom

bath drawings
bath drawings

When you get off the bath inside, special attention should be paid to the floors in the washing room. Here the technology will be somewhat different. In order for it to always remain warm in winter and dry quickly, it is necessary to make a separate foundation around the perimeter. The master removes a layer of soil, deepening by 0.5 meters. Gravel and sand are poured into the pit, while the layer should be 10 centimeters thick. If water enters such a drainage well, then it will seep into the ground, and a pit is not needed. Lags for the floor will be asbestos-cement pipes, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters. They are laid on the foundation, and then poured with concrete, this will keep them from shifting. When the bath is finished inside, the next step is to lay a rounded edged board 5 centimeters thick, while providing a 6-mm gap by laying rubber gaskets, they are fixed with nails. After that, the floor can be pressed with skirting boards.

Arrangement of the exhaust system

log cabin
log cabin

A private bath, like one intended for public use, must provide for a hood. For this, an asbestos cement pipe is used,its diameter should be 12 centimeters, the only way you can eliminate the smell of mold in the steam room. It will be enough to bring the pipe to the attic, during the procedures and the furnace, hot air will penetrate through the gap under the door into the sink, and the exhaust ventilation will take moisture through the floor cracks. At the same time, the feet of those who are soaring will always be warm.

Arrangement of the truss structure

If you will build a private bath, then you definitely need to think about what technology is supposed to equip the truss system. Floor beams, as well as rafters, should be constructed from boards with a cross section of 15 x 5 centimeters. They have to be installed on the edge, fixing them together. Ultimately, the distance between the rafters should be 10 x 12 centimeters. In a vertical position, they are fastened with scarves, while from above the connection between them should provide for the formation of the same section as that of a ridge beam. Beams are released outside by 40 centimeters. The drawings of the baths will help you do the work correctly, the technology indicates the need to assemble the truss structure on the ground, after which it will have to be lifted up and installed in finished form. The crate for this is made of boards, the thickness of which is 25 centimeters. Laying of the crate is carried out directly from the ridge.

Behavior of vapor barrier and insulation

You can draw up drawings of baths yourself, what needs to be done even before the start of construction. But after the construction of walls and roofs, you can proceed tovapor barrier and insulation. If you follow the experience of professional builders, then thermal insulation is best done using the Ursa roll, the thickness of which is 50 millimeters. The material is laid between the vertical posts, fixing to the rails. In some places, thermal insulation is nailed to the outer boards, however, special nails should be used, which are equipped with a rubber washer under the head. A log cabin bath, as well as a frame-based bath, must have a vapor barrier in order to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the structure when the temperature is high inside and it is winter outside. The most successful solution for this is a plastic film, which is placed under the lining. Particular attention should be paid to the process of sheathing the steam room. Here it is also important to lay a high-quality vapor barrier, for example, foil, film or glassine. However, it is worth abandoning the roofing material or roofing felt, which, when heated, can exude a specific smell.

Interior Features

A log cabin, like the one built on the basis of a frame, must be finished from the inside. Thus, it will be possible to get something similar to a layer cake. First, there is an external lining, then glassine, at the next stage, thermal insulation is laid, and after that - a plastic film. The latest will be the inner lining. The main condition in this case is the provision of an air gap, the thickness of which is 5 centimeters. It must be inside the walls. Experts recommend paying special attention to the steam room, where the effect should be ensured.thermos. It is best to lay the insulation with foil inside the room, while in the ceiling it is necessary to use Ursa foil, as well as 5 cm ordinary insulation. When building a rustic bathhouse with your own hands, it is best to finish the ceiling and walls inside the steam room with aspen clapboard, in extreme cases, you can use tongue-and-groove or poplar linden boards.

External wall decoration

The use of plaster and paint is not the only option for exterior facades. The features of the bath from the inside were described above, but in order to give the structure an attractive appearance, you can use modern materials like thermal panels. For the reason that the traditional construction of a frame bath involves mandatory thermal insulation, these works can be carried out using thermal panels. They are a multilayer structure, the insulation of which is foam or mineral wool. Thermal insulation is enclosed between two layers of PVC. The outer surface, as a rule, is made in the form of masonry, after which it is sprinkled with pressed crumbs. Finishing a rustic bath with the help of thermal panels is quite simple, since the products have mutual grooves that allow for easy installation. Fixing materials on the facade should be done with ordinary self-tapping screws that fix the panels to the profiles on the external walls.

Use facing brick or siding

If you will be building a bath, lining for finishing external walls is perfect. However, latelymore and more often, facing bricks are used, which allows you to create a smooth masonry that fits into any exterior. Insulation can be laid between the facing brick and the main walls. Siding is the most popular and lightest material for wall cladding, it is inexpensive, and it is as easy as possible to strengthen it. That is why, in recent years, professionals and private developers are abandoning plaster and conventional materials, preferring new solutions that can transform a building, making it as attractive as possible. You can independently think about which finish is more acceptable for you, which one you can install on your own.
