When performing various kinds of work at height, there is always a risk of a fall of the person who produces them. To prevent this from happening, special safety belts are used. This equipment is indispensable in the professional activities of high- altitude assemblers, public utilities workers involved in roof repair, cleaning deep wells, etc. Safety belts are also used in railway transport and in the extractive industries. In most cases, not only the he alth, but also the life of the worker depends on the reliability of this equipment.
Warning to wear belts
This type of equipment is the main means of preventing a worker from falling from a height. Such a risk should never be ignored. From below, the work of finishing the facade of a building or its roof may seem simple. However, from a height, the situation usually looks completely different. So in what cases should this equipment be used? The use of a safety belt is considerednecessary when the height of the work is more than 5 m from the ground.

Sometimes the use of such belts is necessary in everyday life. You will need this equipment, for example, when finishing the facade of a private house, installing skylights, replacing roofing material, finishing a balcony outside, etc.
Varieties of belts
When choosing equipment such as a safety belt, you should pay attention primarily to its variety. At the moment, the following types of this equipment are used in various sectors of the national economy:
- Class I (PP1). Such equipment is a waist belt without straps with a sewn-in fastening ring and a back sash.
- Class II (PP2). These belts are similar to the first variety. Their difference is that they are equipped with straps. This type is most often used in case of emergency work. A safety strap belt is also used in industrial mountaineering. It is also used in some other cases.
The safety belt straps are marked as follows:
- "D" - shoulder;
- "E" - thigh;
- "F" - both shoulder and hip;
- "I" - with saddle strap.

The following types of safety belt slings are also used:
- "A" - from synthetic or polyamide tape.
- "B" - steelrope;
- "B" - polyamide rope;
- "G" - steel chain.
One of the most popular lanyard types is the energy absorber variant. This device triggers when dropped and absorbs dynamic energy. Shock absorber lanyards can be equipped with different models of carabiners.
Among other things, slings can be:
- double or single;
- equipped or not equipped with slider length adjusters;
- equipped with two or three carabiners.
In what cases is this or that variety used
If work must be done in hover mode, a safety belt with a saddle strap is used. To prevent the installer from tipping over (for example, from a pole), strapless equipment is used to fix the body in a given position. When working in wells and tanks, webbing belts are usually used. A variation with metal slings is used when you need to complete a task in conditions of increased fire hazard.

To work in certain modes (for example, when washing facade windows), belts with a special saddle strap fastened on a chest knot connected to a fastening rope should be used.
What should be the carbine
The safety belt is usually supplemented with several carabiners. These elements are made of steel alloy and equipped with additional reinforced screws. Of course, worker safetywhen performing some production task at a height, it will also depend to a large extent on the quality of this element. Carabiners on belts, as well as those sold separately, must necessarily comply with GOST R.
What else should I look for when buying
When purchasing a safety belt, you need not only to pay attention to its type and specific purpose, but also to check whether it and its components have certificates confirming compliance with accepted standards. This will guarantee the safety of work using it.

Custom selection
So, a safety belt - strap or strapless - is used to ensure the safety of an employee when performing a production task. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to ensure that the straps fit snugly around the figure and at the same time do not restrict breathing. Many models of belts have different sizes. You should also pay attention to this when buying. By choosing the right size belt, it will be much easier to fit it later.
Of course, only serviceable equipment can ensure safety. Compliance with the general technical conditions and test methods, enshrined in a document such as GOST, can become a guarantee of its working suitability. The safety belt should be as reliable as possible, because the life of the employee using it will depend on its quality.

Who canbe approved for work involving the use of safety belts
Only those workers who have been familiarized with the relevant safety regulations, as well as SNiP standards (III-4-80), can be involved in the performance of production tasks related to the use of such equipment. In addition, the employee must be familiar with the instructions for using the belts.
What must be done before starting work
Before starting a production task, you need to make sure that the safety belt is in good condition. At the same time, they check:
- Presence of markings confirming the fact that periodic performance tests of the belt have been made.
- There are no cracks, breaks or deformations on the slings, tapes, ropes and straps. No traces of corrosion are allowed on metal elements. The threads of the belts must be tightly woven.
- The carabiner should open freely. If it sticks, the equipment must not be allowed to operate.
Pay attention to the technical serviceability of the belts should, of course, when buying. Also be sure to check this equipment for a warranty from the manufacturer. These obligations are usually valid for two years from the date of purchase of the goods. If there is a warranty, in the event of a breakdown, you will need to present a completed instruction manual.
How to field test the webbing variety
Safety belts of this type are testedas follows:
- The belt is attached to the mannequin.
- A 400 kg load is attached to the end of the dorsal strap by means of a rescue halyard.
- The dummy is raised to a height, held for 5 minutes, and then lowered.
- The belt is removed and inspected.
The safety belt PP 1 has passed the test if during this procedure there was no destruction of the load-bearing elements or any irreversible changes in appearance.
After that, the belt must also be checked using the second method. This will be an additional guarantee of reliability.

Method two: testing a strapless belt
Testing strapless safety belts is done a little differently. In this case, the equipment itself is fixed on a cylindrical load. Then everything is raised to a height and also held for 5 minutes. At the final stage, the belt is inspected.
How to choose accessories
If the belt does not pass the tests, the elements of its design that are not suitable for use can be replaced if desired. Manufacturers separately sell lanyards, work-at-height seats, halyards, lanyards, etc.
When purchasing equipment such as a safety construction belt and accessories for it, it is worth buying other safety equipment necessary for the performance of work. These can be, for example, stretchers, rescue scarves, blocking inertial and descending devices, etc. Of course, withpurchase in this case should also require a certificate of conformity.

What can be the terms of the purchase
Equipment such as a safety belt, as well as accessories for this design, can be sold both at retail and wholesale. Almost all companies involved in the manufacture of such equipment have their own representative offices in different regions of the country. To purchase belts, you should contact one of these centers. When studying the terms of sale, you should pay attention to the following factors:
- Possibility to buy without a queue.
- Terms of delivery. Some companies often transport such equipment to their destination free of charge. Sometimes the shipping cost is very high.
Thus, when choosing equipment such as a safety belt, you should pay attention to its type, size, certificate and terms of sale. In this case, you can make a profitable deal and ensure complete safety for the employees of the enterprise when performing production tasks at a height.