Violet Fuchsia Lace: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, useful properties, tips and rules for reproduction and care

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Violet Fuchsia Lace: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, useful properties, tips and rules for reproduction and care
Violet Fuchsia Lace: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, useful properties, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Video: Violet Fuchsia Lace: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, useful properties, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Video: Violet Fuchsia Lace: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, useful properties, tips and rules for reproduction and care
Video: 5 Tips to Grow Perfect Lavender 2025, January

Almost all flower growers love violets. These delicate plants always delight the eye with bright, unusual flowering. There are many varieties of this plant, but today we will talk about Fuchsia Lace violet. This romantic name arose thanks to the corrugated fringe, densely located along the edge of terry bright fuchsia petals. This variety is quite prolific. But only experienced gardeners can cope with its cultivation, because the flower requires special care, demanding conditions.

Variety description

Violet Fuchsia Lace - these are large flowers, visually similar to stars. In diameter, one flower reaches 7 cm. A thick, spectacular fringe of light green color runs along the edge of the petals. The main color of the flower is a pink-fuchsia shade, of varying saturation. The thick fringe makes the flowers in the center of the rosette appear lacy.

This variety is loved by many gardeners, because it is characterized by a long andabundant flowering period. The bouquet placed in the center of the rosette consists of a dense cap of flowers. On one peduncle, on average, 8-9 buds are placed. All flowers are long lasting. Over time, the shade of the petals changes, which slightly fades in the sun. But the bouquet also looks attractive and spectacular.

Violet rosette Fuchsia Lace standard size and shape, neat. The leaves are slightly wavy, heart-shaped. The attractiveness of this plant also lies in the fact that the rosette always retains its compact shape. At the same time, the violet Fuchsia Lace does not grow in breadth. A photo and description of this flower will help all novice flower growers decide on the choice of a new resident in their house.

Variety of violets
Variety of violets

This variety can also form sports. Their flowers may be pale pink or white-pink. Sports from this variety are distinguished by light petioles and leaves. If the sport has red leaf petioles, then it is possible to obtain a copy of a dark color.

Content Features

As mentioned above, Fuchsia Lace violet is a rather finicky plant. She prefers to grow in natural light. It is almost impossible to achieve active growth of the Fuchsia Lace violet variety on a rack under artificial lighting. And the lack of light will affect the state of the outlet. It loses its shape, it becomes like a palm tree, because the leaves rise up.

For the normal development of this variety, it is desirable to place the plant on the western oreast windows. If this is not possible, then when installing the violet LE-Fuchsia Lace on the south window, it must be shaded with translucent curtains or blinds. From direct sunlight, burns will appear on the leaves of this delicate plant, which can later provoke decay.

Remember, in order to achieve abundant flowering of Fuchsia Lace violet, you need a minimum of 12 hours of daylight hours.

Fuchsia Lace violet - photo
Fuchsia Lace violet - photo

The ideal ambient temperature for growing violets is 20-25°C. At night, the temperature can drop to 19°C. For young outlets, the preferred ambient temperature is 25°C.

Special attention should be paid to air humidity. It should be in the range of 50-60%. An increase or decrease in humidity adversely affects the condition of the plant. You can remove excess moisture from the air with frequent ventilation.

In summer and winter, the main task of flower growers is to increase the level of air humidity. To do this, it is enough to place a pot with a violet in a pan covered with expanded clay and filled with water. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water, because the earth will be constantly wet, which can lead to decay of the root system.

Violet care

The main components of proper care for this variety of violets are proper watering, transplanting, top dressing. Timely feeding and watering is the key to optimal development and bright, abundant flowering.

This variety of violets is very sensitive to overwatering. A slight waterlogging of the soil can cause rotting of the root system, which will cause the development of fungal diseases. Re-watering the plant is necessary only when the top layer of soil dries out to 1/3 of its height.

Violet watering can be organized in 2 ways:

  • bottom;
  • top.

The bottom watering of violet Fuchsia Lace is done by placing a flower pot in a container of water at 2/3 of its height. The flower pot is kept in this state until the surface of the soil begins to shine with moisture. Approximately this process takes 20-30 minutes.

Upper watering is done with a watering can with a long spout, from which water is carefully poured into the edge of the pot.

Experienced flower growers do not recommend using wick watering for this variety. The plant gets wet and may die in speed.

Violets - the weak point of many flower growers
Violets - the weak point of many flower growers

For watering, use only soft water. The water temperature should be 1-2 degrees higher than the ambient temperature. Water that is too cold or warm can stress the root system, which can also cause rot.

Feeding plants

Fertilizing the soil is a prerequisite for growing any indoor plants. After all, nutrients in the soil are not enough for the proper development of violets and its abundant flowering.

The plant needs top dressing during the vegetative period. Their composition depends directly on the stage of plant development.

So, in what period does violet require this or that trace element for normal development?

  • During the period of rosette formation, the plant needs nitrogen. It contributes to the active growth of violet and the rich color of its leaves.
  • During budding, the flower needs phosphorus, which increases the number of buds and activates the growth of the root system.
  • Potassium allows to increase the plant's resistance to diseases and promote its flowering.

Given these points, each grower must select the right fertilizer. By adding the necessary nutrients, your violet will delight you for a long time with bright lacy flowers.

