Flower "Male Happiness": how to care properly so that it blooms

Flower "Male Happiness": how to care properly so that it blooms
Flower "Male Happiness": how to care properly so that it blooms

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for home and garden. They create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. The flower "Male happiness" comes from America. He is very handsome and unusual. The plant belongs to the Aroid family.

The flower has become popular due to the unusual shape of the petals and the unique look. The plant got its name because of its special shape. This article will discuss how to properly care for the flower "Male Happiness".

Plant care

flower care
flower care

Anthurium is a very fastidious flower that requires careful care and attention. Above in the photo is the flower "Male happiness". How to take care of him at home? Before buying this flower, you should familiarize yourself with the features of caring for it:

  1. Choose the right pot for planting. The capacity should be small. The flower loves a tight space, because the roots do not grow and the plant does not waste extra energy on this. Soil acidification will also occur. Anthurium may not bloom after planting in a spacious container.
  2. Whenexpanded clay is added to the soil. It is advisable to renew the substrate every spring. This is an important condition for flowering. The plant is very fond of oxygen. Holes are made in the pot for oxygen to enter the root system.

Conditions for flower growth

How to care for a home flower "Male happiness" so that there is a good growth?

This is a very heat-loving plant, as it belongs to the tropical. Therefore, it is important to maintain heat in the room. But direct sunlight should be avoided, as they can harm the plant. In summer, the temperature should be around 20-25 °C degrees.

In winter, the temperature should be at least 20 °C. To speed up growth and flowering, you can increase the heat level as in the summer. First you need to wait for the buds to ripen at a temperature of 18 ° C. Next, it will be possible to insulate the plant.

Flowers in the water
Flowers in the water

Anthurium needs moderate air moisture. You can substitute a tray with water and pebbles under the containers with a flower. It is useful to irrigate the crown of the plant with water using a sprayer, but it is important to avoid getting moisture on the petals.

A humidifier will do a great job of increasing humidity. If this is not possible, you can simply put a container of water next to the plant. When the water evaporates, a tropical effect will be created.

How to care for the flower "Male Happiness" so that it blooms? For flowering, it is necessary to create favorable lighting conditions. Anthurium loves soft lighting. Direct sun exposure may cause burns and damage. Flowerit is best to put on the western or eastern sides. You can also place the plant at a distance of 1 meter from the window. In winter, you can put a flower on the south side of the windows.

Where is it better to place indoor colors "Male Happiness" and how to care for them?

  • Draft places should be avoided. The most ideal place is the eastern part of the room, on the window or next to it.
  • If plastic windows are installed, you can not worry about drafts and put the plant on the windowsill. Give preference to the part of the room where there is more light.
  • Placement near electrical appliances is detrimental to the flower. Do not place the plant near radiators and air conditioners.
  • If there is a bathroom with a window opening in the apartment, you can place a flower there for the winter. The necessary humidity and temperature for the plant will be provided. In the summer, a good place for him can be a bedroom or a hall.

View of a flower in the interior

Connoisseurs of beauty do not remain indifferent to Anthurium. The beauty and brightness of the flower will add zest to any boring interior.

Red flower
Red flower

There are more than eight hundred varieties of "Male Happiness". You can choose a plant for every taste and color, the most suitable for the design of the apartment.

The smells of plants are also different. They can be gentle or harsh. This flower is able to decorate any dull room and please its owner for a long time.

Good flowering conditions

It is important to know how homeflower "Male happiness" to look after. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the plant. Nourish the soil with vitamins and fertilizers:

  1. Watering is important to carry out purified water and let it settle. The water temperature should be at room temperature. Watering with standing water should be avoided.
  2. To avoid drying out of the soil in hot weather, it is necessary to put sphagnum on its top layer.
  3. If the flower is on the south side, protect it from direct rays or move it to the corner of the window.
  4. In winter, the plant needs additional artificial lighting. The desktop will be able to cope with this.
  5. Frequent transplants are undesirable. It is best to transplant the plant no more than 2 times a year: in spring and autumn.
  6. When flowering, the plant is best moved away from the sun. It is also worth watering and spraying it more abundantly.
Flowers in a vase
Flowers in a vase

Flower transplant

The flower needs to be transplanted 2 times a year. When buying a transplant, be sure to first select the pot of the desired size. It is enough to transplant a young plant once a year, and an older plant up to three times.

It is necessary to transplant with care so as not to damage the fragile flower. If the roots are damaged, sprinkle them with activated charcoal.

If you don't have experience in transplanting plants, you can ask for help from an experienced gardener. In this way, mistakes can be avoided and valuable knowledge gained.

When transplanting, the flower feels stress, so minim altouch the roots and very carefully, holding the plant, sprinkle with a mixture of earth and soil. You can also add moss. Next, water well to compact the earth.

Boarding process

How to care for the flower "Male happiness" when planting?

  1. First you need to prepare the soil, which consists of a mixture of different components. "Male happiness" is a tropical flower, so ordinary soil does not suit him. The ground for its habitat should be soft and loose.
  2. There must be sufficient oxygen supply to the roots of the flower. The soil should be slightly acidic, without lime. You can add coal, a substrate for flowering. Humus or substrate for azaleas flowers is also well suited. When adding mixtures, it is important to strictly observe the proportions, otherwise the plant will suffer.

Methods of reproduction

How to care for the flower "Male Happiness" during reproduction? If improperly propagated, the flower may die, so this should be done with extreme caution. If mistakes are made, the flower may die.

Methods of plant propagation:

  • With the help of the top, which is cut off and placed in water until the roots appear.
  • Sprouts from the stems that are in the root area.
  • When separating roots with a sharp tool.
tropical flowers
tropical flowers

How to prune a flower?

Flower "Male and female happiness": how to care for it when pruning:

  • Very carefully cut off the faded buds with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cutcrushed activated carbon.
  • When drying, the inflorescence itself can dry out, then you can carefully cut it without harm to the flower.

Rejuvenation treatments

As time passes, the flower may lose its former beauty. Growths may form in the area of the roots, a decrease in the number of lower leaves is possible. Also, with the aging of the plant, flowers and small leaves grow. New buds may disappear completely.

When these signs appear, it is worth performing a rejuvenation procedure. Transplanting a flower is a good and widely known method.

Water the flower

The frequency and amount of watering depends on the subspecies of the flower. Therefore, when purchasing a plant, it is important to learn the secrets of caring for it, since each type of flower needs an individual approach. Underwatering or overwatering may result in adverse results.

In the summer, the flower is watered up to 4 times a day. It is necessary to moisten the leaves every day with water from a spray bottle. In winter, watering is reduced and is done 1 time per week. Water that has settled for 3 days is suitable for irrigation.

Pink flower
Pink flower

Feeding plants

In order for the flower to be he althy and blooming, regular top dressing is necessary. Proper care will strengthen the immunity of the flower and will be an additional protection against pests.

Use organic and mineral products for feeding. Feeding period - 1 time with a break of 2 weeks. Solutions need to be changed in turn.

In specialized stores you can buy top dressing specifically foryour flower. It is important to carefully study the instructions for use.

Bouquet of pink flowers
Bouquet of pink flowers


"Male happiness" is a beautiful, bewitching plant. The flower requires special attention and constant care. In order for a flower to please with its beauty and he althy appearance for a long time, it is important to devote a lot of time to it. For those who do not have the opportunity to carefully care for the flower, it is better not to purchase this type of plant.
