If you imagine an aquarium in an apartment or house, then, installed on a table, it will look very ordinary, no matter how large the capacity is. A design of this kind will be simple, but there is one plus here - a lot of effort is not needed to create such beauty on your own. And a completely different thing - an aquarium mounted in a wall.
Why you should build an aquarium
Here he will look very unusual, stylish and attractive. An aquarium built into the wall is a truly unique design solution. In addition, such a design can become a functional product that can be used as a lighting device. But do not assume that making such an aquarium is difficult. First you need to deal with the technical side of the issue.
Installation opening

If you want to build an aquarium into the wall, you must decide how it will be installed. Here you can choose one of two options. The first provides a one-sided view, the second - a two-sided one. In the latter case, you will be able to see the structure from different rooms. This prospect is very attractive, but not always feasible.
If you have to work with a wall connecting the bedroom and living room, then for the first such decor may not be entirely appropriate. This is especially true if you take into account the sounds of the compressor, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the fish. You must consider the circumstances in order to choose the right location for the aquarium.
One-sided niche

The most important points in this case are two nuances. You must create a solid foundation that will take the load. This is exactly the place where the aquarium will stand. GKL or profile system cannot be used for this purpose.
However, aerated concrete or brick can be used. Drywall will allow you to form only the upper part, which will not be loaded. The top needs to be reinforced. If you will form a niche in a brick wall, you will need insurance for the upper bricks in the form of a crossbar from a metal corner.
Recommendations for creating an opening

If you want to build an aquarium into the wall, you can create an opening. It will allow you to installstructure viewed from both sides. The work here will be similar, with the exception of the moment that the bricks will need to be insured on both sides. If the opening is made in a load-bearing wall, and the width is greater than 0.5 m, additional reinforcement will be required. A metal frame is built into the opening from the same corner. It should be double - that is, wrap around the wall on both sides. The two halves will form a single whole, connected to each other by welding.
Before you build the aquarium into the wall, you should think about what the niche will be. It must have exact dimensions and be located in all possible levels. Its sides should be oriented vertically, and the lower and upper parts - horizontally. If there are minor deviations, this is not so scary, you can eliminate them with the help of finishing, applying putty, plaster or installing drywall with glue. The base of the niche or opening must be covered with plaster. Under the drywall, the entire space must be filled with glue. There should be no gaps.
What you need to know about opening sizes

If you want to build an aquarium into a wall, you must determine the size of the niche or opening. The height of the niche must be increased by approx. 100 mm in relation to the height of the aquarium. Above the glass container you will need to place a filter, a light and an air compressor. All this is connected to the power supply. For feeding, you must provide access. It is also important to consider the width of the niche.
Finish toowill take up space. If the opening is cut down clearly in size in a glass container, and then finished with drywall, the aquarium may not fit in its place. You must provide allowances, a technological gap of 10 mm should be left on each side. This will make it easier to install the container. Then the gap is covered with slats, plastic platbands or slats.
Before you build the aquarium into the wall, you must make sure that the flat container does not protrude beyond the niche. It is more difficult to achieve results in a situation with a double-sided aquarium, when the container must be flush with the wall. The most optimal solution would be to make a niche of the right size, and subsequently purchase a glass container. For a one-sided aquarium, this approach is ideal.
Features of preparation

With your own hands, an aquarium built into the wall can be installed in a room for any purpose. But this design will look more appropriate in the living room or in the kitchen. Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The wall where the installation is planned must be free from wiring. It shouldn't be a carrier. If the wires have been laid for a long time, and it is impossible to find a diagram of its location, then you need to “ring out” the wall with a special device. Only after this is the markup carried out. In order for the lines to be even, you should use a plumb line or a construction ruler.
To cut holes in the wall, drill several through holes along the perimeter of the outlinesrectangle. Using the same drill, all holes are connected into a continuous cut. If there is reinforcement in the wall, it is cut off with a grinder. An aquarium built into the partition should not interfere with anything. Therefore, fragments of reinforcement are sawn and removed. After that, you can remove the remnants of building materials and dust. Ideally, if all these works will be carried out during the repair.
Quite an important step in embedding an aquarium is the alignment of the slopes. Particular attention should be paid to the horizontal bottom plane, as it will be the platform for the structure. The alignment of the walls is usually carried out with gypsum plaster. After completion of these works, all sides are covered with silicone, which will act as a waterproofing.
Recommendations for work

A level ground is very important for setting up an aquarium. An imperfect surface plane can cause the top of the aquarium to protrude on one side, and on the other, sink into the opening after installing the container. In this case, the load on one side may cause depressurization of the tank.
After looking at the photo of the aquariums built into the wall, you may begin to think that fixing the structure is not required. At first glance, this is exactly the case, because some believe that under its weight the aquarium stands securely. But if you think that a person can inaccurately lean on a structure, you can imagine catastrophic consequences. It is necessary to mount the aquarium in the wall. You should take careabout restrictions that will not allow the container to move in one direction or another. It is also important to consider the effect of moisture on the wall or opening. In this regard, you should consider waterproofing.
High-quality ventilation is often organized around the aquarium. It is also necessary to take into account the rules of electrical safety. Grounding should be done or waterproof sockets should be used. If you are thinking about the question of how to make a built-in aquarium in the wall, then you should also pay attention to the attachment of the suspended structure. You can install the container exactly in the center of a large opening on a pipe structure. They can be used as a place for laying pipes for supplying air and filtered water. To make such a design yourself is quite simple from a technical point of view.
Pros and cons

The pros and cons of aquariums built into the wall should be studied by you before you start work. Among the positive features, it should be noted that the contemplation of the inhabitants of the water element calms and pacifies. The room with the aquarium looks very unusual.
But such a piece of furniture has some disadvantages. First, maintaining an aquarium can be quite tedious. Secondly, the compressor can make noise, which is annoying over time. Thirdly, there is a danger of depressurization, which can lead to flooding of neighbors and damage to their own repairs.
In closing
An aquarium in the wall can look very attractive in anyroom in your house or apartment. But before starting to embed this design, you need to think several times, because it is not always possible to carry out work independently and efficiently. In addition, maintaining such an aquarium can be very problematic.