Premises designed to store raw materials or finished products must meet a large number of requirements. One of these is warehouse lighting. This is especially true for buildings with a large area and high ceilings. Here, the installation of conventional lamps is not possible, since special calculations are required to determine the optimal number, power and location of lighting fixtures, as well as a number of other criteria. This and much more will be discussed later in this article.
Structure of premises intended for storage of goods

When developing LED lighting for a warehouse (its type is of no fundamental importance), it is necessary to take into account the zoning of the object. They can be used for various purposes, and may also have certain technical equipment that requires an appropriate level of illumination for normal operation.
In most cases, there arethe following zones:
- Loading/unloading. They can be separate or combined. The main purpose is transport service.
- Acceptance. Must be separated from the rest. Designed to process the further distribution of raw materials and finished products.
- Storage. Here goods are placed on specialized racks.
- Sorting. Responsible for processing applications for the movement of goods.
In addition to the main areas, there may be other premises in the warehouse designed to fulfill household, household, administrative and other needs.
Before you start drafting a project, you first need to familiarize yourself with what warehouse lighting is like.
There are three main varieties:
- Natural. It assumes that the filling of the room with light is carried out due to special lamps installed on the walls and glazing.
- Artificial. If for some reason it is not possible to install a sufficient number of windows, then lighting fixtures are installed in accordance with the calculations made.
- Mixed. In fact, it is a mixed version that includes the two types of lighting described above.
This is just a general classification. In fact, it has a more complex structure.
Types of lighting depending on the purpose

Let's take a closer look at this. According to technical regulations artificial fillingwarehouse light must be implemented in accordance with certain rules.
Electric lighting is as follows:
- Working. Designed to create comfortable and safe working conditions. Absolutely any industrial facilities are equipped with it, regardless of whether there are windows on it and in what quantity. Lighting equipment is installed on the ceiling in accordance with certain areas.
- Emergency. It is divided into evacuation and security lighting. It is necessary so that the operating personnel in the event of an emergency could leave the facility even if the building is de-energized. Power is provided by a backup generator.
- Security. Its purpose is to provide a normal view of the area adjacent to the structure.
It is worth noting that any warehouse lighting (LED lamps or any other types of devices, it does not matter) must be connected to separate electrical panels.
Basic Standards

So what do you need to know about this? As mentioned earlier, the design of a system for filling a room with light must be carried out in accordance with certain building rules. If you are planning warehouse lighting, the rules to follow are as follows:
- if the storage of raw materials or products is carried out on the floor, then the illumination of the room should be at least 75 lux when using fluorescent lighting and not lower50 lux for conventional incandescent lamps;
- if goods are distributed on racks, the minimum lighting should be 200 and 100 lux respectively;
- if the object involves not only the storage of products, but also the performance of loading and unloading operations, then the illumination level should be at least 200 lux, regardless of the type of lamps used.
These rules and regulations are general. When performing calculations, it is necessary to take into account the type of object. Each one has different standards.
Choice of lighting equipment for enclosed spaces
The basic lighting requirements for warehouses with complex technical arrangements suggest that a mixed system of artificial light filling should be installed at such facilities. Luminaires are distributed evenly over the entire area of the ceiling. The power of the devices can vary from 100 watts to 1.4 kW. It all depends on the features of a particular terminal.
The most commonly used types of lamps are:
- Metal halide. They have a long service life and need to be replaced much less often.
- Mercury gas-discharge. Previously, they were one of the most common, however, they have now been replaced by LED warehouse lighting. It is more reliable, economical and safe.
- High pressure discharge. They are one of the best options for creating an overall light filling system.
- Fluorescent. Another common type, operating at an ambient temperature of at least 5 degrees andvoltage fluctuations in the mains are not more than 10 percent.
- LED. State-of-the-art appliances with superior performance.
When designing warehouse lighting, luminaires should be selected not only with regard to their type and power, but also with the method of attachment.
Design features of lighting fixtures

