Cyperus alternate leaf: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Cyperus alternate leaf: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, tips and rules for reproduction and care
Cyperus alternate leaf: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, tips and rules for reproduction and care

All of you have met common sedge in the garden. What is done with this plant? That's right, uproot as carefully as possible. So that not the slightest trace of him remains on the site. Surprisingly, at the same time, at home in a pot, we lovingly grow cyperus alternate leaves. This plant also belongs to the sedge family.

It is native to tropical Africa. Under natural conditions, cyperus grows on the banks of rivers, swamps and lakes. This plant forms a whole thicket, like reeds in swamps in Russia. But since flower growers are interested in them, let's talk today about the features of growing.

Unpretentious plant

For the first time it came to Europe in the XVIII century. Flower growers appreciated the unique, graceful appearance of the cyperus alternate leaf. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant began to be widely used to decorate a room, planted around ornamental ponds. In a mild climate, it feels just as good outdoors as it does back home.

cyperus alternate reproduction
cyperus alternate reproduction

The plant has received many names. But some flower growers continue to call it sedge, which, in fact, it is. Cyperus altifolia can rightfully be called the most popular flower.


This is an evergreen plant that has tall erect triangular stems. The top of each of them is decorated with an umbrella-shaped whorl. There are many varieties that can differ in leaf color, some are dark green, others are light green.

Cyperus is a moisture-loving plant that is widely used to decorate large and small rooms, gardens and greenhouses. At first glance, the plant is unremarkable, but it is able to transform any corner and give it an unusual tropical look.

cyperus umbrella
cyperus umbrella

Useful neighborhood

Cyperusy get along well next to all plants. But it is best to plant them next to orchids, ctenants and other tropical plants. Cyperus evaporates a lot of moisture, saturating the air with it. This favorably affects the he alth of surrounding plants

It is especially recommended to plant cyperus in apartments, as central heating creates good conditions for them, and they, in turn, will refresh the air with life-giving moisture. If there is a child at home, then doctors recommend increasing the humidity of the air, so there will be another reason to plant this plant.

Varieties of varieties

Despite the huge number of cyperus species, only a few of them are usually bred at home.

  • Cyperus Papyrus. At home, it is not grown due to its huge size. It reaches 3 meters in height. Therefore, it is found only in greenhouses. A great option for decorating a large hall. If you have a large house, then you can land it as a decoration for the living room, where the whole family gathers in the evening.
  • Cyperus umbrella or alternate leaf. That's exactly what we're talking about today. The stem is erect, with an umbrella at the top. There are several other garden varieties of this plant.
  • Spreading cyperus.
cyperus umbrella care
cyperus umbrella care

Home care

The photo of the cyperus leaf will delight you with its originality and brightness. Despite the fact that caring for this plant is not difficult, a tropical handsome man can become a real gem of your flower garden. It is able to tolerate shading very well. In spring and autumn, it can not be shaded, but in strong heat the leaves can get burned. It can be kept in a room without windows at all. In this case, you will need to turn on the lamps for 16 hours.

The optimum temperature is +20 degrees. In winter, it is permissible to keep the plant at lower temperatures, but it should not decrease below 10 degrees. Caring for the alternate-leaved cyperus is simple, but it needs fresh air all year round. Therefore, it is very important to ventilate the room, and in the summer, take the plant to the balcony.

Resting period

This plant doesn't have it. It is ready to please you all year round with charming umbrellas, elegant and concise. Therefore, fertilizing and wateringcarried out all year round so that the plant does not have a lack of nutrients for growth. This is the main care. Cyperus umbrella requires fertilization in the spring and summer 1 time in 2-3 weeks. With the onset of winter, you can switch to 1 time per month, especially if the air temperature drops.

Over time, the stems of the plant grow old, become yellow and ugly. In this case, pruning is necessary. Sometimes variegated forms lose their color and become just green. Such shoots should be removed as soon as they appear. Do not worry about the fact that the plant will lose its decorative effect. His roots are very strong. They will quickly give new shoots and young umbrellas will delight you with their beauty again.



In nature, this plant is found along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. For him, high humidity is important. To do this, the pot is placed in a deep pan with water so that it covers the pot a little. The soil should never dry out. Soft settled water is used for irrigation. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced. But if the room is hot, then there is no need for this.

The plant loves to take a shower. In the hot season, it is best to spray several times a day. Then the bush will be luxurious. At the same time, the plant should be placed away from heating devices, otherwise the tips of the leaves may dry.


A photo of the umbrella cyperus makes it clear that the plant consists of many individual upright stems. For the firstsight transplantation can present some complexity. But in practice, everything is much easier. Transplantation should be done as needed. The substrate is taken nutritious, slightly acidic. To prepare the mixture, humus and peat bog land is required in equal quantities. It is very good to add silt. You can also buy a ready-made mixture in a professional store.

Pots pick up high. Approximately 1/4 of them need to be filled with drainage, and then with prepared soil. If you plan to immerse the pots in water, then flower growers recommend adding a layer of sand on top.

cyperus with your house
cyperus with your house


Cyperus altifolia willingly reproduces in almost any conditions. The procedure is not difficult and even a beginner grower will succeed. Under natural conditions for reproduction, the cyperus tilts the outlet to the water and takes root there. As a result, the mother plant gives new life. You can repeat this experience. That is, lower the outlet into a vessel with water and secure, but do not separate it from the plant yet. Then you can plant the plant in a separate pot.

The second way is even more convenient. For this method, cyperus older than two years are suitable. You can not even take the bush out of the pot. Carefully divide the lump with a knife to the very bottom and carefully remove it in half or a quarter. The rest can be carefully straightened and topped up with fresh earth. Plant the other half in another pot as well. It can be divided into more parts. The main thing is that each of them consists of three or more shoots. A large bush can be planted in a dozen pots. Each of them will soon turn into a large, beautiful bush. And it will take quite a bit of time to do so. This plant has a high growth rate.

cyperus umbrella photo
cyperus umbrella photo

Main issues

Sometimes even with this unpretentious plant, people experience difficulties in caring. Cyperus altifolia can bring the following surprises:

  • Leaves turn yellow and dry. This most often indicates that the air around the plant is dry. The plant needs to be watered, placed in a pan with water and sprayed well.
  • The leaves are dying. This means that the cyperus is cold. The tropical guest does not like temperature drops. Move it to a warmer place and it will repair itself.
  • Leaves wither and growth slows down. Your plant is not getting enough light. Cyperus tolerates the lack of light well, but it is still needed for photosynthesis.

Diseases and pests

Indoor plants, even at home, are attacked by various pests. It can be green aphids, thrips. If you find aphids, then you need to wash it off the flower with a soap solution. But when time is lost, and the colony has grown greatly, then insecticides must be used. Experienced flower growers recommend planting geraniums nearby. All pests do not like her, and she also perfectly cleans the air. This duet looks good.

cyperus alternate leaf care
cyperus alternate leaf care

Instead of a conclusion

Cyperus is a great plant for beginner growers. Bright, interesting, it perfectly enlivens the interior, butit does not require too much maintenance. The main thing - do not forget to water it on time. Cyperus willingly forgives many mistakes and will grow even with a lack of light and heat.
