In the modern world, during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, the question arises of modernizing the concept of preserving heat and the integrity of communication systems. Due to the constant increase in the cost of utilities, most consumers are forced to save. But not only this factor makes us think about the preservation of heat. Environmental indicators are also important. The main energy-saving means are insulating materials. The manufacturing technology of such products allows you to insulate and maintain temperature indicators without harm to others. When carrying out insulation measures, more than 40% of energy can be saved and metal structures of pipelines can be protected from corrosion.

General Features
The following types of insulating materials are distinguished:
- Building insulators that are used for insulation of walls, ceilings, roofs.
- Engineering insulators designed for thermal insulation of networks,pipelines.
There are basic characteristics of insulating materials that are present regardless of the type. They must be waterproof, otherwise moisture will destroy the protected material and disrupt its operation. When interacting with the environment, they retain their integrity, can withstand the effects of heat and cold, chemical compounds, and mechanical damage.
An important characteristic is the ability of insulation not to affect the protected object. And the final indicator is profitability. The quality of materials must match the price. Depending on the types and purpose of insulation, they have additional characteristics.

Based on their characteristics, insulating materials are classified into:
- thermal insulation;
- soundproof;
- water proofing;
- windproof;
- steam and water proof.
Wall insulation materials
To insulate a house, it is necessary to protect it from cold and moisture. New generation wall insulation materials can do this without harming your he alth. The products used are very diverse - they can be fiberglass, mineral wool, lime-silica and foam plastics. They are in the form of blocks, plates or rolls.
Features of heaters
Wall insulation materials have their own criteria and requirements. In addition to the main characteristics, a particularly important one should be noted - this isflammability.
There are 3 types of fire resistance:
- flammable (A1);
- flammable(B1);
- flammable (B3).
So, when buying, carefully read the inscription on the package. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate there full information about the product. Accordingly, if your room is not equipped with special fire fighting equipment, you can use group A1 materials. These include mineral fiber insulation. If the building is equipped with at least minimal protection against fires and you are sure that the probability of heating materials above 100 degrees is excluded, you can use group B1 materials. The insulators of this group are made of rigid polystyrene foam. The use of group B3 materials in construction is prohibited.

Material for wall insulation should have the main property - to keep its shape. This is necessary so that the overall structure does not deteriorate. If the material begins to change shape, it may change its original position and cease to perform its functions. But no manufacturer can guarantee how the product will behave after a long time. Therefore, take this factor into account when installing and attach the insulator accordingly.
Thermal conductivity is another indicator that characterizes the insulation. Roofing materials have the highest degree. Those that have medium and low are suitable for frames.
Waterproofing is of the utmost importance when insulating walls. Because oftemperature fluctuations can accumulate moisture. Modern materials not only remove it, but also create the right microclimate in the room.
Pipe insulation
The biggest problem for pipelines is metal corrosion. Since moisture often accumulates on the surface of the pipeline, it begins to rust, its integrity is violated and failure is possible. This process can occur for many other reasons. For example, due to the influence of electric current. It is also necessary to insulate the hot water piping due to heat leakage during transportation.

Insulating material for pipes in most cases has the form of a thin coating that protects the metal from the effects of moisture, wind, and stray current. If necessary, in order to keep heat in the pipeline, they are applied in multilayer, for example, from different polymeric and bituminous substances.
Types of pipeline insulation
Practice normal and enhanced type of isolation. The latter are exposed to pipes that are laid in soil with a high content of chemicals. Provided that the pipe diameter is more than 1 m. For insulation, bitumen and polymer materials, glass and varnish coatings and others are used.

Due to the need to keep your home warm and keep communication as long as possible, it is increasingly necessary to use insulating materials. Thanks to a wide range, you can easily pick up everythingyou need, according to your requirements and material capabilities. Feel free to check with the seller for all the information you are interested in.