Where to start building a house: tips from the master

Where to start building a house: tips from the master
Where to start building a house: tips from the master

A new home is the cherished dream of many. But at the same time, there is a big problem. And it's not just about financial costs. Sometimes it is trivially unclear where to start building a house. We decided to present you with step-by-step detailed instructions, which will become a basic plan, help distribute finances, forces, opportunities, and think over important points.

When is the best time to start?

When is the best time to start building a private house? What do experts say about it? The most suitable period is late spring, when the snow melts, the threat of frost on the soil and melt water disappear. This will not interfere with digging the foundation pit and pouring the foundation. Yes, and labor productivity will be higher.

No matter how great your zeal, building from scratch does not fit into one season. The same foundation must stand for a year. Therefore, conservation of the process at its various stages is inevitable.

how to start building a private house
how to start building a private house

What material will the building be made of?

How to start building a house?Choose what material you will use. The following factors influence this:

  • Permanent residence or seasonal residence.
  • Budget.
  • Style preferences.
  • Possibility to attract a team or work independently.

Here are popular material options:

  • Brick. The most common material. Its absolute advantage is a long service life.
  • Foam blocks. Very good quality/price ratio. Light weight, excellent thermal conductivity - the undoubted pluses here.
  • Aerated concrete blocks. We have before us a durable and lightweight material, breathable, characterized by ease of processing and high thermal conductivity, low requirements for the foundation.
  • Arbolit. A type of lightweight concrete. The material is not very popular because of its high cost. But low moisture absorption and high thermal insulation qualities are its undoubted advantages.
  • Modular, frame construction. Work with such material is carried out in a short time. We also note the low cost of the material, its lightness.
  • Tree. This is a luxury building. Glued and profiled timber, round logs are popular.

When discussing where to start building a house, let's look at the pros and cons of the above.

how to start building a house how to start
how to start building a house how to start

Advantages and disadvantages of materials

We continue to analyze the topic. Question: "What do you need to start building a house?" difficult to call simple, because, answering it, take into accountthere will be many nuances. One of them is materials. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular.

Material Start of construction Approximate terms of work Pros Cons
Brick End of spring 5-7 months Thermal conductivity, durability, reliability Wet work, long term
Foam block End of spring 4-6 months Cost, speed of work, thermal conductivity You can buy a fake, non-environmental material, needs finishing
Aerated concrete blocks End of spring 4-6 months

(+ to the minuses of the foam block)

Shrinkage, cracking, full breathability

Arbolit End of spring 4-6 months Good thermal conductivity, reliability, speed of work It is possible to purchase a fake, high price, needs finishing
Frame, modular construction All season 1-2 months Speed of work, light weight, all-weather, no shrinkage Cost, poor soundproofing, fire hazard, needs finishing
Tree Beginning of spring 3-4 months Environment friendly, fast work, no finishing needed Drying, shrinkage, you need to involve specialists for work

Of course, the table will not help you figure out where to start building a house, but inin terms of material selection will definitely be useful. Let's move on.

Who will build the house?

Where to start building a house on the site? Everything else, with the decision who will be the builder. There are three options.

General Contractor. This is a company you trust to work inside and out. Starting with the development of the project and ending with the finishing work. Acquisition, delivery of materials under the contract may also become the responsibility of the general contractor.

Independent work. Building a house from start to finish by one person is almost impossible to produce. You will need to involve relatives, friends, colleagues - people who are familiar with similar works. Among the advantages - low cost of construction, full control over its progress. But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • Lack of knowledge (if you are not a professional builder) will affect the quality.
  • Increased construction time.
  • Difficulty in developing a complete project.
  • Full responsibility for results.
start of construction of a private house
start of construction of a private house

Partly independent work. That is, what you can do, you do yourself, and for other work you hire subcontractors. Analyzing where to start building a house, we will identify the shortcomings here:

  • Finding highly skilled workers can take a long time.
  • The risk of entrusting construction to non-professionals.
  • Plans may be disrupted due to poor quality or late work.
  • Maintaining full control - employees will performonly their duties.
  • Shared responsibility of specialists can lead to substandard results.


Here it is, the start of building a house! Where to begin? Now you need to decide on a budget. Let's imagine a handy table that will show what increases costs and what saves money.

Increase in waste Reducing waste
Custom building design Typical project
Intricate detailed design Simple building form
Availability of add-ons - swimming pool-sauna, garage, winter garden, balconies, verandas, cellars, etc. Replacing the second floor with an attic
Lots of rooms Small number of windows
Expensive materials Minimum number of interior partitions
Selection of inexpensive foundation material
Minimum recommended wall thickness
Choosing the cheapest roof configuration

Let's consider one more item that will help to correctly distribute the budget over construction cycles.

how to start building a house step by step
how to start building a house step by step

Budget allocation

We have already outlined where to start building a house on the site. It is also important to correctly distribute the funds you have so that due to unforeseen circumstances, construction is not suspended.

