Protection against noise and vibration

Protection against noise and vibration
Protection against noise and vibration

Noise is a set of uncomfortable and useless sounds of different frequency and intensity, perceived by the human ear and causing unpleasant subjective sensations. The nature of the noise depends on the source and can be mechanical, aerodynamic, electromagnetic, hydrodynamic.

noise protection
noise protection

Today, noise protection is very relevant: production facilities are oversaturated with equipment, the streets are overflowing with vehicles, repairs and squabbles among neighbors are not uncommon.

And it hurts the economy. So, people of mental labor at 70 dB noise make twice as many mistakes as in silence. At the same time, working capacity decreases by about 60%, and for those engaged in physical labor - by 30%. Noises of increased intensity distort sound information and disrupt the auditory activity of a person, adversely affect the nerves, contribute to the accumulation of fatigue and reduce performance. Under the influence of noise, circulatory disorders occur due to capillary constriction, blood pressure rises, and the body's resistance decreases.

SNiP Noise Protectionobliges to provide measures for noise protection:

  1. in the workplace of enterprises;
  2. in public and residential buildings;
  3. in a residential area.
remove noise protection
remove noise protection

Noise is created by voices, household appliances, cars outside the window, working tools. Therefore, noise protection is simply vital and is determined, normalized by SNiP 23-02-2003, set of rules SP 51.13330.2001; as there is a section in every project.

Today, enclosing structures and special engineering solutions are used to protect residential areas from urban noise. These can be acoustic screens along railways and highways, and "screen buildings" erected between the road and residential buildings. Good protection is the deepening of street routes and landscaping of slopes. Industrial enterprises are taken out of the city, and some work (repair of roads and communications, construction) is prohibited at night.

The best noise protection is massive walls and dense floors in your apartment, but this is difficult and inefficient. It is more reasonable to perform sound insulation from a porous material with a fibrous structure, especially at the joints of load-bearing structures. That is, soundproofing begins with the design of the house.

noise and vibration protection
noise and vibration protection

A soundproofing layer should be laid on the floor under tiles, parquet or laminate, leading it to the walls. For additional sound insulation, a suspended acoustic ceiling is used. It absorbs noise and improves acoustics.

To protect yourself from the street rumble will helpdouble-glazed windows, preferably two-, three-chamber. Technological gaps at the junctions of windows and walls, at window sills, must be sealed with sealant. Good noise protection - roller shutters with high soundproofing characteristics, glazed loggias and balconies. The threshold and porches of the front door need to be sealed.

Some sounds are transmitted in the form of vibration along the walls and ceilings. And this, as you know, is a very harmful factor affecting human he alth.

Such impact noises are more difficult to deal with. You can partially neutralize them with the help of a backfill pad under the base of the floor, which dampens the vibration. Effective silica roll fiber Supersil (6 mm). If you protect the joints of load-bearing structures with it, you can reduce the noise level by 27 dBA.

Protection against noise and vibration is carried out using modern sound-absorbing and vibration-isolating structures and materials. It is good that at home the impact of vibration is insignificant and most often short-term. But protection from vibration in the workplace is a much more complicated issue.
