Explanation of construction and installation works: construction and installation works

Explanation of construction and installation works: construction and installation works
Explanation of construction and installation works: construction and installation works

Speaking of the construction of buildings, roads and repair of objects, we mean the implementation of a whole range of activities and actions that lead to the desired result, namely, a new building or a repaired road. Construction and installation works (hereinafter referred to as construction and installation work) are just that main part of the construction industry, without which it is impossible to carry out major repairs of premises or erect new buildings.

decoding of construction and installation works
decoding of construction and installation works

CMP transcript

Under a rather broad definition of "construction and installation works" understand the variety of works that differ from each other in the direction of action and means of execution. If we give a general definition of the concept, then the decoding of construction and installation works will look like this - this is a set of actions for the construction of new facilities (buildings, structures), their repair and reconstruction, as well as the installation and installation of equipment. All types of construction and installation works simply cannot be handled by one company, sincethe scale of the tasks set for her will be simply enormous. Therefore, in the construction market there are organizations whose activities have a narrower specialization. For example, there are companies that only build and repair roads, or companies that build industrial facilities.

Types of construction and installation work

There are several main types of such work:

  • general construction;
  • transport and handling (delivery of materials, fixtures and equipment);
  • special (with a special kind of materials).

The most diverse is general construction activities. It consists of:

  • earthworks (digging holes, trenches, pits), piling (driving, pile foundations) and stone works (building walls, laying stone, etc.);
  • roofing (arrangement of attic spaces, roofs), plastering (painting, pasting) and insulating;
  • devices for floors, engineering networks and communications;
  • work on the installation of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete, light building envelopes;
  • land improvement;
  • installation of technological equipment;
  • commissioning, etc.
calculation of construction and installation works
calculation of construction and installation works

To finally understand what SMP decoding is, you need to understand what all types of the above works include.

Features of construction and installation works

Each field of activity has a number of features and nuances. For CMP, the most important criterion is quality, which depends entirely onprofessionalism of employees, competent organization of the process and interaction between the links of the system. At the beginning of work, the set goals and objectives, planning and control are of great importance, and the end result is the competent and high-quality production of construction and installation works. After all, the safety of people depends on this.

SMP production
SMP production

Proper preparation and organization of the process have a great influence on obtaining the desired result. Making mistakes or miscalculations can be costly for the contractor company in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Correcting defects in construction can cost a human life. Plus, it's always quite expensive. It should also be understood that when calculating construction and installation works, the use of unverified or low-quality materials, as well as unreasonable savings on mandatory cost items, is not allowed. In order to take into account all the features of the construction, it is necessary to carry out all the work in stages.


Deciphering construction and installation works will include the competent and consistent implementation of all stages of construction activities.

For example, before the construction of new facilities, first of all, it is necessary to carry out geological studies of the soil of the site. It may be necessary to drain the swamp or carry out drainage work before starting construction to avoid flooding.

After leveling the area, you can start drawing the outline of the foundation. This is usually done with wire, wooden pegs and rope. Next you need to digtrench for laying the foundation of the future building. After you can proceed to the construction of walls. If a wooden building is planned, then the drafted project should be strictly adhered to. Stone walls have their own rules - for example, laying the stone strictly horizontally, dressing the seams and pouring mortar.

After that, attic floors are laid out, windows, attics and rafters are mounted, it all depends on the number of floors of the building and the complexity of the construction. Next, the roof fronts are closed and the roofing material is laid. The next step is finishing work (exterior and interior), then installation of equipment (plumbing, heating systems, etc.)

construction and installation volumes
construction and installation volumes

The volume of construction and installation work largely depends on the tasks set. For example, one company can be directly involved in the construction of an object, while finishing work is entrusted to another organization or done independently.

Organization of construction and installation work

In the process of erecting buildings and structures, various subjects are necessarily involved: designers, surveyors, equipment suppliers and customers. In order for the construction and installation process to be systematic, special attention should be paid to the organization of work.

It is better to clarify all questions on construction technology with representatives of construction and installation organizations and specialized trusts that prepare projects.

estimated cost of construction and installation works
estimated cost of construction and installation works

Usually, the project contains a work schedule, a general construction plan, according to which the timing of the work is calculatedperformers and shows all volumes of construction and installation works. In addition, this document indicates the location of the building under construction and construction sites, water and energy supply schemes, as well as the amount of materials, products and construction machines used. For complex buildings, technological maps are used, which specify special safety requirements, main stages, construction technologies, etc.

Organization of construction and installation works is very important, because it depends on it in what rhythm assembly, carpentry and other types of work will be carried out.

What is the estimated cost?

The level of quality of ongoing construction activities largely depends on the amount of the allocated budget for construction. Therefore, such a concept as "estimated cost of construction and installation works" plays a decisive role in the workflow. It is the official confirmation of project funding. It reflects all the final figures.

Calculation of construction and installation works

Works are easy enough to count. It is necessary to add up all direct costs (the cost of materials, wages of workers, etc.), overhead costs (administrative and economic, etc.) and planned savings. The last component is otherwise called the estimated or standard profit of a construction organization.

construction and installation works
construction and installation works

Construction and installation work is the most important stage of construction. Only with competent and qualified planning and organization of construction and installation works can the desired result be achieved with minimal effort, money and time.
