Is it possible to keep a flower of the mother-in-law's tongue at home: signs, superstitions, home care and photos

Is it possible to keep a flower of the mother-in-law's tongue at home: signs, superstitions, home care and photos
Is it possible to keep a flower of the mother-in-law's tongue at home: signs, superstitions, home care and photos

Mother-in-law's tongue is a house plant that is still held in high esteem by our flower growers. This is an ornamental flower, unpretentious and great for breeding in offices and at home. Not all flower lovers know that the scientific name of this plant is sansevieria.

Flower Description

"Mother-in-law's tongue", "dragon tongue", "pike tail", "bayonet plant", "snake skin" and many other names have this indoor plant. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the birthplace of sansevieria. In nature, there are more than 60 varieties of plants.

flower at home
flower at home

However, only some varieties are used for home breeding. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to keep a mother-in-law's tongue at home and how to care for it so that it pleases the owners? According to some sources, these plants are classified as Dracenov and Iglitsev families. Ownthe flower acquired an interesting name in honor of Prince von Sanseviero.

Undemanding and persistent mother-in-law flower language and varieties in nature:

  1. A tall erect plant with long lanceolate leaves.
  2. Low ornamental culture has short leaves that form a rosette.

Depending on the type of flower, the leaves can be grayish green, green or dark green. The shape of the leaf depends on the type. The leaf may show broad white or yellow stripes. Stripes of a different color, such as light green, may run across. The leaf may have a reddish border. Short flowering occurs in spring.

flower with red
flower with red

Home Care Varieties

Decorative flower is grown not only at home, but also as an office decoration. Because the plant is unpretentious, it is very easy to care for it. But flower growers still distinguish several varieties of mother-in-law's language:

  • Laurenti is considered the most popular variety. It has vertically arranged leaves. A bright yellow strip of different widths runs along the edge of the sheet.
  • Silver Hanni cultivar with silver-grayish-green stripes. A dark border runs along the edge of the sheet.
  • Sensation Bentle has not very tall straight leaves. Longitudinal white stripes run along the entire length of the sheet.
  • Compacta variety (Compacta) decorative indoor flower. It has a dark central part of the sheet and a yellow border around the edges.
  • Amongroom flowers mother-in-law language new varieties take root with ease. For example, Futura, which has short leaves with a thin stripe.
  • Nelson - the leaf arrangement is vertical. The foliage is dark with a velvety sheen.
  • flower nelson
    flower nelson

Flower mother-in-law's tongue and home care

If someone decides to grow sansevieria at home, it is important to follow a few simple tips:

  • Maintain the temperature in the room.
  • In the summer, any temperature is suitable for the mother-in-law's indoor flower.
  • In the cold season, the temperature should be at the level of 14-16 0C. But still, you need to take into account that the minimum temperature is 10-11 0С. Its sharp drops have a bad effect on the plant.

It is known that the flower retains water in the leaves, so it should be watered sparingly.

flower care
flower care

When they keep the mother-in-law's tongue at home, is it possible to feed and with what preparation? Sansevieria is not very fond of nitrogen. Therefore, when buying fertilizer, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should contain the least of all. Fertilizing once a year is sufficient. In winter, the plant is not fertilized. In spring and summer, top dressing can be done with compounds for cacti.

Flower pests and how to deal with them

The main pests of mother-in-law's tongue flower are:

  1. Thrips.
  2. Spider mites.
  3. Mealy worms.

The fact that a flower is infected with spider mites can be determined byleaf coloring. They change color to paler colors.

Thrips settle on the lower part of the leaf in large colonies. At the same time, the upper part of the leaf is covered with gray-brown spots with a silvery sheen.

If a mealy worm has settled at the base of the rosette, it begins to suck the juice from the leaves and peduncles. Leaves become sick and twisted.

How to deal with pests of mother-in-law's tongue flower? Is it possible to keep chemicals at home or is it better to use folk remedies? You can try everything, but you need to start with plant prevention:

  • Make an infusion of citrus peels. Moisten a cloth with this infusion and wipe the leaves of the flower.
  • Perform regular preventive spraying with the Fitoverm biological product.
  • When pests are found, you can spray them with Actellik, Decis.

Does sansevieria bloom?

When to bloom - the plant chooses the time for this on its own. Mother-in-law's tongue may not bloom for years, and then suddenly bloom with openwork flowers. Their aroma is reminiscent of vanilla. Fills the entire room and goes beyond the front door.

Beauty lasts about a week. The reason for the unexpected flowering is that the plant senses the approach of death and nature forces it to bloom in order to leave behind seeds.

mother-in-law's tongue blossoms
mother-in-law's tongue blossoms

According to popular superstition, mother-in-law's tongue flower, which blooms in winter, tells the owner about future troubles.

Benefits of a flower in the home

Sansevieria inpeople are considered a real healer. It has been established that it helps with the following ailments:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Inflammation of the appendages.
  3. Otitis media (shooting pains in the ears).
  4. Skin lesions (scabies, ulcers, itching, wounds and cuts).

Many do not imagine what mysterious properties the mother-in-law's tongue flower has. Is it possible to keep at home such a healer who:

  • Destroys harmful bacteria.
  • Generate oxygen.
  • Absorbs negative energy.

It is noticed that if there is this flower in the house, then the owners of this miracle:

  • Suffer less headaches.
  • Fewer colds.
  • Differences in pressure in hypertensive and hypotensive patients become less frequent.

Placing a flower in the classroom contributes to better assimilation of knowledge, to active creativity.

flower in the house
flower in the house

What do people say about him?

Teschin's flower language and signs associated with it:

  • If flowering happened in the summer, then you need to wait for great luck. And if it bloomed in winter, then this is a sign of impending trouble.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and this is not the work of pests, then there will be parting with someone.
  • If a he althy plant begins to ache and wither, then this indicates that the situation in the house is tense.

Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law's tongue flower at home if people talk about various signs? Of course you can, because it is a peacemaker plant. And not all signs promisetrouble. There are also good ones, for example:

  1. If a person is sick, then you need to stroke the flower more often to give away negative energy.
  2. A husband and wife will no longer quarrel if they put a pot with a plant in their bedroom, donated by the parents of one of the spouses.
  3. Unmarried young ladies can tell fortunes in mother-in-law's language.

Of course, grow a beautiful and proud plant.
