Bunk ceiling: construction, installation, materials, design

Bunk ceiling: construction, installation, materials, design
Bunk ceiling: construction, installation, materials, design

In many apartments and private houses you can find stretch and suspended beautiful ceilings. They have achieved their popularity due to the wide design execution, the latest construction technologies and fast installation of structures. The single-level version with the addition of lighting elements built into the surface has become most widespread. But two-level beautiful ceilings allow you to give a twist to the room and create an original unique design. At the same time, they can be made independently, this will require a special tool and desire, and consultation of designers and builders will also not be superfluous.

bunk ceiling
bunk ceiling


First you need to free up space so that there are no difficulties during the work. If it is not possible to remove all pieces of furniture, they must be rearranged in a convenient place and covered with foil. Of particular importance is the ceiling surface: the degree of its integrity and evenness increases the quality of fastening and reduces the total amount of work. The amount of materials needed is pre-calculated, so you can not dono blueprint or blueprint. You also need to think in advance about the laying of wires and other points regarding the power supply.

two-tier stretch ceilings
two-tier stretch ceilings


Before decorating the ceiling, it is necessary to thoroughly inspect its surface and remove the old coating. The application of finishing putty is possible only if there is no peeling plaster and cracks on its surface. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the entire finish up to the overlap, for example, in the presence of a dull sound during tapping and deep cracks. Next, a primer with high penetrating properties and plaster are distributed. It is impossible to do without updating the plaster layer if the plane is damaged by more than 40%. It is also necessary in the presence of irregularities and noticeable differences. Further actions can be taken after all layers have completely dried.


The most important step is drawing up a plan and calculations, this requires certain knowledge in engineering and design. It is necessary to schematically outline the desired two-tier plasterboard ceiling, mark the placement points for lighting elements, protruding parts and niches. Next, the amount of materials is calculated by determining the perimeter of the room. It should be noted that if during the measurement process it turns out that parallel wall structures have different lengths, a larger parameter is taken for calculations.

beautiful ceilings
beautiful ceilings

Installation of a two-level ceiling

Strength and reliability of the ceiling increasesby mounting and connecting jumpers between frame profiles.

In the process of work, one cannot do without a CD-profile used for racks, since sheets of drywall are fixed on it. The size is selected depending on the available features. It should be noted that installation of the second level is possible both on the ceiling surface itself and on supporting structures.

Calculating the number of drywall sheets is not particularly difficult, as they have standard dimensions. It is necessary to measure the space of the first level, the resulting value divided by the area of one sheet element. A similar method is used for the second level, while taking into account the vertical slats and the protruding part.

The best option is drywall with a thickness of about 10 mm, it has the necessary characteristics of strength and weight.

Modern ceiling design is characterized by great diversity, and one of the options is represented by the free center of the room and the location of the structure along its perimeter. Also, this type of finish allows you to install a stretch ceiling and at the same time reduce the consumption of building materials. It is worth noting that it is desirable to carry out all work with the assistance of two people.

how to decorate a ceiling
how to decorate a ceiling


The places for mounting lighting fixtures are marked, the length of the required wiring and the total power consumption are indicated. Wires with the required cross section are selected in accordance with the specified conditions. Also, you can not do without a cable channel, a specialboxes and corrugations. The latter fixture is convenient in that it can pass through the entire bunk ceiling, while other materials require fixation on the wall. Dowels, self-tapping screws and anchors are required for secure fastening.

After leveling the surface with a measuring tool, the height that a two-tier suspended ceiling has without the thickness of the plasterboard is determined. Several marks are put on one of the walls, after connecting them with a paint thread, you get a straight line, which represents the level of the future structure.

installation of a two-level ceiling
installation of a two-level ceiling

Fixing profiles

Several points are marked on the surface to place the profile, in which holes are drilled with the required pitch using a perforator. The part is attached to the ceiling and screwed. Further, all suspensions are fixed in the same way. In this case, it is important to monitor the perpendicularity of the line in relation to the suspensions. Straight parts can only be used if the two-tier ceiling will have a height within 12 cm.

To fix the profile of the first level of the structure, it is necessary to bend the sides of the hangers so that there is enough space inside for the width of the profile. For a quality connection of the elements, one screw is screwed on each side.

Using a measuring tool, the mounting points of the crabs are marked to secure the transverse profile parts. Crabs wind up behind them and snap into place, then secured with screws.

After installing the frame part, you cando electrical wiring. Two options are possible: fixing the cable channel on the surface of the wall with a wire running in it, or laying a corrugation from the place of connection to the power supply to the location of the lighting device. It is worth noting the need for a small margin of 15-20 cm in order to simplify the removal of the wire from the bunk ceiling.

two-story plasterboard ceiling
two-story plasterboard ceiling

Fixing drywall

Installation of drywall sheets starts from the first level. For more reliable fixation, self-tapping screws are screwed in at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When working with the lower level, it is important to be careful when cutting drywall so that it fits the existing length of the profile. Cutting the material is not difficult, it is enough to cut the cardboard on one side, break the sheet and cut the other side. With a planer, you can level the surfaces, if necessary.

Jumps for the frame are made by cutting the CD profile using special scissors or a grinder. They are installed under the crab, clicked to it, then the connection is fixed with several screws. Due to the large number of fasteners used throughout the entire process, it is advisable to use a screwdriver.

Between the levels, the vertical parts of drywall are fixed in order to hide the inner surface, and screwed to the profile posts. If the two-tier ceiling is characterized by a curved contour or broken lines, a strip of the required size is cut out of the sheet and soaked incontainers with water until pliable and soft. Next, the part must be adjusted to the shape of the empty space and secured.

Last stage of work

Installation is completed by creating holes for lighting fixtures. A low drywall border is glued along the edge of the prominent side of the sheet in order to hide the backlight. Then the existing joints are treated with primers and fillers. After complete drying, a decorative finish is applied to the bunk ceiling and the operation of the lighting is checked.

modern ceiling design
modern ceiling design

Stretch option

Bunk stretch ceilings are simple in execution. Fewer materials are required, and the supporting structure itself is manufactured in a shorter time. Otherwise, there are practically no differences. It should be noted that the calculation of materials indicated above is not suitable for this option, another project is also needed. The suspended plasterboard structure is mounted around the perimeter of the room, and the canvas itself is stretched in the center of the room. To create a two-tier ceiling, you can use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The installation site is marked along the perimeter and the structure is fixed in accordance with the level. Actions similar to those indicated above are being carried out.
  2. To tension the material, the profile is fixed at the set height.
  3. The canvas and the room itself are preheated with a heat gun. Then you can start pulling it alternately from all sides.
  4. Lighting on.

To make high-quality two-tier stretch ceilings, you need to understand the intricacies of the process and carry out all actions with the utmost care. One person can not cope with the entire scope of work, here you can not do without assistants.