How to find out the name of a flower: methods and detailed description

How to find out the name of a flower: methods and detailed description
How to find out the name of a flower: methods and detailed description

Often flower lovers don't know which plant is growing on their windowsill. In this case, you must immediately determine its name. This information is very important, because it allows you to properly organize the care of the plant. So how do you know the name of a flower? You can use both Internet resources and botanical identifiers for this.

Variety of houseplants

Indoor plants appeared in human homes thousands of years ago. Their list is constantly expanding. Many plants appeared in the homes of European residents after the discovery of America. Their list was replenished after geographical research in Asia and Africa. After all, the discoverers always brought living plants, their herbarium and seeds from their expeditions.

how to find out the name of an indoor flower from a photo
how to find out the name of an indoor flower from a photo

The systematists of that time deserve special attention: Bernard Jussier, Carl Linnaeus, J. B. Lamarck. They identified and described all the brought plants, including future indoor plants. These flower lovers assigned plants to certain families,assigned species and generic names to them.

Attractive specimens from distant lands immediately became houseplants. They were grown in conditions of a minimum amount of soil or other substrate. And so a new branch of crop production was formed - potted or indoor cultivation of flowers. Its main purpose is decoration and landscaping of the interior.

Plant grouping

All indoor plants can be divided into several groups:

  • Flowering ornamental plants that are attractive throughout the year.
  • Plants with ornamental foliage.
  • Plants that amaze with their beauty only during the flowering period.

All groups of plants can be divided into groups according to forms and species:

  • ferns;
  • orchids;
  • succulents and cacti;
  • bromeliads;
  • palms;
  • bulbous;
  • fruit bearing pot crops.

If you were able to determine which group your plant belongs to, then half the work in establishing its name is already done. How to find the name of a flower? In this case, you can open the botanical houseplant guide and find the right flower.

how to find the name of a plant
how to find the name of a plant

Indoor plant guide

In times of modern technology, one can easily identify the name of any plant. It is enough to use a special determinant. So, how to find out the name of the flower in this case?

It is enough to use a special determinant. ForYou don't need to have a hard copy book handy. You can easily find the right book on the Internet.

If you find out that your indoor plant belongs to some group (cacti or ferns), then you can immediately start searching. But how to find out the name of an indoor flower if nothing is known about it?

how to find the name of a flower from a photo
how to find the name of a flower from a photo

If you could not determine the group, then you can use the special keys that are in the determinants. They will allow you to quickly determine whether a plant belongs to a particular species. After you need to find a specific section and find the right plant.

How to use the qualifier?

How to find out the name of a flower using a botanical identifier? It is only necessary to move from sign to sign of a particular flower. The determinant contains keys that describe the characteristics of the plant. In one key there are 2 opposite signs. This is the thesis and antithesis. This way you can quickly determine which type your plant is. After all, choosing one of the signs, the selected key refers you to the next choice, indicated by the number at the end of the antithesis or thesis.

The next key also has two descriptions, opposite, but clarifying. This way you can easily identify the botanical family your plant belongs to.

As soon as the desired family is found in the determinant, you can find out the genus, and then the species of the flower. Now you know how to find out the name of a flower. But remember that inMost guides describe only the terrestrial parts of plants. Therefore, digging a pet is not necessary. But this way of determining the name of a flower requires the skills of a grower and attentiveness. Most amateur flower growers can only recognize the genus to which the inhabitant of his windowsill belongs.

how to find out the name of an indoor flower
how to find out the name of an indoor flower

Other ways to find out the name of a flower

Thanks to Internet resources, it is possible to simplify the process of recognizing the variety and type of plant. It is enough to take a high-quality photo. But how do you know the name of a flower from a photo?

  • Make a good angle photo of the plant.
  • In the "Yandex browser" in the search bar, enter: "Pictures. Yandex".
  • Click on the camera icon in the search bar or on the word "Pictures".
  • Click on "Choose a picture".
  • Find the folder where the photo of the nameless plant is saved. Opening the file.
  • Uploading photo. It is one because it is unique, that is, the only one in the network.
  • Scroll down to see the Looks Like Picture icon. Following are the probable plant names.
  • It's so easy to determine the name of an indoor flower from a photo.

How can I find out the name of a plant in another way?

The easy way

Another easy way to find out what your plant is called is to take the advice of experienced flower growers. There are many thematic forums on the Internet. It is enough to place a photo of the plant there and lovers of indoor flowers quicklytell you the right answer.

how to find the name of a flower
how to find the name of a flower

Also on the Internet there is a wide variety of catalogs and atlases with photographs. The names of indoor flowers are also indicated here.

If all of the above methods did not help, you can find out the name of the plants in flower shops from specialists.


Learning the name of a plant is easy enough. This will create ideal conditions for growth. After all, each plant has its own requirements for lighting, watering, temperature and humidity. A house without fresh flowers is empty. They create a unique atmosphere and comfort.
