Flower "Male Happiness": how to transplant, how to care, flower name, description with photo

Flower "Male Happiness": how to transplant, how to care, flower name, description with photo
Flower "Male Happiness": how to transplant, how to care, flower name, description with photo

Anthurium, or as it is also called "male happiness", is popular with flower growers. This plant is beautiful and fits into any interior. But it is difficult to call him unpretentious. How to care for and replant a flower "male happiness", photos and descriptions, signs associated with culture - this and much more you will find in our material.

red anthurium
red anthurium

Description and types

The flower "male happiness", the photo of which is given in the article, is a prominent representative of the Aroid family. In its natural environment, the plant is found in the tropical and subtropical forests of America and on the islands of the Caribbean Archipelago. All varieties of the crop are epiphytes or semi-epiphytes, that is, they cling to trees with roots, but do not receive nutrients from them.

The genus of anthuriums has 900 species, but only three of them are suitable for growing at home:

Anthurium Andre. The most popularvariety. The plant is distinguished by a short trunk and leaves located on long petioles. Green, heart-shaped plates reach 30 cm in length and 13 cm in width. The inflorescence is an ear, painted yellow, located at the top of the stems. Its length is 5–9 cm. The heart-shaped bract or spathe grows up to 20 cm in diameter. It is painted in red, pink, salmon tones. But there are also snow-white specimens

anthurium flowers
anthurium flowers

Anthurium Scherzer. A distinctive feature of the variety is a coiled cob and a large veil, usually painted in red-orange tones. The species has dark green pointed leaves with a linear or lanceolate shape. Their upper surface is slightly glossy

Anthurium Scherzer
Anthurium Scherzer

Anthurium crystal. This epiphyte is distinguished by velvety dark green leaves up to 40 cm long. The plates have silver veins with a crystal sheen. Peduncle reaches up to 40 cm in height. The bedspread is thin, 2 cm wide and 7–9 cm long, painted in green tones. In some varieties, the stipule has a purple tint. The green cob grows up to 25 cm long

crystal anthurium
crystal anthurium

Each of these varieties will be the pride of the grower and the decoration of the collection of home plants. But for this you will have to make a lot of effort, because anthuriums are capricious cultures.

What to do after purchase

After acquiring a "male happiness" flower, it is important to transplant it into a new soil. The fact is that for sale, plants are placed in a substrate,not intended for comfortable cultivation of culture. Therefore, it is desirable to hold the event in the first three days after the purchase. Then the plant will quickly acclimatize to the conditions in your apartment and grow.

Soil and pot

For a plant, choose a glass or plastic pot. You can also plant a culture in a clay container, as long as its surface is glazed from the inside. What is it for? Anthurium roots are strong and grow into unglazed clay. They are difficult to remove during a subsequent transplant. Give preference to wide and shallow containers, but do not choose a very spacious pot. Otherwise, the anthurium will begin to grow green mass and will not want to bloom.

Culture prefers loose fertile soil. A store-bought mix designed for orchids will do. If you want to make your own substrate, then mix the following ingredients:

  • 2 pieces of coniferous land;
  • 2 parts leaf primer;
  • 1 piece of sand.

Be sure to decontaminate the substrate. To do this, bake it in the oven or hold it over steam. After disinfection, add some charcoal and splinters of coniferous bark to the mixture.

blue anthurium flower
blue anthurium flower

How to properly transplant a flower "male happiness"

Moisten the soil well 2-3 hours before the procedure. Then it will be easier for you to get the plant out of the pot. How to transplant a flower "male happiness":

  1. Put a drainage layer of broken brick, expanded clay or large pebbles on the bottom of the tank. Sprinkle it with a centimeter layersoil.
  2. Carefully remove the flower from the container. Rinse its roots under a gentle pressure of water and carefully inspect them. Remove any damaged, diseased shoots. Sprinkle the cuts with charcoal.
  3. Place the flower in a new pot and carefully straighten its roots.
  4. Fill the voids with the substrate and compact it slightly. To do this, knock on the walls of the pot.

After planting, water the substrate well and cover the surface with moss. So moisture is better preserved inside the container.



Now that you have figured out how to transplant a "male happiness" flower, you should learn about the rules for growing a plant. In order for the tropical handsome man to take root and please with buds, arrange comfortable conditions for him. And for this, maintain optimal lighting and temperature, do not forget to regularly water and feed the flower.


