"Zhukovsky" (early potatoes): reviews. Seed potatoes "Zhukovsky"

"Zhukovsky" (early potatoes): reviews. Seed potatoes "Zhukovsky"
"Zhukovsky" (early potatoes): reviews. Seed potatoes "Zhukovsky"

Growers growing vegetables all over the country, both for themselves and for sale, are mainly interested in early-ripening, unpretentious and disease-resistant varieties. One of these varieties is considered to be the result of domestic selection - "Zhukovsky early" (potatoes). Reviews about it are more often positive, it is quite resistant to diseases, and it also has a good yield.

Main characteristics of the variety

This potato was specially bred by domestic breeders for growing in temperate climates and relatively short summers. The Zhukovsky potato variety is distinguished not only by its high yield, but also by the large size of the tubers. On average, they reach a mass of 130-150 grams, but there are also larger ones. Their surface is almost smooth, light pink in color, with brighter eyes. On the cut, the tuber is white, has excellent taste.

Zhukovsky early potatoes reviews
Zhukovsky early potatoes reviews

Zhukovsky seed potatoes are planted whenThe threat of frost has already passed. As a rule, this is the end of April - the beginning of May. The tubers germinate quite quickly, and after just a couple of weeks they turn into well-formed bright green bushes. Since this variety belongs to early ripening, the crop is usually harvested 2 months after planting. Potatoes are highly drought tolerant and cold tolerant.

Shrubs do not grow very tall, they turn out to be slightly branched. But "Zhukovsky" blooms quite abundantly. Its corollas are pink-violet in color, this variety does not have berries.

What tubers look like

About 10 of them are formed under each of the bushes. "Zhukovsky" tubers are large (100-150 g), smooth, oval, light pink, sometimes beige in color with brighter eyes. With very little watering, yields can be lower, and under favorable conditions - above average.

potato variety Zhukovsky
potato variety Zhukovsky

This variety of potato, although it belongs to pink, its tubers are not too intense in color. Its flesh is almost perfectly white, as a rule, without inclusions of other shades. Due to the shape and size of the tubers, this variety has excellent consumer qualities, which makes it easy to sell it on the market if necessary.


Carried out depending on the weather, usually in the middle of spring. Seed potatoes "Zhukovsky early" germinate well, so amateur gardeners do not need to purchase it. It is enough to put last year's tubers in a box in several rows and holdthem at room temperature from 7 to 10 days (an instance with a sprout of at least 1 cm is considered ready for planting). Top potatoes are covered with paper or a light cloth. At the same time, the tubers must be periodically moistened and carefully turned over.

It is possible to carry out germination in a greenhouse. Then the tubers are left in bulk at a temperature of 4 to 20 degrees. Leaving them literally for a week in diffused light and high humidity, you can proceed directly to planting.

The density of the bushes in this variety should be medium, as well as the depth. Despite the fact that the Zhukovsky early potato variety is considered resistant to diseases, it is better to process planting material from parasites.

potato seed zhukovsky
potato seed zhukovsky


Zhukovsky early potatoes are rightfully considered one of the best early ripening varieties. Reviews of gardeners speak of high yields even in conditions of a limited planting area and minimal care. As a rule, it does not require additional processing during the growth process, it is enough to water it correctly, spud it several times and prevent the appearance of parasites. It is undeniably resistant to most diseases. This applies, in particular, to rhizoctoniosis and common scab. However, parasites such as the Colorado potato beetle, mole cricket and wireworm will still have to be fought, although the nematode bypasses this species.

Basically, the care of the variety comes down to the timely moistening and loosening of the soil, as well as the destruction of weeds.


Despite its drought tolerance, asas a rule, requires additional moisture and "early Zhukovsky" potatoes. Reviews indicate that in the event of a rainy summer, watering should be abandoned. A feature of the variety is intolerance to excessive moisture. To dry the soil during overflow or heavy rainfall, it must be loosened. With sufficient soil moisture, shrubs should certainly be spudded. This will allow you to get the maximum yield.

If frequent watering is not possible, then in a dry summer it is better to refuse hilling. This will keep maximum moisture in the soil. In case of significant overflow, in order to avoid rotting of tubers, it is necessary to organize drainage in the beds.

seed potatoes Zhukovsky early
seed potatoes Zhukovsky early

The low yield of potatoes of this variety can indicate either exceptionally low or very high levels of moisture in the soil. In both the first and second cases, the tubers may be too small or not form at all. To increase their number, top dressing will not hurt. But the main attention should still be paid to loosening the soil. It must be started even before germination.

Diseases and parasites

Growing their own vegetables in the countryside, gardeners quite often choose "Zhukovsky early" potatoes for planting. The description of its properties suggests that in this case it is possible to obtain a high yield even under unfavorable circumstances. The variety was bred to be resistant to most nightshade diseases. Therefore, the main attention of gardeners should be given to the destruction of weeds andinsects that feed both on the leaves of the plant and directly on the tubers.

The first category that can affect the potato crop is the Colorado potato beetle. You can fight adult insects and larvae both chemically and mechanically. In the first case, shrubs are periodically treated with special solutions. In the second, the beetles are simply collected and destroyed.

potatoes Zhukovsky early description
potatoes Zhukovsky early description

The other enemy of most tuberous vegetables is the bear. This exceptionally intelligent and hardy insect sometimes has a huge appetite. Fighting it can be difficult, since mechanical destruction is unlikely, and the bear is resistant to many chemicals.

Consumer qualities of tubers

Those who want to get a good harvest of “second bread” without much hassle should definitely pay attention to the “early Zhukovsky” potatoes. Feedback from gardeners confirms the ability to grow 150-200 kg on each acre of even not very fertile land with moderate watering and minimal maintenance.

Large smooth tubers with a few eyes are very easy to clean. Potatoes of this variety are cooked quite quickly. At the same time, it has excellent taste. Suitable for frying, does not fall apart during processing.

When properly stored in conditions of moderate humidity and temperature, it can remain he althy and tasty throughout the winter, right up to mid-spring.

potato variety Zhukovsky early
potato variety Zhukovsky early

To those who strive to grow goodthe harvest of excellent early potatoes on your own plot, you can recommend paying attention to the Zhukovsky variety. Its large smooth tubers can be dug already on the 60th day from the moment of planting. It is unpretentious and resistant to diseases, while it has excellent taste.
