The bathroom and the bathroom are the smallest rooms in the apartments. Washing them to a state of shine and constantly maintaining freshness is not such an easy task. Dirt, rust, limescale, yellow stains - all this haunts millions of housewives. There are hundreds of products on the shelves of stores, but only a few of them are really effective. Sometimes only folk recipes save the situation. In the article, we will consider how to clean the bath.
On the nature of pollution
Various plaques are formed in the process of washing the body. They are made up of skin particles and skin secretions. To remove plaque, it is washed off with hot or warm water immediately after bathing. It is recommended to use a sponge.

Soaps, gels and shampoos cause soap scum to build up. It eats into the enamel or coating of the bathroom and after a whiletime becomes elusive, and then you have to think about how to clean the bath.
If the water is too hard, it causes plumbing to change color. For cleaning, it is recommended to use products that contain acid. Water also causes rust, which usually contains a lot of iron.
If the bathtub is many years old, then there is a possibility that some stains cannot be cleaned even with the most powerful means. Cracks form on the old coating, which are invisible to the naked eye. Dirt and plaque eat into them, and it is not easy to get rid of this later.

If yellowness appeared on the enamel, then this is due to the presence of old water pipes. Because of them, oxides appear. There are other, more specific contaminants - this is repair paint or mold. Various solvents and anti-fungal agents will help fight these types of pollution.
Cast iron bath products
Cast iron bathrooms still do not lose their popularity due to their special characteristics. But such products have serious problems. The use of zirconium s alts in the process of applying enamel leads to the development of corrosion processes over time. Bath quickly fades and loses its attractive appearance.
Despite the fact that cast iron is an almost eternal material, the inner surfaces of the bath are covered with delicate enamels. This means that the first cleaning agent that comes across cannot be used. Not recommended for usecompositions containing abrasives or concentrated acids. Also, compositions with an oxygen content are not suitable for cast iron - these are Sanitary 2 and Silit.
With rust and plaque, these products do an excellent job, however, the top layer of the decorative coating is deeply damaged. The compositions contain concentrated hydrochloric acid. The use of "Silit" will eventually lead to a rough and dull surface of the bath.
Cif - perfect for a cast iron bath
There is a good choice among the compositions recommended for cast iron bathtubs. So, in the store you can buy a universal product in the form of Cif sprays or creams. It is great not only for processing cast-iron bathtubs, but also for washing sinks, toilets, tiles. To use the composition, you need to apply a small amount of the drug on the walls of the bath and on the bottom. After about 5 minutes, the product is washed off with water.

If the housewives do not know how to clean the bath, then you can buy "Sunnox". The tool quickly and effectively defeats any type of plaque, removes rust. Also, the product is able to deal with deposits of a different nature - organic or fatty, fresh or old. In addition, manufacturers claim that "Sunnox" is able to defeat E. coli, staphylococci and unpleasant odors.
Comet - gel or spray
This product can effectively remove dirt and scale from the surface of cast iron bathtubs. Also, the composition forms a protective film on the surface, which repels dirt.
This preparation in the form of a gel also effectively removes traces of rust, soap stains. The composition begins to work immediately after it has been applied. No need to wait long for the action to begin.
Folk tips for cast iron bathtubs
It is not always possible to purchase some unique cleaning compound. If none of these preparations for cast iron was found in the store, then the housewives know how to clean the bath at home with what is at hand.

