A corrugated shed adjacent to the house: tips from the master

A corrugated shed adjacent to the house: tips from the master
A corrugated shed adjacent to the house: tips from the master

Most people have their country plots or private houses within the city, and the variety of building materials and their availability makes it possible to implement any ideas. It is no secret that any extension near the house gives it a peculiar appearance, and also plays the role of an auxiliary area. A canopy made of corrugated board adjacent to the house will become a comfortable space that will be protected from the effects of precipitation and save from the scorching sun. In such a place, you can arrange a summer kitchen, a living room, make a recreation area, a play area, and even equip a place for a car. In some cases, the shed can be used for household purposes to store lumber or firewood. The advantage of such a construction is the simplicity of the design, which allows you to do it yourself and minimize financial investments. In addition, a profile sheet for roofing is the most suitable option, because the standardthe length of the slope is 3 meters, and the maximum sheet size is 6 meters. The market offers ready-made sheets of different lengths of 1, 5, 2, 3, 3, 5 meters, which reduces labor costs and allows you to quickly and easily fix the corrugated board on the crate of the roof structure.

What is a canopy

corrugated shed adjacent to the house
corrugated shed adjacent to the house

By its design, the extension has a monotonous way of execution - these are shed canopies. But the execution of such a building can be different, it all depends on the purpose of the space under the roof near the house, the material and the imagination of the owner. There are several construction methods depending on the material used. Supports (drains) can be made of metal or wood. Roofing is done in the same way. The versatility of corrugated board lies in the fact that there is no need to adjust the ceilings for fastenings, because the ribs of the sheet are quite close and this is enough to fix the iron sheet. Finishing around the perimeter is also different. The canopy can be open, wired with a board with windows, polycarbonate, in the form of a terrace, etc.

Things to consider before construction begins

Everything is the will of the owner, but it depends on the functionality and desire of the master, what will be the canopy of corrugated board adjacent to the house. The calculation in this case is one of the main requirements for determining the required amount of material and accurate assembly at the construction site. If the construction involves self-installation, then this paragraph must be completedmust be approached responsibly.

shed awnings
shed awnings

Do not forget about the fundamental part of the canopy, because no matter how light shed canopies are in their design, the additional load is the snow cover, which in winter can harm the canopy, destroying it with its weight. Also, do not forget about groundwater and the movement of the earthen part when the temperature drops, which will also affect the entire structure.

General Canopy Structures

A corrugated boarding canopy adjoining the house can be made in two ways. This applies to the difference in the fastening of the elements that will eventually hold the roofing part. Do not forget about the calculations and the load. If you plan to make a visor from corrugated board above the entrance (porch) or to protect firewood near the house, then you can use stringers. This is a design when the emphasis is not on the ground, but on the walls of the main building. Kosoura are triangles, i.e. they work on the principle of holding a shelf for books.

profile sheet
profile sheet

The length of the visor is no more than 1.5 meters, and this is enough for the construction of the stringers to be reliable. Snow or wind effects are not terrible here; the canopy, subject to the rules for creating a reliable fastening, will serve its purposes for a long time. When the attached canopy should play the role of a full-fledged structure and have an overhang length of more than 2-2.5 meters, then it is necessary to set the support beams perpendicular to the ground with the creation of a strong stop. In this case, there are several ways and methodsfacilities.

Applied material and foundation arrangement

If you plan to make a canopy from corrugated board with your own hands using metal racks, then the best option would be to concret them directly into the ground. You can buy round or square rolled metal. Holes are made under the racks to a depth of at least 80 cm. To do this, you can use a shovel, a hand-held drill or a gasoline manual rig for drilling holes. It is advisable to strengthen the bottom with hard rock, such as rubble, so that the weight rack does not go deep. It is enough to use metal with a diameter of 50-80 mm, and place it at a distance of no more than 1.5-2 meters. It is necessary to make a drawing of a canopy from corrugated board in advance, calculate the load, design features, taking into account the sheathing or the use of other decorations to give an appearance. After installation, the crate is assembled so that the rigidity of the structure is betrayed. After the holes are concreted and left to set.

