Turning tool: varieties

Turning tool: varieties
Turning tool: varieties

Video: Turning tool: varieties

Video: Turning tool: varieties
Video: Cutting Tool Geometries Lathe and Mill SME 2025, January

A cutter is a single-blade tool, the purpose of which is to process various parts on lathes. When used, it can make either rotational or translational movements. This is one of the most famous tools used when working on turning, carousel, slotting, boring and many other machines, as well as on automatic and semi-automatic lathes. The turning tool, depending on the type of machine, type of work, is divided into various types in terms of shape, size, design. The tool is used to manufacture parts with different surfaces (end, cylindrical, shaped, conical) from a workpiece by means of translational movement of the blade or rotation of the material.

The tool is used to work on various lathes, which, in turn, are divided into two types: for processing wood and metal. In the first case, it is presented in the form of a chisel, which differs in shape and width. Turning cutters for metal consist of two parts: a head (working part) and a holder (a body that is fixed in a fixed machine holder). The working part consists of the top of the blade, front, main and auxiliary rear surfaces,main and secondary cutting edge.

turning tool
turning tool

According to the type of processing, turning tools are divided into the following types:

- through-through (for external turning of parts);

- slotted or grooved (to obtain a groove of the required width on the inner and outer surfaces);

- scoring (for turning shoulders);

- boring (for holes);

- cutting (for trimming the workpiece);

- chamfer (for internal and external chamfers);

- shaped (for processing parts of complex shape).

turning tools
turning tools

It is worth noting that these are not all types of turning tools, only the most common ones are considered here. There is a wide variety of these tools, differing in their purpose.

According to the shape of the blade section, the turning tool is divided into square, rectangular and round, and according to the design of the heads - into straight, curved, bent and with a drawn head.

In the direction of feed, the tools are divided into right (movement from right to left) and left (movement in reverse). By the nature of processing, rough, finishing and semi-finish types of blades are distinguished.

turning tools for metal
turning tools for metal

According to the method of fastening the cutting part, the turning tool is divided into a solid one, made from one piece of metal, and a composite one, the holder and head of which are made of different materials. The second type, in turn, is divided into welded, with a mechanical or soldered plate. Forblades are made of special materials, which are characterized by high strength, reliability and durability. They provide quality parts.

The turning tool is used in many machines, as mentioned above, automatic and semi-automatic machines in the production of various parts. Also, using this tool, you can make various exclusive things, get a unique product that will decorate any interior.