Acrylic glass. Colored acrylic glass

Acrylic glass. Colored acrylic glass
Acrylic glass. Colored acrylic glass

Acrylic glass is a versatile material that is used not only in construction work, but also in the manufacture of furniture, lighting systems, equipment. Also, such material carries the functions of a protective fence in many other areas of activity. This popularity is largely due to excellent performance materials. In addition, acrylic glass is a clean material from the standpoint of ecology.

Whether there is a large amount of ordinary glass that can withstand a variety of damage, acrylic material is usually used where there is a possibility of breaking structures in which it is used. In addition, the acrylic glass makes the details lighter.

acrylic glass
acrylic glass

Characteristics of acrylic glass

In our country, acrylic is often called plexiglass. This type of material is synthetic, which contains acrylic resins and various additives, due to which the glass acquires some properties. For example, anti-vandalism and the possibilitylight scattering.

Among other various substitutes for plain glass (such as polycarbonate or transparent PVC), plexiglass has the best transparency. Acrylic glass transmits approximately 93 percent of the light. Although this material is not very resistant to surface scratches, its impact resistance is much higher than that of the silicate material. The weight is very light.

Acrylic material does not transmit electricity and does not change its characteristics even if it is used at a temperature of -40 degrees. Unlike plain glass, plexiglass is a combustible material that can ignite easily. However, toxic substances are not released. Instability in the case of exposure to alcohol and solvent is also a minus that plexiglass has. Acrylic glass is less popular, however, not becoming.

acrylic glass photo
acrylic glass photo

Production Methods

The material is produced by two methods - molding and extrusion. In the first case, acrylic glass is obtained, colored, tinted and matte. In the second case, a transparent material is created. The casting method uses methyl methacrylate and liquid monomer.

First, a variety of dyes and additives are added to the monomer. This is done in order to be able to give a variety of properties and colors. After that, the composition is cooled and filled with silicate materials. Then the resulting consistency is placed in a specialized frame. After somewhile heat treatment takes place in water and air. At the final stage, the sheets are cut to the required dimensions. It should also be borne in mind that this process produces materials that can be up to 24mm thick.

The extrusion method involves the use of special granules. Their composition is polymethyl methacrylate. In other words, extrusion is a way of giving certain forms. The granules are fed into special equipment, which is in the form of a cylinder with a screw. It mixes and melts the mass. At the same time, various components are added (dyes, stabilizers and many other ingredients that help improve performance). The material is finally shaped.

All these methods are quite different from each other. As a result of their use, different acrylic glass is obtained. Photos for comparison are easy enough to find.

Types of plexiglass

  • Grandsilk. This type of organic glass is able to simulate the effect of "metallic". It can be produced in about 40 different colors. Very often used when creating pieces of furniture.
  • Kamelit. Glass has a glossy surface. It is quite liquid resistant. It is easy to polish and does not change its color range for a large number of years.
  • Schine Glass. Has a glossy surface. All properties are similar to the type of glass described above.
  • Satin Glass. Has a matte surface. Amongshortcomings, you can highlight the prints that remain after touching. Scratched.
  • Element Glass. Various substances of natural or artificial origin are fused into this material. It is characterized by a wide scope of use.
  • Plexiglas SDP. Acrylic glass, which consists of several layers. Highly impact resistant and weather resistant.
  • Frizzz. A material that feels matte and velvety. It is characterized by resistance to scratches and dirt. Used in window dressing.
  • Acrylic that has a fluorescent effect. A material that has a glossy and transparent surface. The ends glow when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
colored acrylic glass
colored acrylic glass

How to work with PMMA

In order to properly cut acrylic glass, you need a special cutter. It can always be purchased from the building department. In order to cut the sheet, it is necessary to attach a metal ruler to the acrylic sheet in the place where the cut is to be made. Along this line you need to draw a cutter. When the sheet is cut, you will need to break it with your hands. The saw cut is subsequently processed with a piece of plain glass or jointer. For safety, absolutely all work is done with gloves. To cut the sheet along a certain path, you can use a jigsaw.

In order to drill Plexiglas, you can use a conventional drill. Use a wood drill ormetal. In this case, it will be necessary to put a wooden beam under the sheet. The angle of sharpening the drill in this case will depend entirely on the thickness. It should be blunter if the sheet thickness is large. Holes for self-tapping screws must be made larger than the self-tapping screws themselves.

If the edges of the drilled object should be transparent, then a red-hot metal rod should be passed through them. In order to bend the material, it must be heated. In this case, the sheet should not touch the flame. After heating, you need to create the necessary shape.

In order to polish a transparent acrylic sheet, it will need to be rubbed with felt. GOI paste is also used. The procedure is carried out to perfection. After all this, immersion in water is carried out and polishing is already taking place there with sandpaper. In order for the desired result to be achieved, the glass will need to be dried and rubbed again with GOI paste.

For gluing PMMA it is worth using dichloroethane. It must be applied to all surfaces to be glued, which subsequently need to be pressed against each other, fixed with clamps. You can simply wrap it with a rope or a strip of fabric. When the product is completely dry, the plexiglass will turn into a single monolith.

Must remember! It is required to work with dichloertan only in a respirator. In this case, the room should be chosen one that will be well ventilated.

Acrylic glass is an excellent material for those artists who are passionate about interior design and creatingquite standard things. It is characterized by strength. Therefore, the glass will be able to please the owners for a long time.

acrylic glass price
acrylic glass price

What is the use of acrylic glass?

The scope of acrylic is quite wide. It can be used in the decoration of both civil and industrial buildings. For example, we can talk about window, roof, arched, horizontal and vertical glazing. It is also possible to create protective fences of various types.

In addition to all of the above, glass is widely used as a kind of decorative trim for lanterns and various lamps. On suspended structures, when creating interior lighting - in all these areas, acrylic glass can be used. Moreover, the price of this material is not very high. If we take, for example, cellular polycarbonate, with UV protection, 3.5 mm thick, a sheet measuring 2.1 x 6 m of domestic production will cost from 1000 rubles.

plexiglass acrylic glass
plexiglass acrylic glass

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to the large number of aspects, acrylic glass can become a unique material, whose possibilities go beyond the generally accepted framework. Lack of color solution and transparency can add high opacity. It should be noted that the silicate material contributes to the penetration of less light. In cases where it is undesirable to create high opacity, you can always usedyed material.

In addition, acrylic glass has a high resistance to aging, and is also neutral to the effects of atmospheric factors. Properties such as mechanical and optical will not change even in case of prolonged atmospheric exposure. The glass is quite resistant to UV rays and does not require any protection.

Acrylic glass is easily cut and hot formed. During the processing of the material, certain features must be taken into account.

  1. Materials have a high thermal expansion rate.
  2. Vapor- and gas-tight available.
  3. Material is mechanically sensitive.
  4. It has a fairly high susceptibility to thermal radiation.
  5. From an environmental point of view, plexiglass is an absolutely safe material.
