Camellia flower: how to properly care for at home

Camellia flower: how to properly care for at home
Camellia flower: how to properly care for at home
camellia flower
camellia flower

The camellia flower is a very capricious plant that requires constant attention, but with proper care, it blooms amazingly beautifully. With the wrong content, this flower instantly drops buds and does not bloom. Lighting, humidity and air temperature are the main factors for the good growth of a plant such as camellia. A flower at home will bloom magnificently if you provide it with sufficient lighting in the first place. The light should be bright, but diffused, excluding direct sunlight on the camellia. It is very important to increase the humidity in the winter. Camellia flower cannot be placed near radiators and heat sources. In the summer, it is advisable to take the flower out into the fresh air. A balcony or loggia will be just the perfect place for him.

Home camellia flower: proper watering is the key to abundant floweringThis is true, because a plant, like all living organisms, simply needs moisture. The flower is watered using water

camellia home flower
camellia home flower

room temperature, it should not contain lime. The soil in the pot should not be heavily moistened. The camellia flower will also respond negatively to drafts andsudden temperature changes. It should be fed with special fertilizers about 2 times a month.

Camellia is prone to disease and attack by harmful insects. The main problem in such cases is the appearance of spotting on the leaves. The most dangerous pests are scale insects and whiteflies. If the plant suddenly dropped the buds, this indicates, first of all, improper care. The camellia flower can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, both apical and annual growth, from which the buds are previously removed. Cuttings take root well in summer at a temperature of 25 degrees.

camellia flower at home
camellia flower at home

Camellia bloom can be delayed or moved to a later date. To do this, a pot with a plant is placed in a dark, cool room, the air temperature in which is about 8 degrees. Approximately two weeks before the start of flowering, the camellia pot is placed in a bright and warm place and be sure to water it abundantly.

Helpful advice: when transplanting camellias, pay attention to the neck of the stem. It should not be covered with earth. And do not transplant plants during a period of intensive growth, otherwise they may stop developing and get sick.

In addition, this flower does not tolerate pruning, and no matter how much you want to form a pretty bush, you should not do this. Only weak shoots that have shed their leaves can be pruned so that the plant does not lose its decorative appearance. But this procedure must be done with caution. Young plants need to be replanted every year, older ones - after 2 years. When transplantingit is recommended to completely replace the earth. For camellias, it is better to buy a special soil mixture, it is most suitable for such flowers in terms of composition. Some camellias can grow in the open field, however, only in the southern and warm regions. With the onset of spring, camellia bushes throw out an incredible amount of buds and flowers, creating the feeling of a fireball. It's fabulously beautiful!
