Building your own home always comes with a lot of questions. The most important of these is financial. Of all the existing materials, the foam block has positively proven itself in all respects. It is not too expensive, practical and durable. Those who choose it inevitably face the question of how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks. There is no single answer here, but there is a chance to calculate everything individually and independently.

Approximate cost of a foam block house
The average cost of building a "box" falls within the price range of 300-600 thousand rubles. Why so expensive? This amount includes not only the walls, but also the foundation, basement, frame under the roof. But windows, doors, the roof itself are not taken into account, only the bare "skeleton".
Bdepending on the region, respectively, the price of consumables varies slightly. So, for example, in central Russia, one cube of foam blocks (28 pieces) costs about 3000-3500 rubles. In the northern regions, the price is slightly higher. Depending on the size of the building, the number of partitions in it, the cost of a foam block house also varies.
Since foam blocks are a fairly light material, there is no particular need to make a solid foundation. Sufficiently lightweight with a mandatory reinforcing ligament. Ideally, even at the project stage, it is necessary to clearly distinguish where and what size the premises will be in order to make a foundation along their perimeter. This will give the structure strength and durability. Think about this before you build a house out of foam blocks. The cost of this will not increase much.

Roof frame
How high to make a roof is a purely individual question. So, for example, you can make it high, with the expectation that there will be an attic or, conversely, a small one. The cost of building a house from foam blocks implies that about 5% of the amount will be spent on the roof frame. Depending on the prices for lumber in your area, it can cost from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles.
House 98. How to calculate the amount?
Having the approximate dimensions of the house, you can make an elementary calculation. So, first you need to find out the area and perimeter of the future structure. This is done according to an elementary mathematical formula. The area will be 72 square meters and the perimeter 34 meters. It is noteworthy that the last indicator for the foundation is slightly higher - 42. Taking into account the fact that the minimum width for a solid structure is 2 meters. The cost of building a house from foam blocks consists of the price of the foundation, roof frame, basement and walls. The latter - minus windows and doors. On average, it will take about 100,000 rubles to fill the foundation, depending on the prices in your region for the material.

No house should be built on a bare foundation. It also requires at least a basement of 5-6 bricks high. It will take another 40 thousand rubles. Please note that this does not include labor costs. Usually builders take about 30-50% of the price of the material.
Further calculation of the cost of a house made of foam blocks depends on the number of storeys of your building and the height of the walls. It is optimal to make three-meter ceilings. First, it will be easier to breathe indoors. Secondly, when interior decoration, it is easier to customize the material. If we take the height of the walls at 3 meters as a basis, then approximately 28 cubic meters of foam blocks will be required. With a little margin. The cost is about 100,000 rubles. Bare walls without finishing (external and internal). And, of course, without openings.
Windows and doors minus
Determine in advance how many windows will be in your house and what size they will be. For a 98 building, it is optimal to make 5-6 medium-sized windows. For example, 1.51.5 meters. The area of one window is 2.25 m. There are 6 of them in the house. So, you need to subtract 13.5 square meters from the perimeter of the walls. By simple calculations, it turns out that it will be necessary to lay out significantlysmaller. Total 88.5 square meters. Naturally, the door must also be subtracted. The size of the doorways and their number depends only on your desire. On average, this can save about 20-30 thousand rubles, which significantly reduces the amount of costs.

Floor overlays
This item of expenditure is rolling. It all depends on the material. More and more people who are wondering how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks are inclined to believe that it is better to make ceilings from concrete slabs. Provided that the house has more than one floor. In other cases, a standard wood floor is sufficient. Be sure to pay attention to how the material is processed. Its service life depends on it.
How much money will all this cost? For a house with one floor - at the price of wood. If we take into account the size 98, then this is about 5-10 thousand rubles. For a house with several floors - at the price of plates. It all depends on the quality of the material and the region - from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

What you can't do without in building a house is a cement-sand mortar. It must not only be done correctly, but also to acquire everything you need. So, for example, the cost of one bag of cement will cost 200-300 rubles. For such a large-scale construction as a house, about 100 bags will be required. Based on the foundation. By simple calculations, 30,000 rubles are obtained only for cement. And it still needs sand. Here everyone decides for himself:Order or bring your own, if possible. For example, such a building requires at least 1 ton of good sifted sand. Buy it or take it yourself - it's up to you. On average, 1 ton of sand costs 2-3 thousand rubles. This is not a very large expense item, but it has its place.
After the "box" under the house is ready, it needs to settle down. Foam blocks are a material that has a small, but quite noticeable percentage of shrinkage. To proceed with the interior and exterior decoration, it is necessary to give the house about a year to settle. During this time, under his own weight, he will take the final form, height.
When wondering how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks, include such an article in the estimate as insulation. Choosing it is a problem. First of all, because there are a huge variety of varieties. For a house made of foam blocks, it is more expedient to choose either polystyrene or angelin. If everything is clear with the first one: it is light, does not let air through, durable - then the second one needs to be told separately. Angelin is a roll insulation that works on the principle of a thermos: it does not give off heat from the inside, it does not let the cold through from the outside. In addition, it is moisture resistant, easy to install (attached to a construction stapler or self-tapping screws), and durable. In terms of cost, materials differ little: for one meter, about 30-50 rubles, depending on the thickness.

Interior decoration
Perhaps, here everything is limited solely by your desires and imagination. Traditionally asfinishing material for walls using drywall. First, it is durable. Secondly, it is easy to install. Thirdly, they can make not only even and smooth walls, but also various kinds of niches, levels, even arches. The only drawback is the fragility of the material. But this is not so significant, despite the fact that you are going to build a house from foam blocks. The average price for a sheet of ordinary drywall fluctuates around 200-300 rubles, moisture resistant (for a bathroom, for example) - 50-100 rubles more expensive. The amount of material depends on the size of the house and the number of storeys. It is recommended to purchase drywall in batches for each room with a small margin of one or two sheets.
Naturally, a frame will also be required for wall decoration. Regardless of how evenly the walls were drawn. Metal or wood, it's up to you. The cost is not much different: from 100 to 300 rubles per linear meter of rail.
Pay special attention to the subfloor. If a large load is implied (for example, a huge aquarium in the room), then it is more expedient to make a concrete screed. It is expensive and long, but durable. The services of workers in this case amount to at least 50% of the cost of materials. If there is no need to make a screed, then you can trust the good old floors from the boards. Remember, the smoother the subfloor, the easier it is to lay flooring on it in the future. The ceiling covering can be absolutely anything. There are no definite tips here, and the financial side depends only on your capabilities.

Exterior trim
Foam blocks, although it is a durable and weather-resistant material, need exterior decoration. How? For example, siding is so popular at the moment. Metal expensive, but more durable and wear-resistant, plastic - budget, easy to install, durable. In addition, you can simply plaster the walls, and then paint. On average, about 50-150 thousand rubles are spent on exterior decoration, including the work of craftsmen.
When asking how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks, remember that all costs are purely individual. On average, a bare "box" takes 400 thousand rubles. But all other expenses are significant: finishing material, windows, doors, roofing. How much can a small house made of foam blocks cost? At 2-3 million. Not such a large amount as it seems at first glance. Especially if you approach expenses carefully and wisely. Do not skimp on the material, it depends on how long and safely your home will serve you.