Violet also needs small doses of these trace elements:

  • Calcium. Helps to increase the turgor of peduncles and strengthen plant tissues.
  • Sulfur and magnesium. Promote the formation of chlorophyll and activate growth.
  • Iron and other trace elements (boron, manganese, cob alt, silicon, copper, zinc) are necessary for the harmonious development of the plant.
  • Fuchsia Lace violet - photo and variety description
    Fuchsia Lace violet - photo and variety description

Features of fertilization

It is necessary to fertilize the soil every 2-3 weeks, starting from April. Stop adding trace elements in October. Flower growers recommend applying nutrients in liquid form, under the root.

Remember, before applying fertilizer, the soil must be watered. After all, if the nutrient composition gets to the roots through dry soil, the delicate tissue will receiveburn.

Dilute fertilizers in warm, filtered water. If you use a special composition designed for violets, then the dosage indicated on the package must be observed. If you are using an all-purpose fertilizer designed for indoor plants, you should prepare a solution with a concentration of half the recommended by the manufacturer.

Experts recommend fertilizing by immersing the pot in a fertilizer solution. In this state, the container with the flower should stand for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the soil clod should be completely saturated with the solution. After the pot is removed from the liquid and allowed to drain the residue. With this method, the fertilizer is evenly distributed throughout the soil in the pot.

fuchsia lace violet
fuchsia lace violet

In hot weather, at low temperatures, it is strictly forbidden to fertilize. You can not feed the plant in the first month after transplantation and if it is affected by diseases or pests.

Features of transplanting violets

Transplantation is a necessary procedure that the violet does not tolerate well enough. After it, within a month, the plant adapts. But moving to new soil is a prerequisite for proper plant care. This procedure must be repeated once a year. Experienced flower growers know that the main thing is to carry out this procedure carefully, without damaging the roots, in compliance with all the rules.

The flower is transplanted into a light, loose, nutritious substrate. It is better to purchase ready-made soil for violets in a flower shop, with addedvermiculite. But you can also make your own mixture of soddy or hardwood soil, sand and peat. The ingredients must be taken in a ratio of 5: 1: 3. It is also necessary to add 10% of the total volume of vermiculite and a little wood ash to the mixture.

For growing violets choose low, wide pots. The diameter of the pot should not exceed 12 cm. After all, if the plant is planted in a larger pot, the plant will not bloom for 2-3 years until the root system fills the entire internal space of the container.

Separation of the baby from the mother plant
Separation of the baby from the mother plant

1/3 containers are filled with drainage, which will allow excess moisture to be removed. After that, the prepared soil mixture is poured and the flower is carefully transplanted.

After transplanting, create greenhouse conditions for the flower. It is covered with a plastic bag, in which small holes are made for air circulation. The greenhouse is removed 1-2 weeks after transplantation.

How to propagate violets?

The photo of Fuchsia Lace violet shows that it forms many babies. They are the perfect way to propagate a plant. New specimens of the plant can be easily obtained and rooted.

Stepchildren must be regularly separated from the mother plant. After all, its flowering can only occur if there is only one outlet in the flower pot. Children take a lot of strength from the mother specimen, and the plant will not have the strength to form buds and bloom.

Stepchildren with 3-4 leaves are used for reproduction. Their diameter should be about 3 cm. Fromthe leaves of the mother plant of the children must be carefully separated, trying not to affect the growth point. This can be done with an awl, a cuticle remover, a scalpel, a sharp knife.

Separated stepchildren are planted in a sand-peat mixture and covered with a transparent cap (plastic cup or jar). Such a greenhouse will retain heat and moisture. You can remove the shelter when the stepchildren have young leaves. This will indicate that the plant has successfully taken root, the roots have taken root. When the cuttings of young violets reach 4-5 centimeters, they can be transplanted into pots with prepared or purchased loose substrate.

Reproduction of violet leaves
Reproduction of violet leaves

You can also propagate violets with leaf cuttings. It is rooted in water, soil-sand mixture and sphagnum moss. But this method of reproduction does not guarantee the production of the required variety. Half of the specimens grown from leaflets are Fuchsia Lace violet sports. The photo and description of the variety indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of the plant. After all, not everyone can grow such beauty. It is a demanding, whimsical flower that bestows the beauty of its flowering on caring owners.

Pests and diseases

Proper care, watering, transplanting and timely feeding protect the plant from the occurrence and development of fungal diseases.

Under adverse environmental conditions, abundant watering with hard water, the plant may be affected:

  • vascular bacteriosis;
  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • grey rot.

Diseased plants can only be saved at the initial stage. To do this, the violet must be transplanted into a new pot, removing the parts affected by the fungus. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a fungicide.

There are pests that can also kill the plant. These include:

  • aphid;
  • nematodes;
  • worms;
  • thrips;
  • pliers;
  • shield and false shield.
Fuchsia Lace violet - description
Fuchsia Lace violet - description

You can identify pest infestation by sticky plaque, damaged rosettes and deformation of shoots or leaves. Violet can be rid of unwanted guests by spraying with insecticides.


From the description of Fuchsia Lace violet, it is clear that this is an attractive plant that requires special attention. But believe me, all the efforts spent on growing this flower will be justified. Violet pleases its owner with attractive, delicate flowers for a long time and not only.