Vinegar essence fights well with old dirt. It is necessary to fill the bath bowl with warm, but not hot water, and then dissolve 200 ml of essence in it. After about three hours, the water can be drained. In this case, there will be no harm from the use of this composition. In terms of purification, the essence is capable of many things.
But not everyone has it either. But every housewife has toilet soap and soda. You need to mix toilet soap and soda. This product will remove plaque and dirt. For very serious pollution, a little ammonia is added to the soda. Apply the mixture to the bath with a nylon brush.
You can use bleach powder to whiten the tub bowl. It is diluted with water to the consistency of store sour cream. Then the composition is applied to the surface and left to dry. Then you need to wash everything off.
Cleaning acrylic baths the right way
To care for acrylic bathtubs, manufacturers do not recommend compounds containing chlorine, gasolines and alkalis. Also not suitable are ammonia, acetone,acids. It is not recommended to use abrasives, hard sponge or metal brushes. Let's see how to clean the bath at home with products from the store.
Bass for acrylic
For these products, it is better to use a liquid formulation or a gel product. All other forms of acrylic cleanser will not work.
This is a special foam designed specifically for the care of acrylic bathtubs. It perfectly fights rust, various types of mold, fungus, soap streaks and old dirt. A protective film is created on the surface of the bath, which will not allow limescale to accumulate.

How to clean the bath quickly and safely? An environmentally friendly and effective composition to combat plaque and dirt. After using this product, the surface of the acrylic bathtub will have a shiny look.
Vinegar and lemon juice
This is already a folk method. This mixture is applied to the contaminated surface, and then washed off with warm water. But you need to wash off not immediately, but after a while - this is necessary for the composition to begin to act. To disinfect the bath, you can fill the bowl with a solution of 7% bleach. Then the bowl is carefully washed and polished.
Clean enameled baths by yourself
Enamel bathtubs are much easier than acrylic ones. The same products that are used for cast iron products are suitable. But it is much more effective to use people's advice - this way you can achieve purity and not damageenamel.
Here's how to clean the bath with baking soda to remove traces of rust: baking soda is applied to damaged areas and washed off with water after 10 minutes. Also, rust from an enamel bath can be removed with vinegar and borax. The mixture is first diluted in a separate container, and then applied to a rag and rubbed on the contaminated area. In addition, you can effectively remove yellow spots with a mixture of s alt and vinegar. But the mixture must be well heated. No less effective can be removed rust stains with ordinary s alt and turpentine.

Young housewives do not know how to clean the plaque in the bathroom. More experienced women solve this problem with ammonia dissolved in water. You need to wash the bath with a cloth soaked in this composition. You can also remove plaque with lemon juice. The affected areas are also rubbed with soda and mustard. You need to mix in a ratio of 1: 3.
If the bathroom bowl has faded and lost color, it will be possible to restore the shine with the help of paper napkins. They are soaked in vinegar and rubbed into the bath. Then you have to wait a few hours. Then everything is thoroughly washed.
If you need to bleach the bath, then mix soda ash and baking soda in a ratio of 1:1. The mixture will begin to act within 10 minutes. Then 50 grams of vinegar mixed with 50 grams of bleach is applied on top of it. After about half an hour, everything needs to be washed off. Cleaning the bath with baking soda and vinegar is sometimes much more effective than using modern products.
How to clean bathroom tiles with your own hands?
There are folk advice forsolution to this problem. Sometimes a folk remedy copes with cleaning much better than a store-bought one.
45 grams of vinegar is dissolved in a liter of water. Then, using a spray gun, the composition is applied to the surface of the tile. After a few minutes, the mixture can be removed. Citric acid with water will also help to effectively clean the tiles - it also has a bactericidal effect.

Most of the organic contaminants can be removed with bleach. It perfectly cleanses and whitens. Even "Whiteness" will do. Before applying it, apply some of the product to one seam and watch how the color changes.
How to clean bathroom tiles with baking soda? Dissolve soda in water to a state of sour cream. But the composition must be exactly wet, otherwise the soda can easily scratch the tile. After cleaning, the tiles are washed with warm water - this will help to avoid plaque.
Ammonia dissolved in water cleans well both the tile itself and the tile seams. But its minus is the smell. In addition, you need to work with it carefully - in large quantities it can be dangerous.
How to clean chrome faucets?
Fauces and shower hoses require as much maintenance as a bathtub. Rust and plaque also form on chrome surfaces - these are the enemies of all bathrooms. You can defeat plaque and rust with the help of table vinegar. Mistresses tell how to clean the bath with vinegar. It is evenly distributed over the surface. Then you need to wait about half an hour and wash off the vinegar. This completes the work.