How to build a warehouse? How much does it cost to build a warehouse?

How to build a warehouse? How much does it cost to build a warehouse?
How to build a warehouse? How much does it cost to build a warehouse?

In the everyday view, warehouse objects are associated with typical premises that contain goods and materials of various kinds. This could be a construction warehouse for bricks and cement, a grocery store to serve the needs of an adjacent store, or a transshipment point in the supply chain of a large freight carrier that handles a wide range of goods. But in each case, for the optimal conditions for the content of materials, an appropriate infrastructure is also provided, due to which standard storage conditions are provided. To build a warehouse that will meet the requirements of operation, it is necessary to determine the technological and structural nuances of its execution at the design stage.

build a warehouse
build a warehouse

Requirements for a warehouse object

Much depends on the nature of the operation of the object. Some requirements apply to warehouses where food will be stored, while others apply to construction storage facilities. For example, a restaurant's source of supply, which stores food, has high requirements in terms of environmentally friendly materials. Appropriate finishes should also be selected so that their properties matchsanitary safety standards.

If it is necessary to build a warehouse for the maintenance of building materials or industrial raw materials, then increased fire safety requirements must be observed. So, if the warehouse contains varnishes, paints or dry flammable mixtures, then the sheathing and roofing should be made of fire-resistant materials. There are also general requirements for the operational properties of warehouse premises, including the strength of the frame base, the durability of materials, the ergonomics and functionality of the premises, the energy efficiency of communication support, and, if possible, architectural expressiveness and aesthetics.

build a turnkey warehouse
build a turnkey warehouse


The design work begins with the definition of goals that the warehouse will fulfill. Next, the area of premises and functional zones, technological nodes in the form of transitions, as well as opportunities for building engineering infrastructure are calculated. Based on the primary requirements, a technical and architectural plan is drawn up, which will allow building a warehouse that meets the needs of the future user. At the next stage, engineers form a list of optimal building materials that will allow the construction to be implemented in such a way that it meets the technical and economic requirements. In particular, the material for the foundation, floor base, walls, roof structure, roofing, internal and external cladding is determined. At the final stage, a scheme is drawn up according to which communication lines will be laid.circuits for ventilation, electrical devices, heating systems, water supply, etc.

build a warehouse for grain
build a warehouse for grain

Classic capital construction

This is the most expensive option for building a warehouse, which, in principle, is carried out like ordinary houses, but with a different and simplified design. The foundation can be tape or columnar - the bearing function will be provided in both cases. Next, the base is formed. The main material for laying walls can be brick or block material. To ensure greater reliability, it is more profitable to use the first option, but if there are no special requirements for durability, then a foam block or aerated concrete is chosen. These are inexpensive, but functional and, importantly, easy-to-lay materials. If you need to build a warehouse with minimal costs and in a short time, then this option is quite suitable. The roof is made of corrugated board, as this is a practical and also not very expensive solution. Then it remains only to ensure the construction of communication equipment.

build a warehouse from sandwich panels
build a warehouse from sandwich panels

Installation of a prefabricated structure

Nevertheless, prefabricated-frame structures demonstrate record figures for the speed of construction. Using this technology, it is possible to build a warehouse from sandwich panels in just a few days. To begin with, you should order a special package of mounting sheets from the manufacturer, from which a warehouse will be built in the future. These are kits that also include mounting materials, corners, brackets, clamps andsome elements of engineering systems.

Such structures are not only quickly mounted, but also inexpensive. Of course, these and other advantages come with some drawbacks. For example, to build a warm warehouse from the same metal sandwich panels, it is necessary to prepare additional insulating material. In addition, many people question the strength of prefabricated frame objects. However, it is not advisable to perform additional strengthening both in terms of technical and financial parameters. For this reason, it is advisable to initially purchase kits with thick panels with high stiffeners.

need to build a warehouse
need to build a warehouse

Building special storage facilities

Storage of chemically hazardous substances, agricultural products, perishable products and electronic devices may require special provisions that should be considered at the construction stage. So, if it is necessary to build a warehouse for grain or feed mixtures, then the facility must have a ventilation system with the possibility of complete air shutoff. The fact is that agricultural raw materials, depending on the type, during storage require complete sealing of the room with the cessation of oxygen access. In the case of toxic chemicals or radio engineering devices, high requirements are also imposed in terms of fire safety - accordingly, designers must provide automated modular fire extinguishing installations.

Build cost

The cost of the warehouse is formed from building materials,object parameters, engineering networks used and other aspects. For example, a small warehouse from a kit for a prefabricated structure will cost 150-200 thousand rubles. If you need to build a turnkey warehouse with an area of 300-400 m2 using the capital construction technique, then you should prepare about 600-800 thousand rubles. At the same time, communication equipment should be taken into account, which, depending on the area, will also add 50-200 thousand rubles.

build a warm warehouse
build a warm warehouse


As noted by experts in the field of commercial real estate, in recent years there has been a trend towards a reduction in demand for ready-made warehouse space. This means that today it is more profitable to implement the project of such premises from scratch than to use the existing facility under a lease agreement. True, in order to build a warehouse, not only money is required for materials and the direct execution of installation operations. Organizational costs are inevitable. Unlike ordinary houses, warehouses are less demanding in terms of providing climatic conditions and structural reliability. But in terms of the level of infrastructure equipment, they can surpass residential real estate, which also requires additional costs.