Stage of work Cycle content Percentage of expenses from the total budget, %
Preparation Collection of documentation, search for performers, preparation, project development 0-1
Zero Ditch, foundation 15-35 (depending on the type of foundation chosen)
Beginner Construction of walls, installation of truss structure, roofing, conservation of the object if necessary 35-40 (depending on the number of walls, roof configuration)
Final Working with door and window openings 5-15 (depending on materials, number of openings)
Engineering Laying communications inside the house and connecting them to central networks, conducting electricity, plumbing work, arranging heating and thermal insulation 15

And now for the next steps.

House project

How to start building a private house? Of course, you need to prepare its detailed design. There are three ways here:

  1. Order a ready-made standard project from a specialist. Today, the price of such a plan starts from 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Contact an architect for an individual project. The cost of one plan alone is from 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Develop the project yourself.

The plan for your future home is a system of the following parts:

  1. Sketch. Rough sketch of what you want to see.
  2. Architectural section. At this stage, it is determinednumber of floors, number, location and purpose of rooms. Next - the dimensions of the room spaces. It is important to determine the number and location of bathrooms, the presence of a basement, an attic, and their purpose. It is important to decide whether there will be a built-in garage.
  3. Constructive section. Detailed analysis of the arrangement of the foundation, walls, roof.
  4. Engineering section. The following points are considered here: lighting, electrical equipment, water supply and sanitation, ventilation, heating.
house building from start to finish
house building from start to finish

When preparing your own plan, pay attention to the following:

  • The project should take into account your future opportunities - expanding the house, adding extensions to it.
  • The plan must be agreed with the neighbors if the future building affects their rights and interests.
  • Each section is worked out in as much detail as possible - to make a clear estimate.
  • The lack of a project will make it difficult to connect the house to central communications.
  • Also, a building without such a plan could be declared illegal and demolished.
  • A topographical survey of the site is required to obtain its copy in the appropriate authority.
  • Professionals also advise conducting a geological study of their possessions to determine the nature of the soil, search for an aquifer.

Preparation of documents

Building a house - where to start? We are going through the steps step by step. The next one is an acquaintance with the acts regulating individual construction:

  • Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation(FZ No. 190).
  • Land Code of the Russian Federation (FZ No. 136).

From the documents it follows that before starting construction, the following must be submitted to the appropriate authority:

  • Application on the basis of which permission will be issued for it.
  • Document confirming your ownership of the land.
  • Approved house project.
  • Cadastral passport of the site.
  • Act on the establishment of the boundaries of the site.

According to art. 51 of the Town Planning Code, such a permit is issued for 10 years. In some cases (but only those provided by law) it is not required. Everything else will be considered self-build. Unauthorized buildings are regulated by Art. 222 of the Civil Code of Russia.

start building your own house
start building your own house

Site preparation

The start of building your own home must also begin with the preparation of the site for construction.

If there are old buildings on it, it is necessary to organize their demolition, clear the area of construction debris. Before that, they are disconnected from communications and be sure to report the fact to the local branch of the BTI so that the building is excluded from the register. If the area is empty, then go to the next one:

  • Construction of a temporary structure - trailer, cabins.
  • The device of the restroom - street with a cesspool or cabins with a dry closet.
  • Installation of a fence that will protect the construction site from prying eyes. You can build a temporary fence, you can immediately capital.
  • Preparation of the construction site - arrangement of access roads, places forconstruction waste, storage facilities for building materials.

Construction plan

And then events will develop according to the following scenario:

  1. Preparing the pit.
  2. Filling the foundation.
  3. Construction of the basement.
  4. Building the walls of the building.
  5. Roofing.
  6. Installation of windows and external gates, doors.
  7. Insulation building.
  8. Carrying out engineering communications.
  9. Arrangement of the blind area.
  10. Finishing work.

Since the work will be carried out for more than one year, at some stage they will have to be mothballed. Let's imagine the most suitable periods for this:

  • Filling the foundation.
  • Arrangement of the basement.
  • Building walls.
  • Arrangement of the roof.
how to start building a house
how to start building a house

Common mistakes at the beginning of construction

In conclusion, let's analyze the most popular mistakes that hinder the speed and quality of work:

  • Focusing on the most favorable prices for building materials, provided works. Often low cost leads to low quality.
  • The absence of a building project. May threaten to demolish it.
  • Replacing materials with similar ones (in layman's terms).
  • Laying the foundation without geological survey of the site.
  • No utility plan.
  • No detailed estimate.

Building your own home is a very responsible business that needs to be thought through "from and to". And come up toit is seriously needed already at the beginning of construction.