Adjacent wall to wall. Wall-to-wall junction

Adjacent wall to wall. Wall-to-wall junction
Adjacent wall to wall. Wall-to-wall junction

The role of junctions in the construction of a residential building cannot be underestimated in any way. Wherever you look at a building under construction, everywhere you will see converging walls, layering floors on top of each other. The impression is that the entire building consists of one docking nodes. In fact, that's the way it is. Even the beginning of work on laying the foundation is sort of like the "adjacency" of the structure to the Earth. After that, the wall is joined to the wall, and then the floor. If the house is multi-storey, everything repeats. Then the roof is joined to the wall, after which the dwelling is ready. To make the construction of your house seem easier, an article has been written on how to properly mount the junction nodes.

adjoining brick walls
adjoining brick walls


They say that the foundation is the basis of the foundations of the entire future structure. As you start building a house, you will get such a result in the end. In fact, the foundation is only one, the initial stage of construction as a whole. And the main, basic, is the project (plan). Having decided to build your house or cottage, you must clearly understand what you want. Can you drawthe plan itself is fine. No - then order the project to the architect. I liked the neighboring house - do not hesitate to come in and ask to redraw. Only when you are sure of your desires and have a project in hand, then start digging trenches.

Remember it's better to design, dig out the extra partition and build the extra wall. It is always easier to disassemble it, if you suddenly have to, than to finish building it. The problem of junctions can affect you already at the initial stage if you make a cast foundation from concrete. But here everything is solved simply with the help of fittings. Take hold of the concrete blocks, start bandaging at the joints. The same with the plinth: we tie up the stone and block junctions, and reinforce the concrete ones with additional reinforcement.

wall-to-wall connection
wall-to-wall connection

Horizontal wall connection

The foundation is poured, the plinth is done, now is the time to start building walls. But don't rush! To begin with, regardless of the material from which you will be walling, you need to perform horizontal waterproofing. For what? This is clear to everyone. Waterproofing protects the walls and the premises themselves from destruction due to excessive moisture, protects against mold and fungus.

This work is carried out quite simply, for brick and block walls it is enough to put two rows of roofing material. If you are building a log or frame-panel house from a wooden beam, then in addition to the roofing material, it is not superfluous to apply bituminous coating. There are also many different antifungal impregnations and primers on sale now. Save your money, buy them and process at least the lower rows of the building.

floor to wall connection
floor to wall connection

Walls and partitions

Ideally, so that wall-to-wall junction does not become a subsequent headache, it is better to wall and partition at the same time. Of course, this doesn't always work out. Either there are not enough workers, or even the weather is running out of time for construction: the roof must already be erected, so the laying of the adjoining walls and the partitions themselves are postponed until later.

With a homogeneous material of internal walls and partitions, the problem is solved with the help of a vertical stroke. We release 1/3 of the brick from the outer wall, exposing the side edge to the level or plumb. It should also not be forgotten that each intersection and junction of brick walls is tied up with brickwork. Bandaging methods vary slightly depending on the thickness of the walls. But the main task is the same - to make the masonry as strong as possible.

wall junction masonry
wall junction masonry

Connection nodes

It often happens like this: for the construction of external walls, we take material of greater thickness, whether it be blocks or timber, and we make partitions thinner. As a result, it turns out that the seams do not match. How to arrange a wall-to-wall connection in these cases? An easy way is to use dowel nails or anchor bolts. We drill holes along the seam of the partition in the outer wall according to the diameter of the anchor or dowel-nail. We make the depth in such a way that they enter halfway. After a maximum of two rows, repeat the operation. We choose the thickness of the dowel or anchor so that they do not interferelaying the next row (6, 8, 10 mm).

For even greater strength, or at the junction of materials of various types, a wall-to-wall junction is arranged. If no dressing method is applicable at all, you will have to go to the store and buy shaped elements (FS-8). They are fastened depending on the material: self-tapping screws or dowel-nail. Alternatively, you can adapt an ordinary metal corner by fixing one side to the main wall, and the other to the partition. Then all the cracks need to be blown out with mounting foam. Whatever wall-to-wall junction you choose, you need to mount it so that the details do not interfere with subsequent finishing work.

roof-to-wall connection
roof-to-wall connection

Fastening facing masonry

Everyone wants a home that is comfortable to live in, cozy on the inside and attractive on the outside. A lot of money is invested in this beauty. But do not forget that in addition to aesthetics and grace, the structure must be durable and safe. Consider a fashionable option for finishing exterior walls with facing bricks, since the choice of this material today is huge.

The installation of combined walls (inside - a block or a rough brick) with synchronous masonry is simple. You simply bandage the front masonry from the draft side. If the coincidence of the seams allows, then this is done after every fourth row. In the case of a small difference between the seams, masonry mesh can be used for dressing. If the difference is more than two centimeters, take a wire with a diameter of 4-6 millimeters and bend the links in the form of the Latin letter Y.

And what to do if the draftthe wall is already ready, and the front one is just starting? The same, although it's not exactly wall-to-wall. We use dowels. Through the row we fasten the front side. True, you will need a lot of them, but do not regret, because the strength of the house is above all.

wall-to-wall connection
wall-to-wall connection

Roof connection

The best solution for brick, stone, block houses after the construction of the walls is the installation of a reinforcing belt along the top of the structure. This process is laborious, but it will greatly strengthen the building and facilitate work on the adjoining roof. Regardless of the floor material and roof structure, metal inserts or anchors are inserted into the reinforcing belt at the pouring stage.

Then everything is quite simple: we weld metal beams or reinforced concrete slabs to already inserted embedded elements, we put wooden beams or Mauerlat on the anchor. After the roof frame has been built, we close up the beams, having previously arranged waterproofing according to the principle of coating with bituminous mastic.

Roof to wall connection

Another sore point in the construction process can be the device for adjoining the roof to the wall. Of course, this can be avoided. Just when designing your house, try not to use this connection option. But if you really liked some kind of house or you are building according to a ready-made plan, then you will have to learn how to properly make the roof-to-wall junction.

In fact, with today's materials, there is nothing difficult in mounting the joint between the wall and the roof. The most important thing is that no matter whereno connection was made, the angle of inclination of the roof is taken into account. The more precipitation (snow, rain), the greater the slope needed. And depending on the angle, the width of the wall apron is calculated. Be sure to cut its upper curved edge into the wall, and then seal it with sealant.

roof-to-wall junction
roof-to-wall junction

Joint floors

When laying wooden floors, the main attention should be paid to the installation of both waterproofing and ventilation. It is necessary to start isolating already at the stage of laying the log, laying two layers of roofing material. It will not be superfluous to treat with anti-corrosion, anti-fungal impregnation. For floors made of concrete or mortar screeds, waterproofing is carried out along the perimeter of the premises.

The choice of modern materials in stores is large, and it is not necessary to use "grandfather" only. In the case of using a laminate or laminated board, when laying around the entire perimeter of the room, an operating gap is left. In order for the floor to wall to be of high quality and the material to last longer, you should follow all the rules for caring for it.
