Despite the fact that many modern materials have appeared recently, which are made according to methods developed in the age of innovative technologies, the metal still does not plan to give up its positions. But its specific characteristics necessitate the use of paints and varnishes in the construction industry that would be able to prevent premature failure of surfaces.
Metal protection

Today, metal structures are an integral part of multi-apartment buildings, where heating and plumbing systems have been introduced. Out-of-town construction uses such structures even more actively, where they are implemented in small architectural forms, lattices on windows, gates and greenhouses. Consumers choose the metal based on its unique qualities, among them are mechanical strength, as well as resistance to high temperatures. Among other things, the metal is relatively affordable. While it has many advantages, it does have its vulnerabilities.sides, the presence of which determines the need for rust paint.
Ways to deal with rust

Anti-corrosion paint for metal is also needed if you want to protect structures made of the appropriate material and extend their life. Rust is the result of oxidative processes that occur on the surface of the material. Structures begin to undergo oxidation when the air contains a certain amount of water vapor, it is under their influence that the strength of the metal decreases, which loses its original attractiveness. Corrosion begins to penetrate inside, attracting moisture and keeping inside due to the porous structure. Most often, traditional methods are used to protect metal, which provide for the initial cleaning of rust, as well as subsequent surface treatment with anti-corrosion primer. At the final stage, the metal is protected by paint. But these measures are not justified in all cases, because today economically profitable and not so laborious methods of corrosion protection have been found. To prevent progressive destruction, paints and varnishes are used that prevent the oxidation process.
Varieties of paint and varnish coatings for metal

If you need anti-corrosion paint for metal, then you can consider the classification of similar products. On sale you can find epoxy enamels, alkyd paints, oil andacrylic compounds. Epoxy enamels are rarely used in everyday life, as their ingredients contain toxic substances. If it is necessary to protect the material from exposure to high temperatures, then a mixture based on silicone resins should be preferred. In oil paints, the main component is drying oil and natural oils, they do not tolerate the effects of temperature extremes, therefore they are intended for interior work. This limits the scope of their use, since oil paints are not able to provide adequate protection of structures against corrosion.
Alkyd anti-corrosion paints are used for application on galvanized surfaces. Such compounds have the highest adhesive ability, but they are not resistant to high temperatures. Among other things, mixtures of this type are extremely flammable. More recently, acrylic paints for metal have appeared on the building materials market, but today they have gained their popularity, this is due to the functionality of the characteristics. Anti-corrosion acrylic paint for metal is versatile, because it can be used for interior and exterior finishing work. The compositions demonstrate effectiveness in painting even heating heating elements and other parts that have a high temperature during operation.
Area of use and characteristics of anti-corrosion paints

One of the most popular means to protect metal from corrosion is rust paintHammerite brand. It allows you to refuse to carry out labor-intensive and expensive work, which is not always justified. The aforementioned one-component quick-drying compound is based on epoxy-modified synthetic resins to which anti-corrosion pigments are added. You can use this mixture as a topcoat, which will have high decorative properties. These anti-corrosion paints for metal, after drying, acquire a glossy or semi-gloss sheen. And the main advantage of this coating is the ability to resist pollution, because they play an important role in the formation of rust. This composition is used in private construction, as well as in the industrial industry. For example, it can be used to protect roofing systems, water pipes, agricultural tools, machinery and equipment.
Features of using Hammerite paint

The above-described paint for metal with anti-corrosion properties prevents the negative effects of water on the surface. The wetting properties of the mixture make it possible to apply even on unprepared substrates. Products after drying can be operated at a fairly wide temperature range, which varies from -20 to +80 °. This paint is resistant to degradation even when exposed to ultraviolet rays, which is why it can be used in humid and hot climates.
When not to useanti-corrosion paint

Despite the fact that anti-corrosion paint for metal has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. Among them, a ban on processing equipment that will be used at temperatures above 150 ° should be highlighted. Coating is excluded on structures whose surface will be in contact with potable water.
Characteristics of hammer paint

Anti-corrosion paint for metal is presented today for sale in a wide range, having examined the products, you can also find hammer paints, the color palette of which includes many different shades. After drying, the surface may have a glossy or semi-gloss sheen, as well as a hammer and semi-gloss tint. This coating got its name due to the fact that the surface visually resembles a hammer head, which is characterized by roughness and a metallic sheen. Among the ingredients of hammer paint: alkyd-styrene, epoxy and acrylic bases. Among other things, aluminum powder and fine glass are added to the composition. Hammer coating perfectly copes with temperature fluctuations, as well as vibration exposure. It can be used to process industrial equipment and create an anti-corrosion coating for non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Such anti-corrosion paints have one indisputable advantage, which is expressed in the possibility of applying the composition directly torust, and there is no need to prepare the surface. As a result, it is possible to obtain an airtight protective film, which is formed due to binders.
Characteristics of the enamel primer "Ruststop"
If you need anti-corrosion black paint for metal, then you can prefer the Rzhavostop enamel primer. It can be applied directly over rust, and is intended for painting cast iron and steel surfaces with residual rust remaining. These include metal structures, gratings, fences and metal garages. You can use this mixture for painting plastered surfaces. For 20 m2 one kilogram of the mixture will suffice, which is true if the application is carried out in one layer. Depending on the characteristics of the surface, the consumption can be increased, then one kilogram will be enough for only 10 m2. The drying time of such a composition is 15 hours. The mixture can be tinted with pastes, but their addition is possible in a volume of not more than 10%. After drying, the surface acquires a glossy sheen. The paint is universal, since its application is possible outside and inside the premises. In addition, it is not necessary to use a primer at the initial stage, as for the rust converter. High protective properties will be maintained both on clean metal and on a rusty surface. It is noteworthy that "Ruststop" can be applied to the remnants of old paintwork.
Spray paint
Metal treatment with anti-corrosion paint sometimescarried out from aerosol cans. Such paints are presented for sale in three varieties, among them: standard paint, double and universal. The first variety is used for simple painting in one layer, while the double paint on metal acts as an enamel and primer. Its advantage is that there is no need to apply a primer before painting the surface. General purpose spray paint will act as primer, rust converter and top coat. If you have to work directly on rust, then you should use the third variety. One bottle will be enough to apply on a surface of approximately 3.5 m22. In this case, it will be possible to form a layer with a thickness of 0.05 mm. This explains the fact that spray paint is not used on large areas, it is more appropriate to use it for a small amount of work. As practice shows, spray paint is especially convenient for treating a damaged paint layer and for applying the composition to hard-to-reach places.
Paint brand "Silver"
Modern anti-corrosion paint for metal has a fairly wide scope, it can even withstand water exposure. This applies to containers if they have been treated with the Silver composition. It is a waterproof enamel for metal, which is able to give the material high wear resistance, resistance to sea and fresh water, as well as oil and gasoline. This mixture is intended for painting steel and metal water tanks. ATgalvanized and ferrous metals can act as a surface. This paint has the ability to reflect the sun's rays and scatter infrared radiation, which prevents premature destruction of metal structures, roofs and hangars. This anti-corrosion coating for metal can be used to protect power transmission towers, oil and pipelines, steel tanks, floating docks, as well as any metal structures that operate in a humid atmosphere.
Anti-corrosion paint for metal for cars is also on sale, as an example, "Plast anticorrosive", which also performs the function of protection against high temperatures. But "Special Forces" replaces ordinary enamel, primer and anticorrosive.