Using lumber to build a shed

do-it-yourself canopy from corrugated board
do-it-yourself canopy from corrugated board

If the corrugated shed adjacent to the house will have wooden posts, then two installation options can be used. The first one involves pinching, i.e., the end of a beam or log is adjusted to a metal pipe that will go into the ground. Thus, you can save on the device of the fundamental part. It is important to consider that the pipe should stick out of the ground by at least 15 cm, which will allow the wood in contact with the ground to keep itsstrength. The second design option involves the device of small nickels, on which racks will be installed. To do this, a layer of vegetation is cut off and a small depression is made in the area of \u200b\u200beach rack. Next, a backfill is arranged, and a small square of folded brick or monolithic fill is mounted on top. In this case, it is worth relying on the availability of material, abilities and skills. The further procedure, as with the metal version, is the same. The following steps fasten the profile sheet to the crate.

Installation of the truss system

drawing of a canopy from corrugated board
drawing of a canopy from corrugated board

The structural part of the crate can be made of metal or wood in different ways. Metal execution requires a welding machine and skills, so not everyone will go this route. But it should be borne in mind that rolled metal is more reliable than wood, which means that it will retain its original characteristics longer. Do not forget that the canopy is an inherently open structure, which means that the impact of the environment is obvious. Wood will require constant processing, and the joints will weaken over time. At the same time, you should not resort to fastening the metal parts of the crate with bolts and corners; in this case, only welding is a reliable option. Regardless of the material, the connection of the elements of the truss system is the same, but has some nuances.

Metal crate

Carried out by welding products together.

attached shed
attached shed

It is necessary to adhere to a pre-drawn drawing in order to prevent incorrect connections and dimensional violations. The crate is a honeycomb, the cells of which are not recommended to exceed more than 50x50 cm. A 20x40 mm profile pipe is mainly used, but with a long overhang, the indicators must be increased. The main rafters are located perpendicular to the walls of the house and are laid along the overhang. Short segments connect long parts to each other. Thus, the rigidity of the whole structure is given. It will also be useful to treat the metal surface with an anti-corrosion coating and paint it with paint. It is better to do this before installing the corrugated board, so that it is possible to apply protection to all sections of the crate.

Wooden frame

This technology can be implemented in two ways. If the length of the overhang is small and does not exceed 2.5 meters, then there is no need to install connecting (short) segments. It is enough to use the main guide, which is attached to the edge perpendicular to the wall of the house in the direction of the overhang. The board is used in size with a width of 45-50 mm, a height of 80-100-20 mm. The indicators are specified in relation to the calculations of the load on the canopy, the length of the overhang and the width of the span. If the canopy of corrugated board adjacent to the house exceeds 2.5 meters, then jumpers between the main guides will be mandatory. Their connection can be made by using metal corners or by cutting out seats and connecting to each other.

canopy from corrugated board
canopy from corrugated board

Desired result with the least effort

Summing up, it can be noted that the described material is not hard to reach, expensive, which means that any "handy" owner can make a canopy to his house. It is only necessary not to neglect the preliminary calculations, where a special technique can be used to establish the load. To do this, you do not need to study SNiP, just refer to the special literature, where tables and approximate calculations for all regions of the country have already been compiled (an example is in the photo below).

canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house calculation
canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house calculation

If there is any doubt, then the result of the load can be multiplied by 1.5 and be completely sure of its error-free.

Besides this, the manufactured corrugated board has a wide range of shades, which will not allow the canopy to spoil the overall appearance of the whole house, but, on the contrary, will give the owner the opportunity to give a unique look to his home. The main thing is not to neglect the general requirements for working with wood and metal products and follow the basic safety rules.