Installation of luminaires in industrial facilities is usually carried out on cables or hanging hooks.
The following lighting equipment is best suited for this:
- pendant with mirror reflector;
- with polycarbonate shades;
- luminaires without diffuser.
Depending on the design, the installation method is subsequently determined. This is very important, because the devices must not only provide comfortable working conditions for employees, but also be securely fastened so that they do not fall on top of someone during operation.
Main selection criteria
This aspect should be given special attention. When drawing up a warehouse lighting project, it is necessary to determine in advance what types of devices will be used in the room.
They must meet the following criteria:
- electrical safety;
- fire safety;
- explosion-proof;
- great work resource;
- presence of protection against adverse environmental factors;
- good lighting performance.
All these requirements are spelled out in building codesand rules, so when designing warehouse lighting with LED lamps (the calculation will be given later) or any other types of lamps, you must proceed from them.
Choice of lighting equipment for open spaces

So what do you need to know about this? In rooms with a simple technical device, other types of lamps are used than for closed warehouses. Here the defining criterion is the group of visual works. The illumination level can range from 5 to 50 lux. If the object has a large area, then the warehouse lighting is installed on vertical racks. On small objects, cables are used for fastening.
When designing a system, the following rules should be followed:
- on large objects, floodlights should rise approximately 5-6 meters above floor level;
- long-reach luminaires are being installed at loading and unloading areas;
- when using specialized equipment, it is better to use spotlights;
- if any liquids are stored on the site, then lighting is carried out using devices with an angular concentration of light flux.
Different types of lighting must be powered from a separate line and have their own shield.
Installation work

Let's take a closer look at this. Arrangement of fixtures can be carried out by severalways.
The most common are the following:
- to pre-prepared places, taking into account the power, type and design features of lighting equipment;
- from scratch in an already erected building according to preliminary calculations.
In this case, the installation of warehouse lighting must be carried out in compliance with the following standards:
- the network must be equipped with a surge and surge protection system;
- cables are selected taking into account the optimal section that can withstand the load created by all electronic devices;
- Wires should be well insulated to prevent electrical shock if damaged.
It is forbidden to lay warehouse lighting in one channel, in which there are lines with different voltages. In addition, the emergency and main lighting system should also be separated.
How is the optimum light value calculated?
Calculation of warehouse lighting is a very important step in planning and organizing the functioning of the premises.
The following parameters are taken into account in the process:
- length and width of the object;
- ceiling height;
- floor base reflectances;
- types of lighting equipment;
- Stock amount;
- desired level of light value.
Based on the results obtained, the optimal number of fixtures is determined, as well as the luminous flux that each of them should have. It is very difficult to perform calculations on your own without any experience in construction, so it is better to seek help from professionals or use special online services. You just need to substitute the required parameters in them, after which the program will automatically display the results.
What will be the violation of lighting standards
If there is poor lighting in an office, industrial facility or warehouse, then according to Russian law this is considered a harmful factor that can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. In addition, light has a direct impact on the emotional and mental state of a person, as well as the level of productivity.
If the light level in a warehouse facility is low, various problems can arise when checking regulatory bodies. It is definitely difficult to say exactly how it will be, but the following types of punishments are most often used:
- recovery of the warehouse owner;
- temporary cessation of the functioning of the premises until all defects are completely eliminated;
- complete closing of the object.
Therefore, it is very important to take the design of the lighting system seriously and immediately perform all the necessary calculations.

In order to create the optimal level of illumination necessary for the normal and productive activities of the staff, it is necessary to design a system for filling the room with light in accordance with all the rules of SNiP and hygienic standards. Onlyso you can correctly calculate the required number, power and type of lighting equipment.
Finally, it is worth noting that only a responsible approach to solving any issues will allow you to get the best result with minimal physical and financial investment. Therefore, pay great attention to even the smallest things, and you will certainly succeed.