Such an element of pipeline fittings as an overpressure relief valve serves to protect the system from deformation as a result of excessive pressure in it. The design of the device provides for automatic bleeding of excess into the atmosphere.

The device in question is used in pipelines to prevent emergencies and regulate pressure in working systems. The pressure in the pipelines may increase during operation above normal as a result of temperature changes or increased discharge during pump operation. In such cases, the excess pressure relief valve performs its main function - it dumps the excess, normalizing its indicator in heating, plumbing or other systems.
The design includes a spring-type pre-valve mechanism. The main working element of this assembly is a tightly compressed spring. Its force locks the device and prevents the working medium from passing through the overpressure relief valve in the opposite direction. Pressureactuation is set according to the spring compression power.
You can adjust this indicator using a special screw, which is equipped with all excess water pressure relief valves for a water heater and their analogues. By turning the screw to the left or right, the desired degree of spring elasticity is achieved. Anti-clockwise adjustment - unclenches the mechanism, reducing the opening pressure indicator. The process in the opposite direction, respectively, increases the compression of the spring to open.

Turbine: overpressure relief valve
The pre-valve of the turbine is part of the directional valve. The operation of the element directly depends on the impact of the functioning environment. An excessive pressure indicator may occur for the following reasons:
- Violation in the operation of turbine equipment.
- Presence of heat from extraneous sources.
- Incorrectly assembled line.
The overpressure relief valve is used in various industries. The product is popular due to its simple design and high reliability.
The pre-valve for gas installations is equipped with a special locking element that opens when the pressure inside the system is released.
For a water heater, the excess water pressure relief valve has a shut-off valve and a dial. Both elements act on a sensitive membrane that aggregates with a locking device.

Another common analogue of the PSK type is structurally made so that the adjuster, through the force of the spool, helps to press the locking element against the seat. Thus, when the emergency valve is closed, the working pressure of the medium acts on the element located near the heating system.
To prevent the formation of excessive pressure in the system, two types of devices are used:
- Elements of direct action. Most often they are used in fuel and oil systems. The part reacts to opening only when exposed to the pressure of the internal environment.
- Indirect pressure relief valves. These instruments include devices used in fluid and air systems. All these locking devices are divided into three classes, differing in the principle of operation and internal equipment.

Spring mechanisms
In such devices, pressure is exerted on the spool by means of spring compression. One element can be subject to various adjustments by changing different types of springs.
Certain modifications are available with a built-in lever for the possibility of manual undermining. This feature allows mechanical purge of the OPS (Overpressure Relief Valve) to monitor overall performance. The considered models mainly interact with aggressive substances. In this regard, the springs are equipped with a special protective coating,stem seal - not provided, but there is a stuffing box. The instruments are equipped with a bellows type seal, which is used if the leakage of the substance from the system to the outside is unacceptable.
Lever and cargo version
This type of water pressure relief valve operates on the principle of direct action of the load directly on the pressure spool. The applied force travels the distance from the lever to the fixture stem. The adjustment of this type of valves requires a strong fixation of the load using a lever arm.
In order to guarantee absolute tightness of seats with an increased diameter, weights with a large weight are used, which can cause a noticeable vibration of the entire mechanism. In such cases, bodies with a pair of parallel seats are used. In addition, two shutters are mounted in the frame, also operating in parallel. This design helps to reduce the weight of the load and the length of the levers. This, in turn, allows you to increase the speed of the device.

Magnetic-spring modifications
This overpressure air relief valve operates by electromagnetic actuator. The element does not belong to the category of direct action fittings. Electromagnetic elements in the design allow you to increase the pressure on the spool and seat.
When pressure is triggered by a pulse coming from the sensors, an electromagnet is activated. In the future, only the spring provides resistance to pressure, and the valve functions on the principle of a conventional spring mechanism. Availablethe electromagnet is able to generate the force required to open by counteracting the spring, after which the forced opening of the device occurs. There are modifications of excess air pressure relief valves for compressors, on which the solenoid performs enhanced compression, and the spring serves as a safety net, it works in case of an unexpected power outage.
XID 0 5 600
The device and the principle of operation of this element are shown below. The valve consists of the following elements:
- Cases.
- Flaps fixed with removable bracket during transport.
- Axles with bearings.
- The seal responsible for sealing.
- Outlet flange that connects to the building envelope with a gasket and fasteners.
The overpressure relief valve KSID 0 5 600 works according to the following principle:
- The shutter of the mechanism opens when excessive gas pressure is reached in the room.
- Excess medium is being discharged into the atmosphere.
- After the normalization of the pressure indicators, the damper returns to the seat with the specified tightness.

Excess air pressure relief valve: KAMAZ
The pressure regulator type 15.3512010 is used in this capacity. Below are its specifications:
- Differences in the adjustment of output pressure indicators - 0.65-0.82 MPa.
- Setting pressure – 0.94-1.0 MPa.
- Diameterinternal / external connecting threads - M 221, 5/161, 5.
- Temperature operating conditions - from +60 to -45 °C.
- Weight - 600 g.
The principle of operation of this valve is to supply compressed air from the compressor to the outlet of the regulator and through the receiver to the pneumatic system. When the pressure reaches more than 0.6 MPa, the follower piston overcomes the force of the spring and rises. The valve seat moves away from the end of the cuff, and compressed air is supplied to the working cavity, moving the condensate discharge valve, after which the air is released into the atmosphere.