Pentas flower: planting, care, cultivation and reproduction, photo

Pentas flower: planting, care, cultivation and reproduction, photo
Pentas flower: planting, care, cultivation and reproduction, photo

Pentas, a bouquet in a pot, an Egyptian star - this is the name of an evergreen semi-shrub from the Rubiaceae family loved by many. Over 50 species of this plant grow on our planet, but only one of them, called herbaceous or lanceolate, is successfully grown in indoor floriculture.

A pretty plant pleases owners with a long and almost year-round flowering. Pentas flowers are natives of Africa, or more precisely, the islands of Madagascar, where this exotic plant is represented by a huge number of species and varieties that differ in the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Pentas at home
Pentas at home

Pentas flower: description and photo

When grown at home, this flower does not exceed 50 cm in height. The plant has erect, slightly branching shoots. The leaves are opposite, bright green. They are quite wide and have an oval shape. The length of the leaves ranges from 5 to 8 centimeters. The surface of the plates is wavy, pubescent. The central vein is clearly visible on it.

Pentas Care
Pentas Care

Pentas flowers are undoubtedly the main decoration of an exotic plant. They can be painted in a variety of shades depending on the variety. Pink and red, beige and purple, purple or white flowers in the form of five-pointed stars are collected in large dome-shaped inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 10 centimeters.

Pentas flower: growing at home

If you dream of becoming the owner of such a pretty plant and growing it in your home, you need to create conditions for it and follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers. Factors such as temperature, humidity, lighting, soil and planting technique affect the growth and flowering of pentas.


In order for the pentas flower to actively develop and delight with beautiful flowering at home, the air temperature in the room must be at least +20 ° C. In winter, the shrub feels great at temperatures up to +16 ° C. Unlike many indoor plants, pentas are not afraid of drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Only gusts of cold wind can harm the plant, which can freeze the leaves, so when you ventilate the room in the cold season, remove the plant from the window. If the temperature is too high for the pentas, it will immediately "report" this with dry leaf tips and overly elongated stems.

plant description
plant description


This important indicator should be taken into account when growing pentas. The flower loves moisture very much, so its indicator is notshould fall below 60% during the entire period of plant growth. This is easy to achieve - put a container filled with water next to the flower, put the pot in a tray with expanded clay, which should always be wet, and regularly spray the leaves of the flower, trying not to fall on the inflorescences.


The plant loves bright light and grows well even in direct sunlight. That is why the window sill of the south window can become his permanent place of residence. However, you should keep a close eye on the plant, and if you notice burns on the leaves in the summer, you should shade the window a little. If in winter your flower stretched out and lost its stability, this indicates a lack of lighting. During this period, the use of additional illumination is justified.

Pentas flowers
Pentas flowers


Pentas flowers are not too demanding on the composition of the soil. You can use ready-made potting mix for flowering plants or make your own. For this you will need:

  • turf and leafy soil - two parts each;
  • sand is one piece.

The plant loves fertile, nutritious, loose soil.

Reproduction of pentas, planting rules

Among flower growers, two methods of propagation of this plant are common: cuttings and seeds. Let's take a closer look at each of them, and you will decide which option is preferable for you.

Seed use

This method is attractive because it can be used at any time of the year. It is not complicated, and in orderto grow pentas, you need to buy plant seeds from a speci alty store, sow them without burying them in moist soil and leave them on a sunny windowsill so that heat, moisture and light stimulate the seeds to germinate.

Pentas in indoor floriculture
Pentas in indoor floriculture

With an air temperature of about +25 °C and a humidity of 60%, in two weeks you will see shoots of your future flowers.


This method is suitable if you have cuttings left after cutting the plant. It is important that the cut stems are at least 5-8 cm long. Reproduction in this way is allowed at a minimum temperature of about +18 °C. Previously, the cuttings are kept for several hours in water, and then planted in moist soil. Rooting occurs after 10 days.

How to care for a plant?

The pentas flower, the photo of which you can see in the article, does not require complex care measures for its normal development and flowering at home. As a rule, care comes down to the traditional set of mandatory procedures.


Exotic shrub needs abundant and regular watering, especially during the growing season. Only distilled water should be used. Watering is carried out after the topsoil dries. It is dangerous to flood a flower, since stagnant moisture in a pot will inevitably cause rotting of the root system of the plant. In winter and during dormancy, when the plant does not bloom, watering is minimal.

In modern indoor floriculture, special flasks are used, whichdesigned for automatic irrigation. Flower growers successfully use them to care for pentas in the summer. This is convenient for owners who do not have the opportunity to regularly water indoor plants or simply forget to do it. The mechanism of these flasks waters the soil in the amount necessary for each particular pot.

Pentas leaves
Pentas leaves


Anyone who wants to extend the flowering period of pentas should use complex mineral compounds for flowering plants, which are added to the water for irrigation ("Master", "Clean Leaf"). They will enrich the soil with phosphorus and activate the process of bud formation. Plants do not need to be fed in winter.


Because pentas grows quite quickly and responds to various negative factors by lengthening the shoots, it needs regular pruning to help maintain the shape and splendor of the plant. Stems should not exceed 50 centimeters in height, and the tops exceeding this size should be pinched.

Beginner flower growers need to know that pruning and pinching of pentas is carried out only during the dormant period, when the shrub does not bloom.

Diseases and pests

Leaf chlorosis is the most common plant disease. Having noticed its first signs, which primarily include unreasonable yellowing of the leaves, it is necessary to feed the plant with chelate fertilizers that increase chlorophyll in the green of the flower (“Hydro Flor”, “Hydro Vera”).

Pests that infect pentas include arachnoidtick and shield. You can fight them using drugs such as Actellik or Fitoverm, or you can treat the leaves with folk remedies - a solution of ordinary laundry soap, medical alcohol, onion or garlic infusion. The leaves are simply wiped with a solution and after a few minutes washed off with water at room temperature.

Owner Reviews

Most flower growers are very pleased that a beautifully blooming pentas flower has appeared in their house. In the reviews, the owners note the unpretentiousness of this plant, which allows even beginners to grow it in floriculture.
