Not everyone knows how to clean an acrylic bathtub, since these products have appeared relatively recently. This is a fairly simple matter, but it is important to follow a strict order, and then you will enjoy the result for a long time. They differ from cast iron in their lightness and elegance. Many are even afraid to use acrylic sanitary ware, assuming that it is too fragile, as it is light.

In order for the bath to serve for a long time, retaining its original appearance, it is very important to follow all the rules for its operation. This principle applies to all things and objects, and bathtubs are no exception. Timely care and cleaning will prolong the life of this product. One of the rules is not to bathe animals in it. After all, they can leave deep scratches on the coating with their claws. Such damage will significantly reduce the life of the bath and disfigure its appearance.
How to clean the bath
For this, any detergent with a deep penetrating effect is suitable. You can use the liquid you use to clean dishes, etc. If, when inspecting the bath, you find lime smudges, then you just need towipe the entire surface with a soft cloth moistened with a solution of warm vinegar.

It is heated vinegar that will help get rid of the deposits that have formed. In addition, you can also use lemon juice - it will not damage the coating. Acrylic inserts in the bath should be cleaned with the same means.
Over time, some areas of the product may darken. To remove dark areas, just dampen them with warm running water and wipe well with a dry cloth. A polishing procedure using ordinary mastic will help get rid of scratches. Many also practice using car or furniture polish.
Before you clean the acrylic bath, remember that you can not use products containing harsh chemicals and small abrasive elements. Even in case of difficulties with cleaning dark spots, you should never resort to the help of products such as gasoline or acetone. They just ruin the acrylic surface. Rather than cleaning an acrylic bath with such products, it is better to look for more effective ones among those allowed for acrylic. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire bathtub.

Today, the chemical industry provides the necessary means for cleaning acrylic bathtubs in sufficient variety. Using such mixtures, you will achieve good results. As a rule, these products are sold in special cans, from which they should be sprayed onto the surface of the bath. After applying them, you need to waita while and then wipe off with a cloth. If you feel that the solution has remained on the coating, then rinse the tub with running water and dry it again with a cloth.
Before deciding how to clean an acrylic bathtub, remember the tips that you learned from this article, carefully study the composition of the intended cleaning agent, collect as much information as possible, and then draw conclusions and start cleaning.