Dielectric coupling for gas. Safety

Dielectric coupling for gas. Safety
Dielectric coupling for gas. Safety

The dielectric gas coupling ensures safety in residential areas and saves people's lives.

Equipment running on natural gas is connected to electricity sources. To prevent an accident when electric current enters the gas pipeline network, a protective insert should be mounted on gas appliances.

Appointment of a dielectric coupling for gas

Boilers and boilers are used to heat water in the heating system. For cooking, stoves, ovens and hobs are placed in the kitchen. In the listed devices there is a system of control sensors, electric ignition, oven lighting. Therefore, the gas type of the appliance requires an electrical connection.

dielectric coupling for gas purpose
dielectric coupling for gas purpose

So that the current does not flow through the gas pipe inside the room, polyamide insulators are used - couplings. For the gas dielectric coupling, yellow polyamide is used due to the low content of conductive impurities.

Dielectric insulating inserts, when current is applied togas network, keep gas devices and gas metering devices working.

How does breakdown occur in the gas network

Natural gas is supplied to homes and other premises through metal pipes laid underground in urban areas or above its surface in the private sector. Metal corrodes when exposed to moisture. Applying a positive electrical potential helps reduce corrosion.

According to safety regulations, a dielectric coupling is installed on the pipe at the entrance to the house. In this way, the indoor gas riser is protected, provided that the coupling is installed correctly and is in good condition. But the dead grounding of a pipe in the basement of a house can break due to corrosion.

Next, in a house or apartment, suppose the stove is connected to the riser through a rubber hose with a metal braid. If suddenly the insulation of the electrical wire in the plate is broken, the current will go through the hose braid. Depending on the strength of the current, the warm-up time and breakdown of the hose will be short or long, but the breakdown will definitely happen.

Sometimes residents of the house arrange grounding on the gas pipe.

Possible fire due to a gas leak in the apartment. Everything can do without victims, but with material losses. After such an event, the question of why a dielectric coupling for gas is needed will no longer be hypothetical for residents.

How the clutch works

Details of the gas network are produced in several types according to the type of fastening: "fitting - fitting", "nut - fitting". The product is one-piece, non-separable, and therefore safe to use. Any extraconnection is the source of the gas leak.

dielectric coupling for gas
dielectric coupling for gas

Quality couplings are made of brass, the thickness of the tube is not less than 4.5 millimeters. The insulating part is made of yellow polyamide, which includes a "flame retardant".

Choice of eyeliner and coupling

It is better to choose a bellows liner with a yellow insulator coating. It is easier for housewives to wash such an eyeliner from dust and kitchen soot. At the same time, the insulator will protect against the flow of current when touching the bare terminals of live devices or the conductive case of the device.

Of course, an inexpensive rubber hose could be supplied. But rubber tends to age, lose elasticity, microcracks appear on the rubber hose - places of gas leakage.

What is a dielectric clutch for?
What is a dielectric clutch for?

Dielectric gas couplings will protect against the flow of current through any hose. These parts are tested for breakdown with a current of 50 Hertz and a voltage of 3.75 kV for 6 seconds or more. When a voltage of one kilovolt is applied, the electrical resistance is 5 megaohms. Inserts withstand temperature differences from -60 to +100 degrees. Insulator manufacturers guarantee a service life of at least 20 years.

By installing a dielectric coupling for gas, leaving the house on business or taking a bath, the reader will be confident in the safety of home, loved ones and neighbors. Dielectric insulator - protection against burning of the eyeliner, subsequent gas leakage and inevitable explosion.
