Bell broadleaf - delicate flower

Bell broadleaf - delicate flower
Bell broadleaf - delicate flower
broadleaf bellflower
broadleaf bellflower

Broadleaf bell is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 70-90 cm. This species is listed in the Red Book. It has a reddish-green erect stem, pubescent with rows of hairs. The lower leaves of this flower are large, broadly ovate, long-petiolate, pointed at the end. On the edges they are large-toothed. The leaves are pubescent with short hairs. The closer they are to the top of the stem, the smaller their size.

In some subspecies of this plant, the shape of the leaves can vary from ovate to lanceolate. The flowers, which have a characteristic shape for bells, are located on short pedicels. They are collected in capitate apical inflorescences. The corollas are purple-blue in color, although some garden forms are white or purple-pink. There are long hairs on the inside of the corolla. The flower has wavy edges. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box.

Flowers bluebells (photo)
Flowers bluebells (photo)

Bell broadleaf blooms in July. Flowering continues until the end of August. This plant prefers lighted areas, although it also thrives in partial shade. In the wild it is found in mixed and deciduousforests almost everywhere. Prefers clay and humus stony soils. For many years, flower growers have cultivated this plant. These graceful and delicate flowers adorn any landscape. The broad-leaved bell is one of 300 species of the genus Campanula, which can most often be found not only on the banks of rivers or forest glades, but also in flower beds. Its seeds are sold in many flower shops. Broadleaf bell under natural conditions has always been characterized by a high level of variability within the species, so breeders actively use it to develop hybrids and new varieties.

How to grow a broadleaf bell?
How to grow a broadleaf bell?

The seeds of this plant are light brown in color and egg-shaped. Each one is about 2 mm long. The endosperm of the seed contains a colorless, straight dicotyledonous embryo. Its length is approximately 1 mm. Seed germination in field conditions is 15-20%. They can be sown in spring or autumn in open ground. This plant has aboveground seed germination. First, the spine hatches, and then a shortened rosette shoot. The root system of this plant is mixed. Its main root reaches 12-15 cm in length and occupies a leading position. Only the following year, an elongated shoot develops. In nursery conditions, individual specimens bloom already for 2-3 years of life. In nature, this species reaches the generative period no earlier than 7-8 years.

Growing a broad-leaved bluebell in your area is not too difficult, although you will have to wait a while before itmass flowering. The plant tolerates overdrying of the soil well, but feels best on moist soils. This flower is an excellent honey plant. In one place, it can grow up to 15 years. Bluebell flowers, the photos of which are presented in this article, can be grown independently from seeds.