The flower "male happiness" is very thermophilic. In summer, keep it indoors with a temperature of + 20 … + 28 ° C. From September to February, during the dormant period, it is advisable to transfer the culture to a cool room from + 15 … + 16 ° C. If this is not possible, then keep the plant on the windowsill away from radiators and heaters. And also protect it from drafts - the flower categorically cannot stand them.

anthurium in a pot
anthurium in a pot


Flower "male happiness" or anthurium is a rather capricious plant. And at different times of the year, he needs different lighting. In summer, during flowering, it is advisable to keep the pot in partial shade. Will fit north or westwindowsill. In the south, shade the plant from direct sunlight.

In winter, on the contrary, the plant needs maximum illumination. Therefore, rearrange the pot closer to the light. If necessary, provide additional illumination with a phytolamp.

Water and humidity

Anthurium is a moisture-loving plant, and complete drying of the soil is detrimental to it. But stagnant moisture is unacceptable, as it leads to rot. Therefore, water the flower with extreme caution. In summer, moisten the soil every 3-4 days. In winter, reduce irrigation to once a week. For humidification, use only settled, filtered and softened water at room temperature. Water the flower strictly under the root so that water does not fall on the stems.

Like most tropical plants, the flower "male happiness" prefers high humidity. To increase this figure, place a container of water near the pot. Better yet, get a special humidifier or keep a container with a plant on a pallet with moistened moss.

The leaves of the culture are large and dust accumulates on them. To clean the surface of the plates, use a soft damp sponge. Spray the foliage occasionally with a fine spray bottle. But make sure that moisture does not get on the stems and bracts of "male happiness".

unusual anthurium
unusual anthurium


If you want to achieve long flowering and numerous buds from anthurium, then you can’t do without additional feeding. During the active growing season from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, feed the flower with mineraland organic compounds low in nitrogen and calcium. It is advisable to purchase special liquid preparations intended for this species. Fertilize the plant every two weeks and alternate between different types of top dressing.

From September to the end of February, “male happiness” has a period of rest. At this time, the flower does not need to be fed.

flower male happiness
flower male happiness


With proper care at home, the “male happiness” flower will grow quickly and it becomes cramped in an old pot. You can understand this by the roots protruding from the drainage hole. It is better to plan the procedure for spring - summer. During this period, the plant tolerates the event more easily and then practically does not get sick. How to experience the flower of "male happiness" by transshipment method:

  1. At the bottom of the new pot, pour a layer of drainage from pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks. Lightly dust it with substrate.
  2. Water the plant well a few hours before the event. Then it is easier to get it out of the pot.
  3. Carefully remove the culture from the container, taking care not to damage the earth ball.
  4. Place the flower in a new pot, fill the voids with soil and lightly tap the walls. This will compact the soil slightly.

After the procedure, moisten the soil well and place the flower in its usual place. For young plants, hold the event annually. Repot adult flowers as needed every 3-4 years.

Emergency transfer

Replanting anthurium is essential if the composition of the substratechanged for the worse. For example, a rusty or white coating appeared on the top of the soil. When can a “male happiness” flower be transplanted in this case? As soon as you notice negative phenomena. And even if at this time the anthurium blooms, immediately transplant the flower. Otherwise, he may die without waiting for spring.

The procedure is the same as when transplanting after purchase. You can learn about it from the corresponding chapter. If you only change the soil and plant the crop in an old pot, then be sure to treat the container with a solution of potassium permanganate.

types of anthurium
types of anthurium


The flower "male happiness" is endowed with magical properties. It is believed that he helps to establish a personal life for single women. The following signs are also associated with anthurium:

  • The flower smooths out disagreements in the family and prevents quarrels. In a house where “male happiness” grows, mutual understanding reigns between spouses.
  • Anthurium "treats" cardiovascular diseases, and also relieves male sexual problems.
  • If you grow several plants, then the financial situation of the family will improve significantly. But prosperity brings only well-groomed and cherished flowers.
  • The "male happiness" has a strong positive energy. Care and contemplation of the plant restores strength, relieves depression, improves immunity.
  • Stronger useful properties are manifested in donated copies.

Now you know everything about how to transplant a "male happiness" flower and take care of the plant. Follow these rules and create comfortable conditions for the anthurium, and it will surely thank you with attractive and numerous buds that will please the eye.
